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Everything posted by zonekiller

  1. Hi Tinboye Thanks for your support If you run this in the startup command line -autoInit (which is a good idea as it set everything up before you join) you cant change the params as they will always run the default ones you can edit the description.ext to change the defaults to what runs best for you I also recommend running -serverMod = @inidbi2 in the command line as it hides the mod in the server list as clients do not run this Yea sorry about that vengeance1 an update to the cleaner script kinda effected AI units as well so new update to the cleaner script - Im always finding better ways to do these things Hint If you need to fill your canteen from a water tower - climb the ladder to do it. Peoples I need feed back on the faster zombies -- Like it or not ? Andie well the chopper got me yesterday im sure it will be hunting you too
  2. NEW UPDATE - REDOWNLOAD V12 ZKs -=LOST=- APEX - V12 Re-sampled some of the sounds and adjusted volume Updated the zombie code -- careful they can run now - If you see an AI come running past you - start running or get ready to shoot found and fixed a bug that caused your AI units to die if they were too far away from you -- REDOWNLOAD V12 again
  3. Hi Evil and Andie - Thanks, glad to see you all the like the Mod. Feed back gets updates :) @Andie Goto the map and select briefing and in the LOST section - everything you need to know will be there
  4. LOL Nice -- see what happens when you dont complete the missions on time :)
  5. New LOST APEX Update 28-Jan-2017 For Tanoa and Atlis ZKs -=LOST=- APEX - V12 show position on action menu name above the head more Zombies added sound effects for almost everything. don't you hate it when a chopper spawns under a tree - well now if you have an axe you can cut down the tree Tweaked the way the mission spawns random groups and vehicles - more random now idle chat when groups are patrolling - you may hear them before you see them. more pain sounds when you wound enemy or if the wound you or your team tweaked the boat missions Different buildings give you different supplies you can fill canteens from water sources as well as rain The mission is just more viscous
  6. Yup that has been done too Military buildings will have a bigger chance of weapons Medical buildings will have more chance of medical supplies Industrial - tools transport buildings - tools - vehicle parts Houses anything ect
  7. Servers Up and will be till Monday It needs some heavy testing added sound effects for almost everything. don't you hate it when a chopper spawns under a tree - well now if you have an axe you can cut down the tree Tweaked the way the mission spawns random groups and vehicles - more random now idle chat when groups are patrolling - you may hear them before you see them. more pain sounds when you wound enemy or if the wound you or your team tweaked the boat missions The mission is just more viscous Zks -=LOST=- Tanoa - AU IP - port 2302 Playing on Tanoa this weekend
  8. Hi Guys show position on action menu would be good. DONE name above the head DONE more Zombies DONE You can lock and unlock access to add you as a friend by holding down the Shift Key and using the actions You can show everyone or just your friends your position on the map by holding down the Shift Key and using the actions Re-download -=LOST APEX=- Hi PoundlandBacon The best way would be to run a dedicated server on your pc and join that with your game https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server Its not as hard as it looks :)
  9. Thanks Kremator & Vengeance. I have different friend options in the params I'm sure I can add see everyone option also. Perhaps allow 'show position' on action menu would be good. hmmm great Idea - I may make this the default I should be able to do the name above the head also - as an option in the params But for now - backpacks always think backpacks get them for you and your AI as no bad guys wear a backpack (HINT) loot spawn for specific places, This is a good idea and will look into it. (may have an idea to make this happen)
  10. Hi Vengeance, LOL I bet Krem loved that. But thats an easy mistake to make. it add a bit of a twist looking that same as bad guys so you have to look and watch before your shoot unless its shooting at you then kill it player or not :) You dont loose your friendship status on death or respawn - once a friend always a friend until a new database is started - which means a fresh game but both of you need to add each other as friends
  11. Hi Guys the vehicle locking thing should be fixed just re-download the mission , It will not effect the database
  12. Servers Up and will be till monday Zks -=LOST=- Altis - APEX- AU Playing on Altis this weekend
  13. The servers only an i5 desktop with 8Gb of RAM on a 100/40 net connection and I have a second system setup the same as a headless client if needed Ive have had well over 10 players online at once with out the headless client and it runs perfect also I have done a test to see how long before the server needed a restart (without HC) and I had it running for over 300 hours so if any other server moderators wish to run this Mod Please DO
  14. @everyone Thanks for your supportive comments i'm glad everyone seem to like it - Just a note the more players on the island at the same time the more of a challenge the mod is @MrPlague Im glad you like it and it will be good to see you and your friends on the server Yea Sorry Vengeance I had to do a vehicle reset to Tanoa and maybe due to a script error i found - all sorted now tho If you need to know how everything works in the Mod while in game go to the Map and look in Briefing and in the Lost tab is all the information about what everything does.
