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Everything posted by zayfod
So close but no cigar yet. Yep--mission impossible ECP team requests your help. OK so we have Laws, tank shells, AA no problemo--we have their exact impact co ordinates calculated via very friendly FPS code (results of this yet to be seen in latest ECP)..... but bullets? Well this is proving tough. Up to the challenge? All ideas no matter HOW crazy welcome. Zay
IMO sound. *The ear is quicker than the eye. *The ear encompasses 360 degrees, the eye does not. *Good sound can relieve graphical expectation and make its job easier by painting pictures in your mind of things; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â you can't see (inside buildings, behind hills or walls) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â that can't be drawn by any current graphic engines (individual multiple shrapnel impacts, ambient wildlife in forests, wind blowing through foliage) the list goes on.
ECP is not a total conversion mod nor a unit replacement mod, and ECP is gearing up for ArmA.
Cloud shadows on the landscape would be very cool. It would add real depth to the view.
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, officers and grunts, snipers and tankers, and all of the OFP community! Our publicity run is over, the leak has done his job  , when he ran out of steam we were all very keen to push it some more so we worked with ACE, the best actor the web as ever seen, he laid the clues and it worked a charm. To those of you that failed to download the leaked  ECP full installer and went on a crazy, killing, night rampage as a result, we are truly sorry. So now forgive us, and enjoy the ECP download free of the worry that it will be shut off and cancelled. It has been a very long time coming, and this day fills me with pride but also sorrow, for today we release the ECP but I must also announce that a fine and outstanding team member has moved on. RED, whom we all know and love as the wise, witty, and outspoken ECP Team member has left us. He has given much to the project and we will miss him. His past leadership and down right stubborn attitude was a large factor in the very first ECP being released. Without RED, the ECP would not be what it is today. Take care mate. Now, without further delay I am enormously happy (and relieved) to give you ECP 1.085 ! Play it wisely with speakers on full bore, windows open, on a 52 Inch screen. O btw....from me Zayfod and all the ECP Team, here's a big  WOOOOOSAAAAA! <span style='color:"Red"'>ECP patched to 1.085e. Please see below for details</span> Please visit the Official ECP Release thread for all download links of the installers. <span style='color:"Red"'>Currently unavailable</span> <span style='color:"Blue"'>MIRRORS:</span> OFPC RAAB OFPBASE The Graveyard Shift OFPINFO OGN OFP / OGN OFP homepage IPGN OFP / IPGN OFP homepage TEAMODB ECP 1.085/1.085e Thanks to teamodb and StealthTiger ECP 1.085 Fountain FX HOT FIX. In order to stop ECP fountain effects displaying on some third party addon objects please follow these steps. Before you make any alterations you may want to back up your Main config.cpp as a safety measure. 1) Open the ECP Main config.cpp with notepad, this is found in the  \@ECP\Bin folder. 2) Scroll down until you find this code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// PBO release path #define ECP_FOUNTAIN_EH_INIT "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN {ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}};_this exec format[{%1fountain\ext_fount_init.sqs},ECP_path]" 3) Overwrite that code with this code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// PBO release path #define ECP_FOUNTAIN_EH_INIT "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN {ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}};if ((typeof (_this select 0)) in [{Fountain},{FountainNew}]) then {_this exec format[{%1fountain\ext_fount_init.sqs},ECP_path]}" 4) Save, and exit. ECP fountain effects should now only appear on fountains. Tips for Dedicated Servers Only Do not run a Dedicated Server using  ECP DynamicRange configuration. This may cause MP issues if non DynamicRange ECP clients connect concurrently with DynamicRange ECP clients and/or non ECP clients . We recommend all Dedicated Servers to run a non DynamicRange ECP configuration. This will happily serve both DynamicRange and non DynamicRange ECP clients, for that matter it will also happily serve non ECP clients. Server admins should confirm that their Dedicated Server config.cpp sound setup is set accordingly: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//ORIGINAL #include "sound.h" //DYNAMIC RANGE - requires DR addons! //#include "Sound_dr.h" Also note that the following files should not be installed on a Dedicated Server * DynamicRange.pbo * ECP_DR_extra_sound.pbo * ECP_DR_extra_sound_2.pbo * ECP_DR_extra_sound_3.pbo * ECP_DSAI.pbo * ECP_DSAI_2.pbo * ECP_Effects_Sounds.pbo * ECP_rus_land_rc.pbo * ECP_us_air_land_rc.pbo * ECP_us_air_rc.pbo * ECP_us_land_rc.pbo Having them on the Dedicated Server will not break anything, but it will waste the servers resources as they are simply sound files taking up the servers ram. Modified Config messages during MP Due to the nature of the ECP multiple config options, (user chosen NV goggles, user chosen sound) and the fact that the server may also have NON ECP clients connected, you will always, unfortunately, have modified config messages. ECP Client NON ECP server Any ECP client should be able to run happily on a Vanilla RES server. ECP clients should not attempt to join FDF or WGL servers or any other type of server that has a modified config other than the ECP config. This may crash the server and other clients. Linux Dedicated server tips This in from Killswitch. Note the ECP has not had the chance to test this yet, so any issues please report them. Thanks Killswitch! <span style='color:"Blue"'>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</span> This updates the previous ECP version 1.085 This is an official ECP update. We will call it ECP 1.085e. It solves two CTD issues that the ECP 1.085 suffered from. Simply delete or back up your existing ECP_Effects.pbo (That resides in your @ECP\Addons folder) and replace it with this one. If you choose not to delete your old ECP_Effects.pbo then make sure the back up copy is placed somewhere OTHER than in your @ECP folder. This update replaces ONLY the ECP_Effects.pbo and no other files, do not touch any other ECP files that you have installed. The file is compressed in RAR format. <span style='color:"Blue"'>DOWNLOAD:</span> ECP 1.085e <span style='color:"Blue"'>MIRROR:</span> ECP v1.085 + v1.085e Patch Thanks to teamodb and StealthTiger The particular ECP CTD issues that have been solved occured during ordnance explosion FX. The CTDs occured when the Getpos command was used on an object that had no model (and yet the object existed) Further updates will be in the next FULL official ECP patch, there are some very good code enhancements, extended MP reliability, greater addon compatibilty (BIS unit will no longer be required on the map for third party ECP compliant addons to inherit ECP effects), and a few secret special effects that may really tickle you . Apart from that ECP is basically gearing up for Arma. You probably know that Ofpec is down. Ofpec is the home of ECP and when it goes down then so do we. Well, the good news is that OGN has stepped up to the plate and has provided the host for this update. This update was made available due to the support from OGN! With thanks to  [APS]DarkPhantom and Aussie - Thanks for hosting guys! We would welcome Mirrors as soon as possible thanks. <span style='color:"Blue"'>NEWS</span> I am stepping down from running ECP for now. I leave the project in the excellent hands of Komuna. He will be running ECP from now on. I will probably be lurking around in the background for some time   It has been an honour and a privilege to work with this most dedicated team, expect many great things from them in the future. I may come back later but at this stage RL has to take over. Thanks to BIS and you the community for your support, enthusiasm, and inspiration. Zay Â
This is a onMapSingleClick issue, all addons that use this command have the same issue with 'onMapSingleClick' when used concurrently if they require different values at the same time. Solution for now is to disable ECP AI release and ECP Helo coms in your ECP_settings.sqf. They both use OnMapSingleCLick. ECP_AI_release_enable -> false (ECP_public set [36, false]) ECP_helo_coms_enable -> false (ECP_public set [50, false]) Alternatively, in a MP situation for the MAP you should de-pbo the map and in the init.sqs  add this one-liner <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(format["%1",ECP_Path]!=format["%1",nil])&&(format["%1",count ECP_public]!="scalar"):{ECP_public set[_x,false]}forEach[36,50] This way AI release and Helo commands will only be disabled for that particular map. Hope this helps
Wow! These look stunning . Thanks for the pics. The only thing that worries me is the lack of shadows for the objects in the background. Look at the building and the palm trees on that sandy area there, in the background. Where have the shadows all gone? Is it an LOD thing? The palm trees and that building should be casting a shadow to the right, yes? http://www.armedassault.com/shots/arma1.png One other thing, I find it odd that the shadows on the ground (soil) are so light, they seem dark enough when they meet that road (tarmac) but are too light when cast on the soil. My 2 cents. Apart from that they are simply outstanding.
Thanks. Great work!
