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Everything posted by Yahiko
Engage probably means "break rank for that one particular target you've got in mind, then return to formation" while Engage at will is "continuously break rank to engage any and all targets" is my guess.
Top secret 'spring mines', scattered around the island.
Definitely feels smoother. I usually test the in-city sluggishness by dropping a sniper on the main horizontal road in Corazol and zoom in on each street end, do a quick 360 spin, whatever. Could be a placebo effect of it being a new patch and all, but it definitely feels more sleek and less stuttery.
Mainly because they put all the news in the News section: Patch 1.07 Status Update
Setting my HDR to 16 just made it crash quicker. So I tried setting it to 2(I have no idea what it does) and haven't had that error since. And it doesn't look any different either. However, not sure if it's related to that(but it might be), my nightvision's screwed up now. It turns on, no problem, and I get the few seconds for my eyes to adjust, except, instead of brightening up the landscape, it remains exactly the same, pitch black but with a green tint.
I think I may have. Will give that a go, thanks.
Dunno if anyone else has got it, but suddenly my nightvision's working all screwy. In first person view and ironsights, pressing "N" won't turn it on but it does toggle nightvision, because the moment I view my character in third person, it kicks in. The problem is, it'll keep turning off whenever I go to first person or ironsight view again. Back and forth, on and off. P4 3.0gHz HT 2GB RAM 8800GTS Other than that, a vast improvement over the previous beta with regards to textures and LoD.
You guys ever play that Shuttle Simulator? It's really old but quite real(I wouldn't know). Before taking off you'd have the option to wait the real 24 hrs. or 5 hrs. or whatever it is. It's dull, landing's a bitch since it's nearly impossible. Really old dos-based game if I remember. Can't recall the name.
For simply looking around corners I use 3rd person view. Works the same and also gives you slight peipheral vision. And they fixed it while in bushes so there's no way to check your surrounding while hiding deeply in a bush.
24. When someone asks you for directions in a city, you tell them to move to house, 1 o'clock. 25. You have an innate abillity to calculate a 360 degree radial circle around you. 26. While watching the A-Team, you wonder why the vehicles don't bounce sky-high.
24. When someone asks you for directions in a city, you tell them to move to house, 1 o'clock. 25. You have an innate abillity to calculate a 360 degree radial circle around you. 26. While watching the A-Team, you wonder why the vehicles don't bounce sky-high.
I kinda like the tracer effect of armored vehicle machine guns...at further distances they fall and you can see it when you zoom in fully. Looks pretty cool. But it's be wesome if you could actually follow sabot/heat shells or canon rounds ala the pic.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Intruder @ May 10 2002,12:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Although it would be funny to see a driver and gunner try to switch positions in a real M1A1 tank while moving <span id='postcolor'> "Ah...! Get your foot outta my...oh! not there!...oof! Almost..."
I just press f to walk. But it different from mentioned above.
That's awesome news. Great to hear.
THat's a very strange list of vehicles in the poll. I couldn't discern a pattern. Well I gotta say my favorite is the jeep w/ machine gun since it's open roofed and gives a nice unclaustrophobic view from the 1st person perspective. And I like the feel of the wind flowing through my hair.
I like the explosions especially the sound. Very fulfilling.
You can hit them with sabot/heat shells. Kills 'em right quick. I had thought I just couldn't aim properly when they never died, go figure.
It looks like it was veering away from your original intent and started becoming a discussion of the politically correct. Sooner or later, there may have been remarks made which would be better to have not been made. At least that's what I think.
Like people have said, the reason the guy thought he was going at the speed of sound was cuz he mistook the reading for mph when it was really kph.(right?) And besides, if you're moving at the speed of sound, how will you hear your own sonic boom? But I think I'm just stating the obvious. So where can I get the F16 addon?