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Everything posted by zonekiller

  1. Here is a onmapsingleclick support pack Artillery AmmoDrop and AirStrike All you need to do is create a trigger called supportairport and put that anywhere you want the planes to start from (does not need to be an airport) create an empty {AV8B2 called WestAir for West} or {SU34 called EastAir for East} and put it somewhere on the map . only create one example: [3] exec "support\airstrike.sqs" adjust the 3 to better set the timing of dropping bombs or ammo 1 = drop later 5 = drop earlier SETUP : 1: setup a radio trigger called AirStrike text=AirSrtike name=AirSrtike In the Activation put [3.1] exec "support\airstrike.sqs" 2: setup a radio trigger called AmmoDrop text=AmmoDrop name=AmmoDrop In the Activation put [3.8] exec "Support\AmmoDrop.sqs" 3: setup a radio trigger called Artillery text=Artillery name=Artillery In the Activation put [] exec "support\artillery.sqs" 4: setup a radio trigger called Cancel Strike text=Cancel Strike Name=cancel1 In the Activation put cancelled = 1 5: setup a radio trigger called AirStrike text=Cancel Ammo name=Cancel2 In the Activation put cancelled = 2 Then copy the support folder to your mission To Easy In the AmmoDrop A Damaged Medic tent will appear if you go to it you will automaticly put it up you need to be right next to it. at night time flares will show you where the ammo is There is a test Mission Things i Need help with: 1: Get planes not to target enemy vehicles instead of dropping Bombs / Ammo? they will still do it but it may take 2 or 3 runs. NOW FIXED 2: Is there a way to select the target without going to the map? Maybe setup a menu or something. 3: Sometimes the Ammo dissapears? NOW FIXED FIXED UPDATED MISSIONS AND SCRIPTS BELOW Test Support Mission Rar Test Support Mission Pbo and the Onsinglemapclick Support Pack and my Randomenemy and Grouplink2 scripts in one Mission Random Enemy Mission Pbo Im Working on a sqf version but am having trouble with the onmapsingleclick, after clicking on the radio it does not wiat for you to click on the map. i have to put sleep 5: anyone know how to fix this. ?
  2. This Script Makes a plane that will fly to where you click on the map and it will drop bombs then return to the place it started and it gets removed from the mission, you can call new planes every 15 seconds. works with SP & MP Sample mission "this is still a little messy but fun" if you are on a gun press F to use the AA Bullets "pbo" http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/missions/arma/airstrike_test.sara.pbo "rar script folder" http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/missions/arma/airstrike_test.sara.rar FIXED UPDATED SCRIPTS WITHOUT TARGET ASSIST BELOW These have a different code than listed below : Read the help.txt Test Mission Rar Test Mission Pbo and the Onsinglemapclick Support Pack and my Randomenemy and Grouplink2 scripts in one Mission http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/randomenemy.Sara.pbo What you need: in the init.sqs put ----- assist = 0  5 x triggers 1st  Set it to blufor present make it repeat in the name call it Airport the activation put ----- working = 1 in the Deactivation put ----- working = 0; hint "Air-Strike on its way \nETA 30 Seconds." 2Nd Set it to Radio Alpha make it repeat in the text put ------ null the activation put ----- 1 setRadioMsg "Click on map"; [this] exec "AirStrike.sqs"; 3rd Set it to Radio Delta make it repeat in the text put ----- Target Assist On the activation put ----- assist = 1; hint "Target Assist is On" 4th Set it to Radio Echo make it repeat in the text put ----- Target Assist Off the activation put ----- assist = 0; hint "Target Assist is Off" 5th Set it to Radio JULIET make it repeat in the text put null the activation put ----- menu = 0 thats it just goto your map and click on "select a target" click on  target assist on or off depending what you want then click on the map , as soon as the radio says "select a target" again you can call in another airstrike The Target assist will check for any men or vehicles within 200 mtrs of where you clicked and update the target and marker when the airstrike is 1300 mtrs away. If your trying to destroy buildings turn off Target assist The Script Call It Airstrike.sqs ---------------------------------------------------------- <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;Script By Michael ---  www.zonekiller.ath.cx --- zonekiller@iinet.net.au ~0.5 ;?!(local Server): exit ?(assist == 0) : hint "Target Assist is Off" ?