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Everything posted by ZiRo

  1. ZiRo


    I can assure you i have taken all these points into account. A brief run down of where the addon size is going: -BAS Stuff (not tonal) -Marine Addon Pack -HYK Modern US Infantry -VIT APC Pack -CoC Torpedo's and Unified Artillery -Sigma's Tank Packs -DKM Choppers and obviously some others... but these are generally smaller files, which could be included as a large RAR/ZIP, seperate from some of the popular ones i mentioned above. However I agree totally with your points about file size, i will cut out some less essential addons. Trying my hardest not to sacrifice the feel and atmosphere they create.
  2. ZiRo

    Rock throwing addon

    I really wish i could use the weapon from the tonal pack with standard civi's. but that'd mean including the entire pack for the sole purpose of having some rock thowing civi's. -ZiRo
  3. ZiRo

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Im already making a campaign with my concoction of addons, which is pretty smilar to these exept with a few more odds and ends. What would be best, using UCE russian infantry or the such russian infantry for general russian infantry? Also, i chose the vit apc resistence over edges. mainly cus they suited the story a bit better. -ZiRo
  4. ZiRo

    Bas delta/ranger update

    time estimate on the BAS rangers/deltas with Earl weapons? i need them for my campaign thats all, which im starting soon and i would rather not have to go and re do all the weapons. I made a sort of JAM script, to allow me to easily give all US soldiers earl weapons. Also for East. So i guess i could just edit that when the new pack comes out. -ZiRo
  5. ZiRo

    Woodland hummers

    depends if he changes the class names between now and then mate. I think he might have to change the desert ones because of the des_west problem. Im no CPP expert i just love these damn hmwwv's -ZiRo
  6. How can i get the NUMBER of DEAD ENEMIES within 100 of a UNIT key words in caps :P some local variables you might want to use: _enemysidetrigger _leadergroup <<<< the unit Thanks -ZiRo
  7. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_friendsclosedead = ({_x distance _leadergroup < 100} count (list _sidetrigger)) How do i change that to get the amount of DEAD people within 100 that are in the list _sidetrigger? -ZiRo
  8. ZiRo

    Cam creating

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">shell = "shell125" camcreate [getpos shellpos select 0, getpos shellpos select 1, (getpos shellpos select 2)+100] Thats what you asked for, use a gamelogic called shellpos to position your shell -ZiRo
  9. ZiRo

    Syntax question

    Also how can i "add" to a variable. for example <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_side = (side _startleader) How can i turn that into the side + the word trigger: so if the side was east it would be easttrigger or westtrigger or guertrigger etc. I thought about <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_sidetrigger = _side + trigger but i wasnt sure and havent tested. Thanks ZiRo
  10. ZiRo


    fixed it, i redefined setcaptive somehow :S -ZiRo
  11. I get an Unknown Operator error when i try this. It doesnt tell me when im in the mission editor but only when ingame. Any ideas? -ZiRo
  12. ZiRo


    Im not stupid :P Its: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this SetCaptive true but i get unknown operator error. I Also tried (for the record): this setcaptive 1 this setcaptive = true setcaptive this setcaptive = true setcaptive true setcaptive 1 this setcaptive -ZiRo
  13. ZiRo

    Bipod down or up??

    i could be wrong but scripting an up and down bipod would require the movement of proxy reletive to the objects location (the bullet birth place, dunno its z* name),which cant be done, the only way u can do it is not moving the proxy, but u'd have the bullets coming out of the same place. you could do this: make both, up and down bipod mg's, make a script thats built in so when the gunner does an action, it takes the gunner out, removes the standing one and creates a small one in same positon and puts the unit in as driver. maybe? -ZiRo
  14. ZiRo


    Lads, if you make terrains and dont want to use them, upload them and post them here, maybe someone else could find a use for them.. im having problems making mine look good... most of the ones i make have massive cliffes near the rivers or edges, annoying. and can any1 explain the terrin errosion. and can any1 explain why my builder displays seethrough ground sometimes? -ZiRo
  15. ZiRo

    Mf conquer the island v1.0

    oh well, but mr. moderator man, we dont want mfcti to feel like people have lost interest in this thing, theres a damned cult on ofp multiplayer, nearly half the maps being played are mfcti or mfcti hybrids. I think im gonna spend a few weeks making a BAS version when they release their mh60. -ZiRo vive la mfcti
  16. ZiRo

    Mf conquer the island v1.0

    sorry jsut getright being stupid, this needs a bump neway, mfcti is the best damned mission ever, i would buy ofp just to play mfcti, even though i spend like 40 minutes waiting to get enough players, then get kicked out cus of ping cus they cant be bothered to wait another 30 secounds for me to load up, when i just waited about an hour for them to even join! annoys me sometimes, when im admin - they dont argue :P -ZiRo
  17. ZiRo

    Mf conquer the island v1.0

    exept the download links dont work -ZiRo
  18. i want to automatically place my beaches, i cant select my entire beach, it would take forever. how can i do it? btw, i made my own textures, they rock ;) -ZiRo
  19. ok lads, thanks alot i got it working, i created a new "section" for each texture, instead of putting them alltogether if that makes sense... -ZiRo looks good now, maybe use bulldozer to make mountains and then add stuff..
  20. ZiRo


    Max > Export > .ASE Visitor > Import Terrain > find it the plane must have been 256x256 with 256x256 segments in pixle measurements. -ZiRo
  21. ZiRo

    Getting some more mlod models

    yeah, i'd quite like to have some custom forests for ofp. come on bis you know we deserve at least one thing when we want it :P MadDogX, pls pm me your msn, i really need to talk to you on msn (dont ask why, i just want to talk to you, and i wanted to talk to you about somthing else aswell and i had "MadDogX pls contact me " in my msn name for weeks incase u was already in but ur not) -ZiRo
  22. I want to use the barracken addon to make some bases on my island, how? -ZiRo
  23. ZiRo


    you do relise they gonna have a hard time getting up that wall.. and wouldnt it have been easier to do a 128x128 then copy mirror weld, copy mirror weld? it isnt exactly the same on both sides ;) -ZiRo
  24. Could a decent person add all the tree's and roads and stuff to a .pew file for people to download, saves adding all the stuff every time u start an island. Please? -ZiRo