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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Winters

    Retaliation team releases "blind fury" mission

    Needs to be harder. Those yellow target thingies drive me batty
  2. Winters

    Us to liberia?

    Why does the US always have to be the worlds police force? we have our own problems without having to fix everyone else's.
  3. Winters

    Us orchestrated 9/11?

    If you believe that then i have a nice bridge here in New York i would like to sell you. I will even throw in the train that runs across it for free.
  4. Winters

    (sp) eagles dare

    Its out and its badder than ever. Grab it here: (SP) Eagles Dare Remember, if your having problems with the download it will be because you are all sucking up my limited yahoo bandwidth  or You may have to join my group to get it, although i don't know why you have not joined already, it's free and you get an e-mail whenever i post a new mission. or Wait for AvonLady to post it on the FAQ *hint-hint *nudge-nudge  Have fun and let me know what you think.
  5. Winters

    1.92, o my goodness bis is the best 4eva

    W T The "cannot memory map" error is gonna go the way of the "2 is down" error. BIS are my Heroes
  6. Winters

    Eagles dare

    This mission features the 101st ABD by Jojimbo, Cribban and Winters. You will need Kegetys Winter Nogojev & Resistance to play it. It is also playable as a SP mission by placing it in your missions folder. I will be making an expanded SP version soon. Eagles Dare
  7. Winters

    Eagles dare

    If you are having problems downloading the mission. It could be that yahoo is not allowing you to do it. I don't know why this happens but many people get a message saying they are forbidden to access the files area. Joining my group or starting a yahoo account seems to clear this up. Winters OFP pub
  8. Winters

    Eagles dare

    its yahoo and its bandwidth limits, the link is not broken its just down temporarily
  9. Winters

    Eagles dare

    there are 4 crates at your camp where you start.
  10. Winters

    Eagles dare

    The tank and halftrack come a few minutes after you are spotted but, there is plenty of equipment in the ammo crates at your camp to deal with the armor.
  11. Winters

    Eagles dare

    Let me know what you think.
  12. Winters

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Coming Soon for Invasion 1944 101stABD Brought to you by: Jojimbo, Cribban and Winters.
  13. Winters

    June 6th

    Everyone go out and find a Veteran and give him a salute, no matter which nation he fought for. Normandy
  14. Winters

    June 6th

    I liked The thin red line. It`s very good regarding the philosophy and minds of the soldiers. It shows both sides without black/white, good/evil thinking. It`s a very good movie in my opinion but indeed nothing for action-warmovie i thought the thin red line was one of the best movies that i have ever seen. You shouldnt go into watching this movie believing you will see a pacific Saving private ryan, because you will be immensely dissapointed. This isnt a movie for fans of heavy actions movies but if you enjoy a side of philosophy with your action, this is for you I think thats what happened to me when i went to the movies. I should give it another watch and maybe i will feel different about it. Another good but not overly popular movie is called "Screaming Eagles" its in black and white and was one of the few older WW2 movies that was not blatant pro-US propoganda.
  15. Winters

    June 6th

    Don't watch the thin red line as well. boooooooriiiiing
  16. Winters

    June 6th

    I didn't mean salute in the literal sense. But if you want to literally salute a soldier go ahead, i doubt he will shoot you for it.
  17. Winters

    June 6th

    WOW, where did you get all that from?
  18. Winters

    June 6th

    Just remember what happened 59 years ago today
  19. Winters

    Some questions about resistance..who is the devil

    Why haven't we heard from BIS on this? I will tell you why, it's because they don't even know, his identity is an Uber-Secret
  20. Winters

    Adult ofp players

    Jap, I am 36 and have been playing video games from the very beggining (Atari anyone? how about a nice game of Pong?). When i see all these politicians in the world trying to police the video game market it makes me laugh knowing that soon the elected officials are going to be those that grew up playing video games and the whole story will change
  21. Winters

    Adult ofp players

    When i saw "Adult Server" i thought there was going to be........well, you know
  22. Winters

    How much of your life have you wasted on ofp?

    I would try to figure this out but then i would be spending time that i could use to play OFP instead
  23. Winters

    Some pictures for your avatar in forum

    Hey they look good. can you make me a 101st ABD WW2 Soldier?
  24. Winters

    All-time best missions list

    I played alot of these missions and they are very good. But really its not about who is the best mission maker or which is the best mission, but more than "here are a bunch of links to cool missions if ya want 'em" one thing i notice by playing these missions is even though we all put our own touches on our missions many things remain the same
  25. Winters

    We stand alone, together

    I will be updating the mission as fixes are made and released and when the C-47 becomes "official"