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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. ziiip

    The Witcher 2

    Yeah, the mutagens were weird. It made me wonder why you could loot so many crappy ones when you have only so many slots. Btw I've read some people complaining about act 3, but I thiugh it was visually great despite being a ruin. It could have been a lot longer though. I must say, I'm ready for an expansion already.
  2. ziiip

    The Witcher 2

    The combat is a lot of fun aside from the auto-lock which wants to screw you over and over agin. I didn't find the story boring and actually it's the most mature RPG out there. Can't say too much about the first one though, the combat system of that game broke it for me, so I didn't buy it.
  3. ziiip

    ArmA 3 like Battlefield play 4 free.

    I was exaggerating, but you get my point. I'd never want a dumber ArmA game but I wouldnt mind more people being interested it because BIS deserves the money.
  4. ziiip

    ArmA 3 like Battlefield play 4 free.

    So you'd rather see the game sell poor and BIS go bankrupt just so that you dont have do deal with monkeys?
  5. ziiip

    ArmA2 for free!

    Why did you decide to leave your cave and enter civilization? : P
  6. ziiip

    Merkava... IDF??

    Yep, I meant the camo.
  7. ziiip

    ArmA2 for free!

    Not to hijack the thread, but ArmA2 was also the full game once for a Hungarian gaming mag aboot 6 months ago. Nice to see other contries do the same.
  8. ziiip

    Merkava... IDF??

    It's a definitive refreshing factor to have the IDF ingame. Btw, why do the US soldiers look like Australians?:D
  9. ziiip

    High resolution wallpapers

    I'm from Central Europe but I'd really like that image with the USA flag in a bigger version.
  10. ziiip


    Isn't that the so-called depth of field?
  11. ziiip

    Chechen Rebels

    One little nitpick though, could you put them in the Guerillas/Men(Chechen) category instead of where they are currently?
  12. Theres old school CTI on the Angry Insects servers pretty often.
  13. ziiip

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    What game is this?
  14. ziiip


    For me, this is the biggest feature for ArmA3 and I hope that it will be as extensive as possible. Pushing thing over, throwing thing around etc has always brought joy to me.
  15. ziiip

    China's Ghost Cities

    Another glaring example that shows human idiocy has no boundaries.:rolleyes:
  16. ziiip

    Nobody plays anymore, atleast for MP

    Do you see servers that use CO if you only have OA or ArmA2? Because there are always some servers with people playing, although the number of ppl do change with time of day.
  17. ziiip

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    I enjoy richly deatiled environments.
  18. Size of the state of New Jersey? That is sick.
  19. ziiip

    High resolution wallpapers

    900x563? Really? And that other one with the American flag isnt huge either.
  20. You forget the Witcher 2 as well guys, cmon. Anyway, here's a vid without all the talk. I praise the graphics of ArmA2, but loo at that first scene. :butbut:
  21. ArmA1 had a good "unarmed running/sprinting" animation and it boggles my mind why they replaced it with something so bad in ArmA2.
  22. Good, I'm always ready to shell out some bucks to BIS.:cheers:
  23. ziiip

    Ghost Recon: Online

    Wow thats a really bad mentality. I want BIS to earn the money they deserve very well. On topic: I was facepalming already when they showed cloaking in the trailer of the latest non-online GR game.
  24. Who needs ArmA3 with stunning visuals and a stunning set a features when you can just buy a much more primitive game running on an aging engine and still spend indefinately more money on it even after purchase? I know I dont. :D
  25. This game is scheduled for release this year, right?