Be nice if the fountains work, can't see anything yet. look for fountain in BG Beaut pics btw, thanks.
Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talkin about!
Righto, just tested this baby, gorgeous btw  . Now, that code error has nothing to do with ECP. I reproduced the same error using ECP 1.085, ECP 1.085e and more importantly Vanilla OFP RES (no mods). To reproduce the error simply fire a sabot round as close to yourself as you can on the ground (I did this on desert island). When you hit the ground away from your position you will get no error, but hit the ground close to yourself and you will get the error. This is consistant for me in Vanilla OFP. Perhaps this is due to failure of point of impact acquisition due to close proximity? Maybe the drop code fails to get the object origin? At any rate its a small issue, top job on this baby! Zay
Congrats on this beauty mate! Looks stunning. @King Homer, could you grab the ECP 1.085e update and tell me if there are any issues? (Back up your old ECP_effects.pbo) It's only 2.5 Mb - check my sig. It would be quicker for you to do this than for me as I've only 56k  . I'll download your tank and the required addons as soon as I can. Cheers Zay
Hi EvEnLeaSe44, that code is not ECP code so I have no quick answer for you. I can say that the 1.085e patch was tiny and should not be the cause for any major issues. All the 1.085e patch does is check an objects ID before the getpos command is allowed to be used on it within a certain part of code. If it's a third party addon (tank) I would recommend putting this to the author also. Does the error occur every time it fires?
Great stuff, thanks!
Hi Messiah, My guess is that it's nothing to do with ECP's getout EH (which handles the ECP HALO), intead it's, as Komuna says, that the games logics are being handled by  "\ECP_Effects\init.sqs". This was something we discovered a while back when mission designers attempted to manually add ECP eventhandlers using our 'trigger' method to units that were not ECP compliant. When 'thing' objects and/or logics were included in the trigger and were handled by  "\ECP_Effects\init.sqs" the result was a ctd. We have found the problem and Komuna has a fix for it which he will probably  include in the next full ECP update - that being 1.086 or higher. Though I don't presume to speak for Komuna so it would be best to PM him about that It may be something else entirely, but thats where I would place my money. EDIT: Don't forget that you should have included this code in your init EH <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_this call ECP_EH_handler_init; That code is required to add ECP EHs to units that are spawned during the game after it's already started. It also means they are included correctly in ECP arrays etc. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers: ECP_EventHandlers { init  = "_v=_this select 0;if(format[{%1},ECP_path]=={scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef})then{_0={ECP_INIT}createVehicle[0,0,0]};if(format[{%1},count ECP_addUnitsArray]=={scalar})then{ECP_addUnitsArray=[]};if!(_v in ECP_addUnitsArray)then{ECP_addUnitsArray=ECP_addUnitsArray+[_v];};_this call ECP_EH_handler_init;UKF_CreateProxyAT=loadFile""\UKF_WMIK\scripts\UKF_createProxyAT.sqf"";_this call UKF_CreateProxyAT;_v exec""\UKF_WMIK\scripts\UKF_init.sqs"";_this exec""\UKFLRGPMG\numbers.sqs"";_this exec{\UKFLRGPMG\gasgauge.sqs};_this exec{\UKF_WMIK\init.sqs};_v addEventHandler[{engine},{(_this select 0)exec{\UKFLR_90GS\Driver.sqs}}]"; engine = "_this exec {\UKF_WMIK\reverse.sqs}"; fired  = "_this call ECP_EH_handler_fired; if((_this select 4)==""ukf_mcar_dummymilan"")then{deleteVehicle(nearestObject[_this select 0,_this select 4]); _this exec""\UKF_WMIK\scripts\UKF_getAmmo.sqs""}else{[_this select 0,_this select 4,4000]call UKF_realbullet;}; _this exec""\ukf_wmik\scripts\ukf_eject.sqs"""; }; };
The one thing that comes to mind is to ask the question - do you really need so many addons loaded at once? This doesn't solve your problem ofcourse, but one of the main purposes for mod folders is to limit the amount of addons loaded at any one time so that you have only loaded that which you require to play a particular map/campaign. For example, when I play at OGN server we have a general mod folder for ctf/coop nights and another for cti nights so we only load exactly what we need to play the maps at that time. Â At this stage I would recommend simply trying to find, through process of elimination, those addons that are causing the issue. If it is not due to any one particular addon then you should try and figure out what the size limit is for addons when using ECP on your PC. I don't think we encountered anything like this in beta testing and I know I certainly haven't The fact is it could be any number of things, including your vid card drivers and/or your OS setup. You are using -nomap and that is normally the answer to many of these issues, so leave the question open here on the forums and hopefully someone has had a similar issue that they have solved. But like I said, try to see if it's a particular addon/island and we can take it from there.
