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Everything posted by Zipper5
ArmA II is far from perfect. I haven't heard anyone say it is perfect in this thread yet. What they are saying, however, is that between ArmA II and DR there is no competition at all. ArmA II is the blatantly obvious victor, even in it's current state.
Not this shit again... You know, I really can't be bothered to repeat the same thing for the 1000th time. So I'll just say go look it up for yourself.
I notice that everyone is now contradicting many things that we've taken for granted over the last 9 years. First that BIS' games are no longer military simulators, and now that BIS does not make niche games. Since BIS makes nowhere near the amount of money most mainstream developers make, I would call them a niche developer. You know, discounting the fact that they make games where you're an average Joe and one shot can end the game...
Yes, I knew about the ammo type menu. But, like the stupid radial command menu, you can't do anything when you're in it. It's ironically much quicker just to switch it yourself than using the menu. It is a bad game. You cannot say that it isn't a bad game. You can say that you like said bad game, but so many aspects of it are incredibly flawed. You can have fun with said bad game, but you'll be one of very few, as you have undoubtedly found out. You cannot deny that there are some very bad issues with the game. That's just being blind.
I call it crap for many reason, with the most important one, in my eyes, being that it is titled Operation Flashpoint and is not Operation Flashpoint. The game itself is just bad. The mechanics are crappy, worse than ArmA II. You can't move at all when accessing the radial command menu, you have to cycle between all fire modes to get back to what you want (and that takes a really long time compared to ArmA II), you have to reload your M203 every time you select it before you can continue switching, other than the M203 reloading you get no visual indication of changing the firing mode, the AI is dumb as a rock (even with an Echelon), they've been modified so that it's very hard for them to hit you (creating "Hollywood tension" rather than realism), a shot to the head rarely kills the player, bodies disappear, cars fly up when they hit small rocks (much worse than it is in ArmA II, or even the original OFP for that matter), and the list just goes on and on. Not only is it a disgrace to the OFP name, it's a bad game. Period.
Don't worry, many more missions are on the way. ;)
Aw, few more hits to that chopper there, Templar, and you'd have caused it to crash. Yes, Operation Flashpoint's name was not sold to Codemasters - CM owned it as part of their contractual agreement with BIS when agreeing to publish the game. It's a registered trademark of CM, unfortunately. I do believe that ArmA and Armed Assault are now registered trademarks of BIS. I hope, at least. Oh, and lol @ the "Give me a fucking break!" and the "I'm not getting paid enough for this shit!" That's exactly what I'd say if I got shot. At least Codemasters got that right... :rolleyes:
Yeesh, did you take the long way or what? :p I'll think about putting something along the route to Zelenogorsk which stops the player from going there. Also, as you may have noticed, you are told not to attack them, as you'll die. However, I forgot to check if the player has fired his weapon. Right now it only checks if you're within a certain distance of the town. Thanks, though. I'll add that in the next release.
Crisis is spelled with an I. Crysis is another game entirely. ;)
Woah, what the? I'd rather have come 5th. :butbut:
Codemasters have no idea how to program AI, it seems. Technically, what is placed in the editor should be what both devs find to be "100%". So placing an AI with the normal settings in DR, and placing the AI with normal settings in ArmA II, should be exactly how it's tested. In that case, DR clearly fails. And you could even take it a step further and do as Bulldogs said. But theoretically, that isn't really a fair comparison. I still believe that even with an Echelon in use, DR's AI would not have a significant improvement in the tests done in this video.
Well then, templar, why is it that a soldier (without being told to do anything) is able to do that in ArmA II, but needs such thing as the Echelon in DR (something that is meant to be used to create squads, not improve the AI) to work properly?
I'll say this based on the idea that you're using camera.sqs, I hope. Basically, you need to find an angle that you want using camera.sqs. Then left click once. This copies the data needed to reproduce that camera angle. Go to a script file and press Paste. The code will appear. Now, to get this to work in a SQF file, you need to remove the ;;== and date part at the start, and add a semi colon ; to the end of each line. The last line with the 0 at the end says how long it'll take for the camera to move to that angle. So, if you have to camera angles and you want it to move between them, on the second one, you change that 0 to a different value. It's in seconds, by the way. So if you choose 5, then it'll take 5 seconds to move. You need first to create the camera too. Here's an example from one of my SQF scripts: _camera = "CAMERA" camCreate [11474.65,11345.55,0.88]; _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"]; _camera camPrepareTarget [-87498.02,-2198.84,4687.41]; _camera camPreparePos [11474.65,11345.55,0.88]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.539; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _camera camPrepareTarget [-67759.29,-47633.39,-15355.67]; _camera camPreparePos [11474.65,11345.55,0.88]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.539; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; Notice how there are two there. After each line has a semi colon ; because it's in SQF format. The 10 means that it will take 10 seconds to move from the first shot, to the second shot. I recommend downloading ArmA Edit for your sound issue. In there you will find a Description.ext Wizard, and in the bottom right of the window that pops up, it has CfgSounds, CfgMusic and CfgRadio. Use it to get your files in game. And you should have the Modules there, provided this is actually ArmA II you're playing... Hope that helps you out.
