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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. This looks very very cool. I'm glad I found this thread.
  2. ziiip

    Leprechaun Hat

    Hahah, this is really cool.
  3. ziiip

    SyNcRoNiCzZ WIP Thread

    The texture definately looks cool. About the mags, you should remove two pouches from the guy on the right. The left looks good.
  4. This looks great to me, what's your problem? :D
  5. ziiip

    SLX Mod WIP

    Thanks for checking out which pbos are faulty, Günter.
  6. ziiip

    PMC extension

    I use them for the pictures only.
  7. ziiip

    PMC extension

    Maybe, I don't know anything about getting the model ingame yet. They can even have russian voice.
  8. ziiip

    PMC extension

    Don't worry, I keep the other one too. So we can have some variation.:)
  9. Isn't it going to be noticable on the edges of the images?
  10. ziiip

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Oh crap, better take off that link before the police arrives. It hurts to see peple get perma banned for things like this.
  11. It sounds logical that you can use the model you bought that you paid for in the process addons, doesnt it.
  12. ziiip

    Project RACS

    Yeah, but c'mon, thats just a cube stretched out along one axis. ;)
  13. ziiip

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    I dont feel anything bad about the movement. Your gun is ready to be fired within half a sec after you stop. Maybe you feel its bad cos of crappy fps?
  14. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    Since its just a demo that ends on 13th march anyway.
  15. That's too bad, this is my favourite content mod. Anyway, thanks for all that has been released already.
  16. The first picture looks so nice, you shouldnt give up.
  17. ziiip

    Free time, hobbies etc.

    I have a skateboard, havent used it for a while though cos buying shoes over and over again because of the grip is quit costly too.
  18. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    They bette put this castle map in the game...or else. pix: http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54940 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54943 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54942 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54937 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54939 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54935 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54934 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54938 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54941 http://www.hardwired.hu/g.php?img=54936
  19. Obj works well with Blender I think.
  20. Those models look epic so I downloaded the Lamborghini, but unfortunately its in lwo.
  21. ziiip

    WIP: Qom Province

    Just had the chance to watch the full trailer and I'm even more impressed. I especially love the highway, finally we have it on a map.
  22. ziiip

    WIP: Qom Province

    The scenery looks good, the question is: how does it compare with Takistan in size?
  23. ziiip

    Critics Condemn Violent Video Game Set In Juarez

    My feelings towards these kind of news have become completely neutal due to the repetition. Every time something like this comes out, x people reply with OMGs and WTFs and yeah, it gets boring after a while.