  15. The server will be up on weekends aussie time for now, search for Zks -=LOST=- If i get more of an interest I will leave it on longer or PM me if you wish to help with the bills :) Also let me know what map you wish as i can switch between Altis and Tanoa and you stats are remembered for each island
  16. I put gear in the mission vehicles that way it pays to kill all the bad guys and check the vehicle before you destroy it I will have a look at the boat issue maybe a setpos when it gets to the surface may fix it
  17. In the main Missions where there are vehicles - have you looked in the vehicles inventory before blowing it up ? also there is an ammo box near where the vehicle was after blowing up the vehicle
  18. Hi vengeance1 They will stay locked for 5 real people days :) about 100 game days You get tents from doing main missions - tents are always locked Servers been down due to financial issues - its still running on weekends and early evenings
  19. Made a few adjustments for 2017 just redownload V11 and replace your existing copy of lost
  20. Hi Phronk, I like your work, well done I used your Idea and this bit of code in my mission -=LOST=- and it works well, I don't need to carry them on my back as they are carried in the players inventory in my mission. chopHam={ private["_me","_stam","_nearObj","_tarCond","_tar"];//"_LoS" _me=_this select 0; _me setAnimSpeedCoef 1.1; _me playMove "AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_end"; sleep 1.12; _me setAnimSpeedCoef 1; _stam=getStamina _me;_me setStamina(_stam-16); _nearObj=nearestObjects[_me,["Man"],1.8];_tarCond=[]; {if((alive _x)&&{(_x!=_me)})then{_tarCond set[(count _tarCond),_x];};}forEach _nearObj;//Sets condition for nearestObjects if(count _tarCond==0)exitWith{}; _tar=_tarCond call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _LoS=[getPosATL _me,getDir _me,90,getPosATL _tar]call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector; if(_LoS)then{ if((alive _tar)&&(_tar!=_me))then{ if(_me distance _tar<1.9)then{ _tar setDamage((damage _tar)+(0.45)); if(_stam>=75)then{_tar setDamage((damage _tar)+(0.05));}; if(_stam>=90)then{_tar setDamage((damage _tar)+(0.05));}; if(_stam==100)then{_tar setDamage((damage _tar)+(0.25));}; }; }; }; };
  21. New APEX Update 24-Nov-2016 For Tanoa and Atlis ZKs=-LOST=-APEX - V11 In This Update Air vehicles have Ear Muffs to reduce noise. If you have a Rope in your player inventory you can Tow or Lift other vehicles and players can get raised or lowered from flying VTOL aircraft or choppers. You can eject and parachute out of most AIR vehicles (No Chute needed in inventory). You are able to push boats if they are on land (you need to get into driver position and then get out first). When your in the drivers position you can set ownership of the vehicle (this must be done before you can lock vehicles) You may lock vehicles only the owner can unlock them. Vehicles will stay locked for a maximum of 5 days. Vehicle inventory will be inaccessible in locked vehicles. Units in your group will try and find their own weapons,ammo and medical supplies including DEFIBS Units in your group can heal themselves if they have medical supplies in their inventory. If you have an AXE-SHOVEL-HAMMER-KNIFE-WRENCH in your inventory you can use these as Melee Weapons use LMB. No other players can take your items out of your tent or take your tent.
  22. Latest Versions Updated 12 Nov 2016 Fixed Vehicle Missions ZKs=-LOST=-APEX
  23. @CTG Balu G-day from Australia I would love to see your Novoga port when its done :) Im glad you like the mod -- have you tried the fast repel and pickup from choppers yet? To answer your questions 1. where we can edit the loadout for Firstspawn In the IniDBi folder look for the Player_Start.sqf script look for this section if (random 100 > 80) then {_player addItem "zk_vitamins"}; if ((random 100 > 80) or ((paramsArray select 15) == 1)) then {_player addItem "zk_itemmap";_player assignItem "zk_itemmap";}; if (random 100 > 80) then {_player addItem "zk_bandage"}; if (random 100 > 80) then {_player addItem "zk_f_canteen"}; if (random 100 > 80) then {_player addItem "zk_ricebox"}; if (random 100 > 80) then {_player addItem "zk_file1"}; add stuff here sleep 2; PLAYER_READY = true; }; This section only runs when you start and after dieing without a defib you can change the items with other ZK_Items or give them a gun and ammo ect . If you add a gun make sure it is in the array WEAPON_ARRAY or REWARDS_WEP If it is not then add it to Code\Shared_Arrays.hpp script and add the Ammo of a new weapon to AMMO_ARRAY and any new weapon items to WEAPON_ITEM_ARRAY if they dont already exist which can be found in Code\Server_Arrays.hpp or the game will think your cheating and remove all your stuff 2. how to disable the Zeds. in the Params set the T-Virus active to NO or in the Description.ext change class T_Virus { // paramsArray[22] title = "T-Virus Active :"; values[] = {0, 1}; texts[] = {"No", "Yes"}; default = 1; //Change to 0 to set the default to no zombies };
  24. I have a new server running Zks-=LOST=- APEX Address Hostname Zks -=LOST=- Tanoa AU all you need is the ZKs_ITEMS addon Come on, enjoy and survive if you can ​Look in the first post or in the missions briefing to find out all you need to know about how to play