(assist == 1) : hint "Target Assist is On" ;allows cancel working = 0 menu = 1 ;makes target Dropzone = "Logic" createvehicle getpos airport @(alive Dropzone) or (menu == 0) onMapSingleClick "dropzone setPos _pos" ~0.5 _markername = name player ~0.5 _markername = _markername + "'s DropZone" _Dropzone = Dropzone ~0.5 _Dropzone setpos _pos @_Dropzone distance airport > 50 ;create marker ~0.2 _marker = createMarkerLocal [_markername, position _Dropzone]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [.8,.8]; _marker setMarkerTextLocal _marker; 1 setRadioMsg "Please wait" ~1 @(working == 0) or (menu == 0) ~5 ;1 setRadioMsg "Select Target" 2 setRadioMsg "NULL";  3 setRadioMsg "NULL"; 4 setRadioMsg "Target Assist On"; 5 setRadioMsg "Target Assist Off"; 6 setRadioMsg "NULL"; 7 setRadioMsg "NULL"; 8 setRadioMsg "NULL";  9 setRadioMsg "NULL" 10 setRadioMsg "Cancel Orders"; ?(menu == 0) : _marker setMarkerType "empty"; goto "cancelled" ~0.5 ?(menu == 0) : goto "cancelled" _planepos = getpos airport _squadvcl = [] _squadsld = [] _unitClass = "AV8B2" _unitCount = 1 _unitType = "vcl" ?(menu == 0) : goto "cancelled" _group = createGroup west _group createUnit ["SoldierWPilot", _planepos, [], 0, "FORM"]  _newsld = (Units _group) select 0 _squadsld = _squadsld + [_newsld] [_newsld] join grpNull ~0.1 _itemcount = _itemcount + 1 _vcl = _unitClass createVehicle _planepos _sldClass = _vclCrew select 0 _newsld moveindriver _vcl _leader = _newsld ~1 _vehicle = vehicle _leader ;x = [_vehicle] execVM "markersplanes.sqf" deleteMarkerLocal _Marker ;change marker name _pilotname = " Pilot is " _pilotname = _pilotname + name _leader _markername = _markername + _pilotname _marker = createMarkerLocal [_markername, position _Dropzone]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [.8,.8]; _marker setMarkerTextLocal _marker; ;sets pilot skill _leader setskill 0.10 ;Target Assist on or off ?(assist == 0) : _ta = 0 ?(assist == 1) : _ta = 1 1 setRadioMsg "Select Target" ~0.5 ;starts the plane in the air - no runway needed - _vehicle setPos [(getPos _vehicle select 0),(getPos _vehicle select 1),(getPos _vehicle select 2) + 1000] @(alive _dropzone) or (menu == 0) or !(alive _leader)  ~2 ;move to target _leader doMove getpos _Dropzone @(_vehicle distance _dropzone < 1300) or !(alive _vehicle) or (menu == 0) or !(alive _leader) _vehicle setspeedmode "limited" _vehicle setBehaviour "CARELESS" hint "Range 1300" _vehicle flyinheight 50 ?(_ta == 0) : _objects = [_dropzone] ?(_ta == 1) : _objects = nearestObjects [_dropzone,["jeep","car","tank","truck","ship ","men"],200] ~1 _Target = _objects select 0 ~0.1 _dropzone setpos getpos _Target ~0.1 _marker setmarkerpos getpos _Dropzone ~0.1 _leader doMove getpos _Dropzone @(_vehicle distance _dropzone < 350) or !(alive _vehicle) or (menu == 0) or !(alive _leader) ?!(alive _vehicle) or (menu == 0) or !(alive _leader) : goto "cancelled" ?!(menu == 0) && (alive _leader) : hint "Target Acquired." _vehicle flyinheight 50 ;wait till in position @(_vehicle distance _dropzone < 170) or (unitReady _vehicle) or !(alive _vehicle) or (menu == 0) or !(alive _leader) ?!(alive _vehicle) or (menu == 0) or !(alive _leader) : goto "cancelled" ?(menu == 0) : goto "cancelled" _num = 4 _i = 0 ~0.3 ;Drops bombs #bombs ?!(alive _vehicle) : goto "cancelled" _bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" Createvehicle [(getPos _vehicle select 0),(getPos _vehicle select 1),(getPos _vehicle select 2)-3] _bomb setDir (getDir _vehicle) _bomb setVelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0)*0.2,(velocity _vehicle select 1)*0.2,(velocity _vehicle select 2)*0.2] _i = _i + 1 ~0.15 ? _i < _num : goto "bombs" hint "Bombs Away.\nHeading Home." #cancelled ?(menu == 0) : 1 setRadioMsg "Select Target" ~1 _vehicle setspeedmode "full" _vehicle setBehaviour "CARELESS" ;move back to the place of start _leader doMove getpos airport ?(menu == 0) : hint "Orders Canceled.\nHeading Home." ?!(alive _leader) : "MayDay MayDay Im Going Down." ;cleans up the mission ;_marker setMarkerType "empty" deleteVehicle _Dropzone deleteMarkerLocal _Marker ;when back at the planes starting pos it will delete the plane and pilot @(_vehicle distance airport < 1000) or (unitReady _leader) or !(alive _vehicle) or (menu == 0) or !(alive _leader) #end ~0.2 deleteVehicle _vehicle ~0.2 deleteVehicle _leader exit ---------------------------------------------------- Have Fun Michael
  3. The onmapsingleclick support pack has been updated all known bugs fixed FIXED UPDATED MISSION BELOW Test Mission Rar Test Mission Pbo
  4. zonekiller

