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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Correction: compared to the Battlefield: Bad Company spin-off series. Battlefield 2's sounds were worse than ARMA 2's in my opinion.
  2. One less of these trash magazines. I honestly don't care about it going under. Now, if only a similar case could be brought up with Fox News and yield the same result...
  3. Zipper5

    Mission Editing Competition 2011

    Thanks, means a lot. :) Unfortunately I do not have the time at the moment to devote to making a new unofficial campaign or mission, so I will not be entering the competition. Either by using a method like SaOk just described or simply testing your mission to make sure the mod you're testing with doesn't break it. It is all entirely optional.
  4. It's not like I disagree with the changes he raises, I just completely lost respect due to the provocative way he wrote his post and I knew it would do nothing but incite anger. If someone made a thread on the same topic as this but opened with a mature post then I would have taken it more seriously.
  5. Zipper5

    Thoughts so far....

    That's part of Take On. You must have disabled it before. Use Right Ctrl + H to toggle the HUD.
  6. Well, this thread's going to go well...
  7. Well, this thread has passed its allocated offtopicness level.
  8. This section of the forums is getting more ridiculous by the day. Anyways, Primarch - this is not the first time you've caused problems, as the number of infractions attributed to your account clearly shows. When your two week holiday is up you can make a decision as to whether or not you want to remain a contributing member here. 2 week long post restrictions can easily be changed to permanent ones should you so desire. Now, back on topic please, people.
  9. Zipper5


    You sound like you have not seen any of the physics interactions in VBS2. Vehicles have properly simulated physics, vehicles can also be transported by other vehicles, there is also the ability to attach a trailer to a tractor and said trailer behaves realistically. That's just a few examples to show it is by no means just for "ropes". YifGESd0o0A
  10. Zipper5

    Moh soundtracks!

    Get the MOH music files, convert them to OGG, then follow this.
  11. Zipper5


    As far as I am aware, processing that would otherwise be done by PhysX can be offloaded to the CPU in VBS2, so I highly doubt it'll be any different in ARMA 3. Anyways, before you start freaking out at all things you perceive as evil, such as nVIDIA I guess, wait until we get some more clarification.
  12. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 82448

    I've sent a bunch of crash dumps to Dwarden but these betas all pretty much constantly crash my ARMA 2 no matter what -malloc setting I use, so I too have gone back to 79600 for the time being. :)
  13. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    Always start playing these games in vanilla form. Only move onto ACE when you know the vanilla workings well enough. Stops troubles like these from occurring. ;)
  14. Zipper5

    Menu & Graphics Problem

    No, EDcase, as I said in that exact same thread this is a common problem with unpatched versions of ARMA and new hardware. Apply the latest patch and the problem will go away completely.
  15. Zipper5


    Just posted on Take On's Facebook page:
  16. Zipper5

    Xbox 360 Controller for GOTY edition?

    Well, I stand very corrected. I'll have to try that myself!
  17. Zipper5

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Jake_Krieger... Garry's Mod runs on the Source engine. ARMA 2 & ARMA 3 run on the RealVirtuality engine. They can't just implement Garry's Mod's method into ARMA 2 & ARMA 3... FPDR
  18. Zipper5


    Buy ARMA 2: Combined Operations, or at least ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead, and your problems will be solved.
  19. Zipper5

    Xbox 360 Controller for GOTY edition?

    Nope. The free aim in OFP is hardcoded and unchangeable, unlike in the games that followed it.
  20. Zipper5

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    It's most likely just crappy journalism. There is no mention of this guy in the official ARMA 2 Reinforcements content.
  21. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 82448

    Just use: this setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations",true];
  22. Zipper5

    Rasman Joint Use Airfield

    Those errors are due to you not owning ARMA 2.
  23. Zipper5

    Xbox 360 Controller for GOTY edition?

    I have no idea if this will work with GOTY but try downloading & installing the Pinnacle Game Profiler and then using this profile. In all honesty you should be leaving your Xbox 360 controller behind.
  24. I can't believe some of you think getting rid of the AI is the right thing to do. I swear I'm losing braincells by the second reading such posts...