Oh my sweet God. I've been waiting for these babies for a while, but let me tell you it was worth every day after I saw how simple it was to attach them to aircraft... And the nuke effects are stunning.
Thank you, CoC.
Some glitches I've noticed (some with unofficial addons, so they may not be relevant)
I tried dropping a few fish with Adammo's C-130, but no matter which torpedo I tried and regardless of which angle I was pointing, releasing one made my airspeed drop to zero. It didn't do any damage, but merely stopped the plane.
Sometimes the trackers don't work at all (I noticed this was a pretty rare bug), as I placed a boat (east>armored>boat), locked on with an MK-46, dropped at ~25 meters and ~230 airspeed with an A-10, at ~750 meters from the target, and it didn't change course at all to direct itself into the boat, but came within a short distance of it (so I know it was within the tracking cone), then fizzled out eventually.
To counter these... I don't frequently use the C-130, and the other bugs are pretty rare.
Great job, and I'm eagerly awaiting more quality addons by the CoC team!