    onmapsingleclick support pack

    i have used disableai "autotarget" disableai "target" but when i add enableattack false it works!! but any on there own does not work "Thanks"
  5. zonekiller

    onmapsingleclick support pack

    Thanks for your input I have found the same thing sometimes the first run does not work in some missions THIS IS NOW FIXED RE DOWNLOAD THE MISSIONS
  6. Hey guys i did manage to work out a few bugs. i did fix that crashing prob with a set velocity the new updated stuff with artilerity and ammodrop are in my new onmapsingleclick support pack. which is in this forum  thanks for the feed back im still working on a sqf version also i have put a enemy version in grouplink 2 as well as the onsinglemapclick in my randomenemy script http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/randomenemy.Sara.pbo
  7. zonekiller

    Artillery Script Difficulties

    Here is a onmapsingleclick support pack Artillery AmmoDrop and AirStrike Test Mission i here http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/support.Sara.rar http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/support.Sara.pbo You will find it works the way you want
  8. zonekiller

    Random Enemy

    Sorry guys i found out that you need at least one east soldier on the map somewhere and diff = 3 added to the init.sqs for it to work in single player mode same download tho http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/randomenemy.Sara.pbo other stuff on the little island is requiered for GL2 and thats where i put the east soldier
  9. Download The Mission Here http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/randomenemy.Sara.pbo To run the Random enemy script you need  <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [] exec "RE\RandomEnemy.sqs" in the init.sqs Diff = 3 and to have different difficulity settings {which just adds more or less enemy units} you add this to your description.ext and the triggers in this mission associated with param <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> titleparam2 = "Skill:"; valuesparam2[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}; defvalueparam2 = 30; textsparam2[] = {"Very Easy", "Easy", "Normal", "Hard", "Very Hard", "Insane"}; also add the RE folder into your mission folder. and at least one east soldier to the map somewhere Trigger settings:--- ;_trigger = starting pos of enemy "does not need to be own trigger" ;_enemyunits = how many enemy units you want to have start "0 = random 3" ;_type = what type of enemy unit "all = random, ground = ground vehicles or troops, air = air vehicles, "T72" = T72. ECT ;_unitlist = the array of units you want this enemy group to track or the trigger \ object enemy units will patrol around ;_movement = type of movement for tha enemy "any = random track,roam,patrol,airtrack. track = enemy will track west in _unitlist, roam = enemy will roam the island, patrol = enemy will patrol 500m around trigger; airtrack = for enemy planes ,enemy will track west in _unitlist; ;_distance = if _distance > 0 it will create the enemy unit in a random position that distance away from the trigger. ;Example  [tr1,3,"tank",tr1,"track",0] exec "RE\enemy.sqs"  or [tr2,0,"all",tr1,"patrol",250] exec "RE\enemy.sqs" you can add serveral to one trigger ;Example  [tr1,3,"tank",tr1,"track",0] exec "RE\enemy.sqs"; [tr2,0,"all",tr1,"patrol",250] exec "RE\enemy.sqs"; [tr2,0,"men",tr1,"track",500] exec "RE\enemy.sqs" type of enemy Random Types : ie Tank = Mission will pick the type of Tank , it will be different every time the mission starts "ALL"  "VEHICLES"  "MEN"  "AIR"  "TANK"  "GROUND"  "SQUAD" Non Random Types : ie T72 = Mission will Have a T72 every time the mission starts "T72" "Mi17_MG" "MechInf" "BRDM2_ATGM" "INF" "MI17" "VIP" "ZSU" "BMP2" "BRDM2" "SMINF" "KA50" "URAL" "URALINF" "UAZMG" "Mi17_MGINF" "Mi17INF" also you can setup a trigger around every town so that the enemy are only created when you get near that town. which saves on cpu power The Mission Is just a testing mission, it has an old ver of Grouplink2 which needs no addons and has an enemy airstrike added to it, I prefer this gl2 to any others You can set the Mission to day , night  , morning , evening and very easy to insane to test your skill. only in multi player tho In single player it defaults to Day and Normal When you do blow up the fuel depot a script call bomb will run which looks cool as all the barrels explode one at a time very quickly and the damage radus is up to 200 mtrs so dont be to close or set a timer satchel which are at the back of the fuel depot in a ammo crate try this mission and the scripts in your own missions but please give some feed back of your thoughts Download The Mission Here http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/randomenemy.Sara.pbo Michael
  10. zonekiller