Uh... Crisis is spelled with an I, Crysis is another game entirely. Sorry, you say you love them and play them to death? :D If you like DR despite it's issues, just like we like ArmA II despite it's, then fine. However, you know that CM treated the franchise with utter disrespect and pissed off a lot of people. I would ask that you don't play into their hand a second time around. Events like that are what lead to the gaming industry being what it is today. If they were to make a sequel to DR, and actually treat it with respect, and actually make something that could possibly rival BIS' achievements, then that'd be great. It'd actually do the OFP name justice. However, DR does not, and I find it very improbable that CM will even make a sequel, let alone one that significantly improved.
I would say that I care because that gives them funds to come out with the sequel to Dragon Rising, which will probably make them even more money due to how well they manage to mislead customers, and then allow them to repeat the cycle, all in all establishing the Operation Flashpoint name as one of the worst gaming franchises in existence, when it started out as a classic and a first of it's kind. And no, in no way is that Dragon Rising. I haven't played your mission, Templar, because I uninstalled DR a long time ago, and am not planning on reinstalling it at all. Why do the reinforcements help the enemy? Even so, I believe ACM already does that. It'll do it for both your side, and the enemy. In fact, all sides that you tell it to. Units won't spawn in areas that you've already cleared, but like they would in real life, they may move back to it. But you'll be very hard pressed to find themselves in the same location you did the last time. What's wrong with them being in the forest? I've never seen ACM put vehicles in the forest, but I have seen it put units. When there are forests, do you not patrol them?
Thanks to all our active Mod and addon maker community members.
Zipper5 replied to nettrucker's topic in OFFTOPIC
Yes, thank you to everyone. You, along with BIS, make these games to be the best on the market. I owe it all to you, having now spent almost a decade playing OFP, along with other BIS titles. /Signed -
Yes, I'd agree with you there, but the difference with ArmA II is that all this complex scripting is accomplished by putting down a few modules some small settings, then away you go. One of the most beautiful things that BIS made for ArmA II. Edit: Nope, you are mistaken there. My friend gave it to me after he absolutely hated it, and I was willing to take it off his hands just to compare it. I, myself, have left it in the closet to gather dust and taken it off my HDD.
Yeah, I'd agree that it's the best. But the competition isn't exactly huge, is it? :rolleyes: Well, the AI mod was more of a hack than anything. Something which CM then also turned around and spat in his face by disabling all mods. I'm very surprised after that incident that he's working so closely with them. We blame Codemasters for abusing the Operation Flashpoint name and it's community that naturally follows such promises, and we blame Templar for trying his best to keep it alive, when frankly, it deserves much less. Even the original fans of the game have turned on it, the most significant, of course, being Sir_Polaris. The Heroes have even disbanded.
It took me around 20 to 30 minutes to get up to where I was, and that's with starting to fine tune it. SniperWolf's probably took him significantly less. Both show just how simple it really is.
Well, Templar, when that community is willing to pay CM $10 more for your mission, despite complaining about them charging for that abysmal DLC, then yes, I would say that's just grounds. It's hardly the kind of community that should be behind an Operation Flashpoint title. Then again, the only one that exists is this one. ;)
True, but sometimes, it can screw up. I like to prevent stuff like that. Still, you have a point.
By the time I had found that mission, I had already imported the Manhattan base from the Harvest Red campaign, placed all the player's unit, placed and scripted the AH-1Z for combat and MH-60S for transport, placed all the modules, done some tweaking of the settings and listed the base as a blacklisted area to stop things from spawning there. Essentially, if I didn't want to fine tune it, the mission is already complete bar a briefing. ;) Edit: Damnit, SniperWolf. :( Well, as I said, it doesn't take that long.
Easily done with a simple SQF script. Just as easy as the first one. Quite easy to limit the areas in which the modules can spawn entities. Bit odd to have it take you back to base when all the vehicles and weapons are at random starting points, isn't it? I could do that, but to be honest, having you start at a base makes more sense. SecOps Module covers that. Ambient Combat Module covers that one. Combination of SecOps and the Ambient Combat Modules. Done with a combination of the Ambient Combat and Civilian Vehicle Modules, one for enemy vehicles, one for civilians. Also, it's easily made "intelligent" through use of the Location Game Logics and some small code. ;) Edit: Hm, hold on a second. This may have already been accomplished very soon after ArmA II was released, thanks to {USI}. Link.
No, not really. The only thing I missed seems really to be the random time of day and weather. But I shall take you up on your offer. ;)
It's largely because you're supporting a game which has forever tarnished the name Operation Flashpoint, and was so obviously a money grab that many people unfortunately paid for. You have obviously contacted and gotten close to certain members at Codemasters, and as they offer you a shot to do something fairly significant in terms of getting your name out there, you've disregarded exactly what they're asking you to do - fix their game so that they can get even more money out of such an obviously shoddy game. You cannot possibly deny that. O rly? I can easily type it here. Place down the ambient combat, civilian, civilian vehicles and animals modules, along with SecOps, use a bit of code and conditioning that would take very few seconds, place the player in a squad, and badabing.