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Posts posted by Walker001

  1. I've been playing now for a while, and i must say I am impressed. This is absolutely awesome. This feels like a whole new game. Your the best Mondkalb. Just missing the background music, and the "Yes, Sir", "Affirmative" sounds when moving units around. :D

    One thing I'd wish for in the next version is ability to move the camera and the map screen by using w,a,s,d or the arrow keys, and possible fast moving using shift key. That would the gameplay a bit more slicker.

    If you want I could make a longer list of suggestions and improvements, mainly regarding the UI. Not because I don't like it, rather becouse I like it so much that I'd like to help to improve it further. :)

  2. This looks totally awesome. I've been waiting for something like this since i I saw the Tiberian Genesis mod for ArmA 1 (that was never released :(). Arma is such a versatile engine and I knew it could be done. Just watching your videos of this project made me happy. I'm now gonna test this mission and then get back here with some feedback. Dont think it will be much sleep tonight. This is so great! Best arma 2 project since CWR2!:yay:

  3. The jittery shadows of the leaves on the APC in picture 1, really hurts my eyes. I really wish there will be some new lightning technology in the final version of ArmA 3. Realistic and believable lightning should be important in a game like this.

    The sky picture looks awesome. :yay:

  4. It's quite a while since I released the UNA targets. Thanx for all the feedback, and sorry if I haven't had the time to answer you all. Apparently some people have had some problems with the script working after clearing the targets. [COMBAT]Geo however might have found a solution for it. I don't have this problem on my system so I can not test it. I have included this fix in a new update of UNA Targets. I decided to at the same time fulfill some of the request I have received. For example now you it is possible for the mission designer to allow the players to check the score without having to move to the targets. The script should also be backward compatible with v0.8. If you find any problems with the new update, please let me know.

    So what is new in v0.9?

    - Clear script hotfix by [COMBAT]Geo, tnx

    - New parameter, _monitor, allows the player to check the score from a different object than the target.

    - New parameter, _target_name, allows the mission designer to assign names to the target that will be visible in the GUI.

    - GUI updated.

    - New example mission for OA.


    UNA Targets v0.9

  5. Finally. I can't believe there weren't any free screen recorders before this one. Too bad I already bought the FRAPs license.

    This one has already been out for a while. I tried it many years ago, but then it was buggy and crashed often, but its long time ago so I guess that it's worth an other shot.

  6. I love your script Walker. I do not know that much about scripting but I am trying to get the addactions to appear on an object by the firing stand. Is there anyway I can do this or would the script have to be completely re written with the objects names in it?.

    I named the target T1 and trying to add the addaction to object "stand1"

    Im glad you like the script.

    It should be fairly easy to modify the script so the action at an other object than the target, and since this extension has been requested by many others aswell, i will make this possible in the next update of the script.

    If you like to try to modify this yourself, you should check out lines 53 to 56 in the init_target.sqf. This is where the action is updated for the target. This is however at your own risk. :)

  7. something wrong with me when i use this script

    I put the folder into d:\My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\xxx\missions,win XP

    when I preview shows that cannot find "una_targets\init_target.sqf".

    You need to first save the mission in your editor so it will create a mission folder for you.


    d:\My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\xxx\missions\my_target_mission.utes\

    This is where you should put the una_targets folder.

  8. I am getting an sqf error?? The una_targets folder into your mission folder my oa and I place the object on my desert map in the editor. Then add the warfare building sign then add the init as noted bt when previewing my mission it gives a error about cannot locate the init_target.sqf ?

    Make sure you gave put the una_targets folder into the folder of your current mission (not for example ArmA 2\missions). This folder you find in "My Documents", for example C:\Documents And Settings\Username\ArmA\Missions\your_mission.Desert_E.

  9. UNA Targets v0.90 - Realistict target board (script):



    This script simulates a realistic 0 to 10 score target board. The target records your hits and calculates your score.


    - Working 0 to 10 score target board. For example if you hit a 9 this score will be saved to the target board. The scores can be checked after your shooting session.

    - In default mode you wont get any instant feedback about your score, like it is in real life. After your shooting session you have to walk close to the target board itself in order to check your score. The mission designer has how ever the possibility to assign the check score action also to a different object, so the players would not be forced to always run to the target after each shooting sessions.

    - Works with all rifles and pistols.

    - MP compatibility, with this script you will be able to compete at the target range with your friends online.

    - This is a script not an addon. At the moment is only vanilla Arma 2 or OA required. (Thx to Bier AIG Razor)

    - Easy installation and setup, launch the script with a single command

    - Example missions included.

    How does it work:

    The target is constantly checking if somebody has shot on it. Once a hit on the target has been recognized, the world position of the hit is converted into a coordinate on the board, where the origi [0,0] is number 10 on the board. The coordinate from each hit is recorded into a table. When somebody wants to check the score the coordinates of each hit is calculated into scores which is displayed to the player. When somebody clears the target, the table with the targets recorded hits will be cleared.

    Quick installation:

    1. Extract una_targets folder into your mission folder.

    2. Place object "WarfareBunkerSign" on the map. You find it in the editor at Warfare-buildings->Sign.

    3. Put following on the init line of the object:

    nul = [this] execVM "una_targets\init_target.sqf";

    4. If you want to create several targets just copy the first one and you are done. If you have problems please check the example missions for further instuctions.

    Editor syntax:

    [target,monitor,target_name] execVM "una_targets\init_target.sqf";

    target (required) - name of the target, the target needs to be editor object "WarfareBunkerSign" [object]

    monitor (optional) - name of an other object from where the player can inspect and clear the target score. [object]

    target_name (optional) - assigned name by mission designer. Will be visible in the GUI. Default name is "target". [string]

    Known issues:

    - SP, no known issues in SP. The targets has been tested and works fine up to over 1000m.

    - MP, hits on the target will not be registers for clients further away than ca 100m from the target except for the shooter himself. Due to this the score can be shown differently or not at all for players at further distances.

    - MP, if you clear several targets at the same time (within 0.1 second) it might be that some target was not cleared for all players.

    Example missions:


    - demonstrates how to easily setup the targets.


    - demonstrates how to setup the mission so the player can inspect their score from where they shoot.

    Version History:


    - Clear script hotfix by [COMBAT]Geo

    - New parameter, _monitor, allows the player to inspect the score from a different object than the target.

    - New parameter, _target_name, allows the mission designer to assign names to the target that will be visible in the GUI.

    - GUI updated.

    - New example mission for OA.


    - Initial public release


    - Walker001

    Special thanx to:

    - Bohemia Interactive for their great games

    - UNA for supporting and testing and feedback during development

    - C5 clan for additional testing and feedback

    - Other community members supporting the project

    Download v0.9:

    Armaholic Mirror

    UNA Mirror

    Youtube movie (v0.8):