    New to Armed Assault editing ?

    has anyone thought of setting up a teamspeak room to help beginers understand stuff would it be of any use
  11. zonekiller

    Random Enemy

    Thanks Rocko I will dl that script and have a look at it well i looked at it and mine is nothing like that.
  12. zonekiller

    ThinkTank - Persistant Servers

    i have written most of the scripts needed to do what you need email me at michael_moon@westnet.com.au if you still need some ideas and scripts
  13. zonekiller

    MP airstrike script

    if you dont have a script then go try this one out -> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?al=Zonekiller_script it comes with a sample mission so you could see how its implemented into a map, plus the player can say where to drop the airstrike
  14. this is what i do _array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; titletext[format ["\n\n\n %1 ", _array], "Plain down"]; then the array will show on your screen so you can see what is happening
  15. Sorry for the delay but i have been away if the plane is hitting the ground you have a hill in the way. or set the setpos to 1500 high
  16. Try not to merge everything twice next time
  17. City_Escape_V1  12 player Coop MP-SP In this mission you have to rescue 4 Officers and get them to the Evac point, Its only about 1 Km but it can be hard going. I use Grouplink 2 which was Converted to Armed Assault by =\SNKMAN/= which I then added AirStrike commands to it. I also use Revive Respawn  Spectating script v1.2 - By Kegetys Updated for ARMA By Michael and =\SNKMAN/=. In this mission you don’t need to be leader the Ai Know what to do. This Mission works in MP or SP, In SP you fight during the day with difficulty set to normal but in MP you have the choice of Day or Night, Morning or Evening. And 6 different difficulty settings. Stealth is the best way to do this mission, The Officers will be somewhere within 200 Meters of the Crash Site. The East are patrolling the town looking for the Officers if the East don’t see you they don’t know your there. It’s a fun Mission and never the same twice. There are no bugs that I can find but it may need 1.05 to run properly. Any feed back will be good Thanks Michael Download this mission from http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/missions/arma/City_Escape_V1.Sara.pbo
  18. In the Radio Alpha Trigger you could put in the activation This && player == typeOf "type of solider" it may work
  19. In the Radio Alpha Trigger you could put in the activation  This && player == Leader player that way only the leader player can use the radio to make a time limit you might try calling the airstrike script from another script ie In the Radio Alpha Trigger you change the [] exec "airstrike.sqs to [] exec "airstrikeStart.sqs" make a new script call it airstrikeStart.sqs [] exec "AirStrike.sqs" ~10 showRadio false ~60 showRadio True hint "Air Strike Squad Now Ready" Exit somthing like that Michael
  20. im sure many people have , but in not sure if many are like this one tho. it has differences. Thanks UNN I agree
  21. zonekiller


