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Everything posted by WindWalker

  1. WindWalker


    Have MPmission where 3 diffrent vehicles must be stolen and taken to seperate specific locations for objective 1, 2 & 3 to be accomplished. Defending AI are outside of vech and will mount the moment one of the numerous AI are killed. The Players must work in unison to take out the crews of at least 3 seperate vehic types that are in diffrent locations to steal the vechs once the base has been cleared enough to get them out. Vehicles are already named. I remember seeing a vehicle trigger but for the life of me I forget how to create one. The Trigger for obvious reasons must not be side specific but Ts_1 or Ts_2 or Ts_3 being present with a west driver. Have tried in the condition field player and (Ts_1 or Ts_2 or Ts_3) + Various other combinations Help
  2. WindWalker

    Player options

    How about at the start several billboards over gates with the options listed and walkthru trigger activated. or From the Briefing selected with HTML but DEFINATELY NOT RADIO ACTION
  3. In reviewing all the post here in , It occurs to me that a MOD folder of Acceptable Addons would be appropriate. In that way when creating or editing a waiting to be polished mission the mis-matched Addons are flagged, tagged and bagged for replacement. This will facilitate the community being able to play the winning and not so winning missions without winding up with 8Gig of Addons as are presently on my system Yes I know this suggestion will create a fire storm of this addon is better than that.., However, It will finally create a list of really good Addons if nothing else. To have anything else will lead to the Testers having 16gig of Addons and a quagmire of conflicting Addons, loss of sound and migraines of titanic proportions
  4. Being a noob mission maker. I would be Embarassed to submit a mission I have Created in the MP environment. Although The Squad enjoys it. The Duration last from 2 to 3 hours. Some of the innovations like an Electrified security fence and a Switch to turn off the Fence and Mine Fields are my own ideas. Other Scripting are borrowed or copied edited etc. However, The Scripts and Triggers dont always function as they should. Yet sometimes they do. LOL So in this contest my noob attempt (my 2ND MP mission) wouldnt have a chance against (admitedly) the much more sofisticated and quite talanted Coders/Scripters Missions. Yet the reason I made the mission is because there were none like it. So how would the neophyte be judged or a additional catgory ?
  5. WindWalker

    The current main problems in ofp

    Some of the problems I encountered require server specific MOD files. This in turn creates a real hodgepoge of special desktop icons. OFP WATCH is only a small solution. The duplicated addons soon reach terabit proportions. Then while playing one gets kicked when the admin selects a mission that you have a missing addon, although you do have it in another mod folder.
  6. WindWalker

    Csla 2

    D/L and installed one word to describe AWESOME Great work and Thank you CSLA Team
  7. WindWalker

    A working dog yayayayay

    Absolutely astounding Addon !!! Placed the Dog as my team mate then ordered rin-tin-tin into the town to scout enemy. Found the enemy for me beut got wasted by them. They were TERMINATED WITH PREJUDICE !! Next had the dog get in my Toyota . Couldnt see it but the MG kept moving like it was manned.. LOL Looked under the Truck and there the dog was. Got in the truck and drove over 80KPH. Got out and looked for the dog. Still alive and under the truck. Damn that DOG aint that tired !! ROFLMAO
  8. WindWalker

    Bas island - working title "lost island"

    Dangerously Close ? as in Thermoneuclar Close or HorseShoes So far no Booms or Clanks. Where is it ? My ASUS & GFORCE are getting Impatient to accept the challange of another BAS Creation. 8 DAP's & 6 MH47E didnt bring it to its knees.  Stumble a little but still processing. Did I ask !  The Majik words  PLEASE & Thank You. Now Release it!
  9. WindWalker

    New plants

    Impressive ! Please continue. Suggestion. Corn Field. with crows to shoot at! Carrot patch and rabbits! Call me Elmer Fudd
  10. WindWalker

    Cant get textures to show in buildozer

    duh ! Forgot to give the Texture a basic Color in the Primary Texture - name window, like click the icon and select.
  11. In the tutor version TutIsland I have got the trees to show on a greyscale land mass. however the intent was a grassy island. Also the Objects do not show and the roads do not show. Acts like the texture is being placed at 0 elev. Problem: Textures do not show. P.S. The trees are black, the sky is blue and the sea is a darker blue. Therefore it is not a hardware problem. So what is it???
  12. WindWalker


    You Sir are Incredible! Thank You!
  13. WindWalker

    Cant get textures to show in buildozer

    I used UNPBO. Created Directory structure similar to the one done by CIA Had a prob with road placement till I re-unpboed. Have not had a problem placing anything on the map since then Only the viewer does not show any of it only the grey scale Island. Spent the weekend reading every Visitor pose here and have not figured out the prob. BTW thanks for the response.
  14. WindWalker


    To the best of my investigation it is erosion factors that weather does to the land. EG. In the Tut Isle I expiremented with it and managed to take the Island down to the sea floor ROFLMAO. The gen tells the program how many times to run the factors you put in. Therefore a 1000 days of constant rain with an erosion fact of 25% will take that bloody pile of sand down to the sea floor in only 4 days. Strange the resulting 996 days of rain didnt raise the sea level