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Everything posted by ZiRo

  1. @SCFan: no edited config message and yes its fully MP compatible - because it doesnt edit any wgl units, just adds new ones. -ZiRo
  2. ZIR_WGL_Config_4_11.rar New version out, check original post. for WGL 4.11 + Adds new Vehicle classes that use a RHS crew. So RHS crew 0.5 needed aswell now. -ZiRo
  3. ZiRo

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Fixed my damn config after about an hour and a half. Works with all the updated WGL configs etc. See my thread. -ZiRo
  4. ZiRo

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Will this overwrite my edited <pbo> or just edit? Which files are changed/altered by the installer? Will i have to do some tweaking to get my <edited config> to work after i patch? -ZiRo
  5. For my Artillery/Mortar fire solutions im think im going to use CoC UA 1.1, because: A) i can make the ai use it pretty well. B) i can let the players use it. (if they are in commanding roles) C) more types of fire at my disposal. But im not saying your work is bad, its good quality, its enevitably going to get used. Well done, more of the same please -ZiRo
  6. Not much CPU power needed from what i played with. And yeah theres some taller hills, one with an LZ ontop which is pretty cool. -ZiRo
  7. 12k island - nice, too uniform though, its like 'base here, base here, village here' where are the rivers? 25k island - longest loading island i have downloaded, nice LZ's, nice bases, nice towns, only down fall is the barroness of the landscapes outside the forests Video thing: first minute and a half of constant gun fire only yielded 1 vc casualty :\ 10 minutes later, after getting bored of seeing a SF guy lying by a tree, black m60 gunner standing by a tree, an old VC crouched by a bush and the gunship, i decided to quit. There were some nice shots, like when the SF guy uses his m203 (scripted?). other than that its pretty boring although the chopper cams are nice. I never saw one guy actually shoot anyone, just random dead bodies around. For 15 odd US left, only seeing 2 of them in the cycle was pretty poor. -ZiRo
  8. ZiRo

    Test ecp config

    Yeah, if you give me a default BIS config.cpp that I can edit. But you should really try the ECP . I have - i just want a standard BIS one for my campaign -ZiRo
  9. Just use the Officer for the spotter, if he needs mortar support (e.g if he encounters large numbers of enemy compared to his own numbers), then he can, but only if theres an RTO. I think that'd be a better system, but keep your current one with the spotter aswell if you see what i mean. Just get them out of the groups for a start ;) I understand what you mean about the ai not using spotters and totally understand, but then again - do you really need someone to give anything other than a map click/coords? -ZiRo
  10. I'm liking what im seeing - i would be very interested in reconfig'ing this to my needs exept it requires the mortars to be in the same group - which im not to happy about. I'll take a look closer tommorow - i'll rip it apart and taylor it to my needs - if thats ok? Edit:Right, I've looked at the pbo, about 50 sqs files, i don't have time. Could you do me a favour? I just wish they didnt require the observer to be in the group, it makes things difficult to actually let squads call fire, not just FO's. + it looks odd when your squad has half the team taken up by mortars -ZiRo
  11. ZiRo

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    @Matty UnPBO '/wgl/addons/wgl_men_config.pbo' and open CfgSoldierEBasic.hpp Search down the for 'WGL_SoldierEFT' and Whats your MSN? @rgreenpc VS looks nice, exept lots of members + no WGL. -ZiRo
  12. ZiRo

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    The Flamethrower Unit is configed - i've seen it myself, though it is equipped with a standard infantry loadout, so i concluded they never actually got round to making a flamethower weapon, let alone making it work. But its there, in wgl_men_config.pbo in CfgSoldierEBasic.hpp I love WGL 4.10 I wish i had a squad to go with it. Can anyone suggest one that ENJOYS clearing large areas of infantry, using tactics and support available to achieve their objectives, who spend time using bounding overlap - for about half an hour with no contact, who enjoys TAB'ing accross large areas of the island to the objectives, who like to get as close as they can before opening fire, who cover each as they move. That is unique - thats what i got with USMC when i played with 2/3 of them last night - first time in ofp i had proper fun. Makes me want to go out and do it in real life in the countryside of England - then again I'd probably have like SAS or somthing rapel from a Lynx, with 4 Warrior IFV's and a Gazelle in suport to arrest me. If anyone, is in a squad that matches that description, please let me know, the only thing that stops me with the USMC is the Required Military Service they have > (oh and the fact that im not american, or over 18, but heh, i can blag) -ZiRo
  13. ZiRo

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    I agree with Lt_Damage but i disgree with the way he handeled it. The WGLRespawn should be false by default in my opinion, because the majority of missions wont be using it and many have been made without hte intention of using it. Its like creating an array of weapons that can be heard, you dont, you create an array of weapons that cant be heard - simply because theres less to list. -ZiRo
  14. ZiRo

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    I went on the public and it had like 5 missions in total, paintball, 2 mortar tests (one of which was actually tacticians AI anti tank test mission - i think) and 1 capture and hold - whats going on there? Phaeden, i'd love it if you could add me to your msn: zpcstrike@hotmail.com I have somthing rather important to talk to you about if thats ok? -ZiRo
  15. Sorry for the previous one word post. I wanted to keep the playability and balance of WGL Pack with this, so i didnt include any weapons or anything other than new models. plus, the AI cant use the javelin. -ZiRo
  16. ZiRo

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Do the AI use the WGL Grenades? Where can i find a place with lots of WGL missions? The USMC server is basically a ghost town and damn you for only accepting Ex US Mil. Personel! I want to play with WGL as a team, who isnt all rambo and shit. -ZiRo
  17. Yeah, im going to add the Zil 13x's when they come out (22nd april) I've also added the RHS Crew (which means adding new versions of all the east vehicles) So in the next version at least: RHS Crew Zil 13x pack I didnt add the RHS tanks cus i didnt see the point in adding 20mb extra of addons for 2 measly tanks that are used in reserves. When they release the t80 pack maybe. Taking Suggestions. -ZiRo
  18. Yes, WGL is nice, but now im just adapting it to give it somthing extra aswell as keeping the originals. -ZiRo Someone test please, im the only one thats been able to test so far.
  19. ZiRo

    Winter usmc

    Medicus, well most people do actually like to play with authentic looking units. So they can actually pretend they are part of a recon team, tabing across nogojev to find enemy camps in the forests, only to have a trigger tell them they won at the end. I can imagine people sitting at their computers doing hand signs to the ai just to add that little bit more authententicity. -ZiRo
  20. ZiRo

    Test ecp config

    I would like to see them a little bit lower, for noobs sakes. Would it be possible for you to post a config that isnt from ECP but uses those settings? e.g default BIS config.bin -ZiRo
  21. That's not a helpful analysis. You do require WGL 4.10 but i thought that would be pretty obvious. Why exactly doesnt it work? -ZiRo Extract the "Modified/wgl_men_config.pbo" to you "wgl/addons/" directory, overwriting the original wgl one, bingo.
  22. Im going to explain what i want: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _man = mandrivertruck _pos = ? How do i make _pos = the value of _man but with the letter z on the end so _pos would = mandrivertruckz Please? -ZiRo