    i have a mission which is like that in alot of ways. it is a tad complicated for beginners and has alot of different stuff in it feel free to pull this mission apart and i hope it help with some code revive_rescue_mission http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/mission....ara.rar Michael
  22. i wrote this on the weekend and it works realy well If you have empty vehicles in a town and when the AI move into town they will jump into whatever is there and if it fills up the rest of the group will find a new vehicle ect ;; IE 1 group of 20 will fill 2 tanks, 1 vulcan, 3 jeeps ect  THE TRIGGER [thislist] exec "getin.sqs     trigger array --- set a delay so the group have time to get in the trigger or [alpha] exec "getin.sqs      group or [man1] exec "getin.sqs      leader unit ;Script By Michael ---  www.zonekiller.ath.cx --- zonekiller@iinet.net.au _grp = _this select 0 _aunits = units _grp ~0.1 ;makes an array of all empty vehicles on the island of these types , Add more types if needed  _objects = nearestObjects [leader _grp,["jeep","car","air","Tank",truck"," ship"],6000] _b = 0 _t = 0 _s = count _aunits ; if no empty vehicles exit ?count _objects == 0 : goto "exit" ;if unit is already in a vehicle goto next unit #loop ? vehicle (_aunits select _t) != (_aunits select _t) : _t =_t + 1; goto "loop" ~0.1 ;selects first vehicle in the array _truck = _objects select _b ;if no vehicles within 200 mtrs exit, change to suit ? _truck distance (_aunits select _t) > 200 : exit ~0.1 ; check for empty positions in vehicle _freecommander = _truck emptyPositions "commander" _freedriver = _truck emptyPositions "driver" _freegunner = _truck emptyPositions "gunner" _com = 0 _driver = 0 _gunner = 0 ;if you set this number to 2 it will leave 2 empty spaces in the vehicle. 1 for 1 , 3 for 3 _cargo = 0 ;if vehicle is not empty get next vehicle ; take this line out --?(_h > 0) : _b = _b + 1 ; goto "loop"-- if you want ai to get into a vehicle that has some units in it _c = units _truck ~0.1 _h = count _c ~0.1 ?(_h > 0) : _b = _b + 1 ; goto "loop" ; puts unit into these position if available ~0.2 ?(alive (_aunits select _t)) && (_freedriver > _driver) : _driver = 1; (_aunits select _t) AssignAsdriver _truck; _t = _t + 1 ~0.2 ?(alive (_aunits select _t)) && (_freegunner > _gunner) : _gunner = 1; (_aunits select _t) AssignAsgunner _truck; _t = _t + 1 ~0.2 ?(alive (_aunits select _t)) && (_freecommander > _com) : _com = 1;(_aunits select _t) AssignAscommander _truck; _t = _t + 1  ~0.2 _b = _b + 1 ~1 ;check how many cargo positions are available _freecargo = _truck emptyPositions "cargo" #getin ;if unit is already in a vehicle goto next unit ? vehicle (_aunits select _t) != (_aunits select _t) : _t =_t + 1; goto "getin" ~0.5 ?(alive (_aunits select _t)) && (_freecargo > _cargo) : (_aunits select _t) AssignAscargo _truck ~0.1 ;when vehicle is full it will look for next vehicle ?(alive (_aunits select _t)) && (_freecargo <= _cargo) : goto "loop" _t = _t + 1 _cargo = _cargo + 1 ;selects next unit to get in the vehicle ~0.1 ?(_t < _s) : goto "getin" _aunits orderGetIn true exit i have found no problems with it as long as there is some empty vehicles on the map and they are within 6000 mtrs of the unit Michael
  23. Thanks I would like to know how to check for the second gunner
  24. zonekiller


    try having a invisable heli pad on the map some where and in the script where you have the onmouseclick get the invisable heli pad to setpos getpos to where the mouse clicks i do it with my airstrike script that way you one have 1 object in the mission and it just gets moved around Michael
  25. the command _truck emptyPositions "gunner" only reports 1 gun position even in choppers so it appears just dump some vehicles in front of a squad set a trigger to [alpha] exec "getin.sqs" and and on the leader put in alpha = group this see what happens Michael