Hi NSX, does ECP run ok when you run it on its own with no addons? Are you using the command '-nomap' in your shortcut? I recommend that you do. Please show us what your shortcut commands look like. Are you using any other Mods that have modified configs concurrently when using ECP? I recommend that you don't. The best thing to do would be to get ECP running correctly then start adding your extra addons to the addons folder one by one until you see which one causes the issue. Most people use ECP with a great number of third party addons without any problems at all. Also post your computer specs.
When I get my new rig this is the first thing I'm trying on it. 56k download um how long would that be for everything?
If this addon were installed on a dedicated server and all ECP clients also had this addon installed then (in theory) all should work perfect. However, if any ECP client didn't have this addon installed they would experience less chatter than normal, possibly much less chatter. This would be due to the server broadcasting numeric array indexes that (when that client received them) would not be attached to any particular sound. Why? Because since you have added many more sounds there would be less chance of the original sounds being selected by the server for broadcast. And since the Vanilla ECP client can only hear the Vanilla sounds he will therefore hear less sounds. Clear as mud? Cool. Â If this all works out good, and I'm sure it will, we would love to incorporate this into the next release, with your permission. All credit will be recorded. PS: Would love some Russian "Retreat!" sounds. Note that ECP currently is not correctly configured to play Russian retreat sounds (because we didn't have any). Were you to include them in this addon they would not work so if you can find any post them here. Zay
Congrats, Look beaut! Be sure to upgrade to the ecp 1.085e patch, check my sig. Takes only couple minutes. Spread the word.
I recommend 22Khz wss files rather than ogg - yes the download size will be larger but performance will be much better Zay
Nice one Congrats! Zay
Thanks. Would you be kind enough to provide a readme/description here of your config and perhaps some picks? I see there is a link for info but it would be nice have that info here on the opening thread. Cheers.
Scripting not config. But a config solution would be nice.
********************  For immediate release ******************** This updates the previous ECP version 1.085 This is an official ECP update. We will call it ECP 1.085e. It solves two CTD issues that the ECP 1.085 suffered from. Simply delete or back up your existing ECP_Effects.pbo (That resides in your @ECP\Addons folder) and replace it with this one. If you choose not to delete your old ECP_Effects.pbo then make sure the back up copy is placed somewhere OTHER than in your @ECP folder. This update replaces ONLY the ECP_Effects.pbo and no other files, do not touch any other ECP files that you have installed. The file is compressed in RAR format. Download: http://ofp.ogn.com.au/addons/@ECP/ECP_Effects_1.085e.rar Mirror: ECP v1.085 + v1.085e Patch Thanks to teamodb and StealthTiger The particular ECP CTD issues that have been solved occured during ordnance explosion FX. The CTDs occured when the Getpos command was used on an object that had no model (and yet the object existed) Further updates will be in the next FULL official ECP patch, there are some very good code enhancements, extended MP reliability, greater addon compatibilty (BIS unit will no longer be required on the map for third party ECP compliant addons to inherit ECP effects), and a few secret special effects that may really tickle you . Apart from that ECP is basically gearing up for Arma. You probably know that Ofpec is down. Ofpec is the home of ECP and when it goes down then so do we. Well, the good news is that OGN has stepped up to the plate and has provided the host for this update. This update was made available due to the support from OGN! With thanks to  [APS]DarkPhantom and Aussie - Thanks for hosting guys! We would welcome Mirrors as soon as possible thanks. ************    News ************ I am stepping down from running ECP for now. I leave the project in the excellent hands of Komuna. He will be running ECP from now on. I will probably be lurking around in the background for some time   It has been an honour and a privilege to work with this most dedicated team, expect many great things from them in the future. I may come back later but at this stage RL has to take over. Thanks to BIS and you the community for your support, enthusiasm, and inspiration. Zay Â