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Everything posted by Yoshiro

  1. Yoshiro

    Trabant golf sim

    hehe I"m going off to try this.
  2. Yoshiro

    Mig-29 download!

    hehe I've gone and done something stupid. Â And now I can't seem to make it work. Â /cry. I put the pbo and config in the Addons file and I can't find the MIG-29 ingame. Â Can somebody help my stupidityor at least my Mig-29 problem. Really I'm not stupid, I just managed to extract them into their own file in the addons file. I think I have it fixed now.
  3. Yoshiro

    Mig-29 download!

    Great work so far Scorpion. D/L it right now and looking forwards to some nice airfights. Keep up the good work.
  4. Yoshiro

    What ever happed to this skin?

    I think the original plan was to have a civilian BELL helicopter, I think I saw somewhere that its still in the config file. But they did not finish it in time for release or something.
  5. Yoshiro

    Resistance buglist

    Posted this earlier in Trouble shooting but, The multiplayer repawn bird cannot go under to bridge. The bird allways warps to the top when attempted.
  6. Yoshiro

    Win xp + sound blaster live + resistance crashes

    I have a crap soundblaster pci 128, but I get by with it. I went to get the new drivers but when I installed it it couldn't find 2 .dll files so I had to revert back 2 weeks to before I installed Resistance. I have to reinstall now. Stupid Creative Labs.
  7. I know this is not exactly a big problem, but I felt that I should note it just in case it is related to something else. If somebody has allready posted this I'm sorry I didn't catch it. The problem is with the new bridge. Everything is fine with it, and you can take things under it, except the bird when you respawn as one. I'm pretty sure this isn't any thing major, just felt that I would let somebody know.
  8. Yoshiro

    Some random star wars addons...

    Love to see what ever you can put out to the community Eviscerator. Really like the AT-ST and I would love to play around with some of those other future/Fantisy weps and vehicles. Just keep up the good work.
  9. Yoshiro

    Some random star wars addons...

    Love to see what ever you can put out to the community Eviscerator. Really like the AT-ST and I would love to play around with some of those other future/Fantisy weps and vehicles. Just keep up the good work.
  10. Yoshiro

    Star wars mod

    An Xwing is an attack/bomber while the Awing is an attack/fighter. The y-wing is a heavy bomber thats getting out of date and the B-wing is an improved bomber that is steadily replacing it, but due to the limited funds of the rebel allaince the A-wing and the B-wing are in very limited quantities until after the battle of Endor.
  11. Yoshiro

    Eurofighter typhoon

    Can't wait to get my hands on this.
  12. Yoshiro

    Bouncing planes

    While testing 1.6 with only myself (server) playing on a mission involving the soviet planes (blanking on the name), once they took enough damage they starting bouncing in and out of the ground. They damage might have been enought to destroy them but I did not have more time to study it. If somebody else could look at this or if it is allready know... post here I guess
  13. Yoshiro

    Getting out of planes

    ok while testing 1.6 when I tried to get out of several planes that were stoped on the ground the get out command did not come out, and I was forced to eject. And on ejection my legs were taken out.
  14. Yoshiro

    Mp mission dl trouble

    I just tried another server, and in this one I said I had connected to the server but i then failed to join the pool. Will continue testing AMD Athlon 1.1 256 Ram Win ME 56k Lucent Win modem Geforce 2 64 meg DDR.
  15. Yoshiro

    Mp mission dl trouble

    As I got into 1.58 I saw my ping was down to 160ms, this being a new all time low as my normal on 56k is 330. THen as I tried to join a game I had to get the an mp mission I did not have. It got to 3kb out of 230 and stopped. Then shortly after it dropped me from the server with a connection lost. I'm going to try some different servers and see what happens.
  16. Yoshiro

    Aarrr!plz no more air units

    hehe Been watching too much South Park Placebo?
  17. Yoshiro

    Resistance got bridges

    Only one thing to say to this. I am in LOVE!
  18. Yoshiro

    Sunset and sunrise

    Its better than anything else out there right now. At least untill Independance lost or VBS1 is generously giving to the public by the marines when they declare world peace.
  19. Yoshiro

    56k host with 56k clients is now actually playable

    I am also on 56k and while playing with friends they said they saw both a significant inprovment in me "teleporting" and on my side I ran smoother than ever before, I big laggy at some points but a great improvement overall.
  20. Yoshiro


    After the last beta update with the new weapons, which don't seem to follow the 1985 deadline for weapons, the urge to have a FAMAS has been great. This is something I would really like to see added to the Multiplayer game. On a side note, any body when making a mission accedently made themselves an non mobile object like a broken jeep or something? Strange thing happens and you can't do anything or even quit the game. Was wondering if they planed to fix that.
  21. Yoshiro

    Rts_build and conquer

    These maps are great. Keep up the good work.
  22. Yoshiro

    Resistence ofp

    Kinda hard to tell for me from the barrel view that we have.
  23. Yoshiro

    Net code test?

    I thought I read in one of the interviews that BIS was going to let us test the new net code for resistance. BIS is this going to happen or what? Or does anybody else know anything?
  24. Yoshiro

    Tell me about lag and an upgraded net code

    <---Doing a happy Irish jig on top of a midget's head singing the saftey dance while swinging around a sign saying "MP TEST!"
  25. Yoshiro

    Net code test?

    Thanks for pointing out the earlier post Suchey.