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Everything posted by Winters
Even though they are very arcadish i still love the Planes and Tanks in OFP and wish people made more missions that feature them
FYI: freewebs is giving you 1.1KB a sec download, and that with my high speed cable modem.
Make sure you have your spy cam ready to take plenty of pics of the secret stuff Marek: "Hey, why is your shirt button flashing like that?" Balschoiw: "Ummm, what button? this is a pullover shirt"
I had a signal all the time but i couldnt make a call because so many people tried to make calls at the same time. Although my voicemail worked fine. Edit: another funny thing was when i heard the Mayor saying it was Canada's fault i could almost hear that stupid "Blame Canada" song from South Park playing in the background
You cant use the "&" character, use the overview that sanctuary made.
I just noticed that myself and was about to post it. Thanks. You cant use the "&" character in briefings or overviews as it tends to screw it up.
i compared your overview with some of mine in missions i have released and where the pic works fine. I noticed one difference: Your overview has this line: <h2 align="center"><a name="Main"></a>James Bond: D & D</h2> My overview would has this line: <h2 align="center"><a name="Main">We Stand Alone, Together</a></h2> change this and you should be set. Hope this helps
Porn movies for guns, that will lock up all of Los Angeles votes, oh wait, gangstahs are too stupid to vote
Come on guys vote for me, after all i promise and OFP2 disc in every computer.
The New York Mayor has no clue about anything. Don't get me wrong i want to know what happened myself but people really want to see a more permanent solution than to point fingers, leave that to the pols. The grid system is getting antiquadated and maybe now something serious can be done about fixing it. BTW: I blame Mexico, they have been too quiet through all of this to NOT be up to something  Edit: BN880, Workers from the elevator companies themselves went to all the buildings they serviced and checked for trapped people which helped EMS and NYPD to do other things. The 3 stores looted where ones that had actually been broken into. there was several other smaller incidents.
No problem, better to get news from someone in the middle of the city than from someone 1,000's of miles away who is totally clueless
You would have been arrested within a few minutes if you even managed to break the front gates down and gained entry. The police were everwhere.
They have no idea who's "Fault" it is and quite frankly people don't care, we just want to see it fixed so it does not matter anymore. Hopefully a team will be made of energy officials from both countries so that the findings they make can be believed. Kudos to the common folk who all pitched in and helped each other out. This blackout (in New York City area) was very tame compared to what happened in 1977 and it proves how much this city i live in and love so much has grown, it also helps when 10K NYPD officers are deployed but even with the majority of them directing traffic, their presence in the area serves as a deterent to would-be looters. Its also a testimony to how well prepared the city was to handle this compared to '77 they had a good plan and everyone knew what they was supposed to be doing. the blackout happened @ 16:11 NYC time and by 20:00 they had announce that 800 elevator rescues had been done and no one else was left trapped and also 600 trains that had been stuck in tunnels and had all be cleared out as well and of the 60 fires that started (the average a night is 10) most of them was caused by people falling asleep with candles burning, there was some looting (as is to be expected in a city of 2million, not eveyone is nice ya know) but it was minor (only 3 stores) and no major damage was caused to the looted stores. Thats the news here from the scene in New York, and now back to you jim...........
Hey everyone, I just got my power back after 27 hours of darkness. Wow, what a hectic day its been, i was stuck in NYC and had to walk all the way home in the heat and congestion. At least when i got home my mates had a BBQ going and a ice cold beer with my name all over it. We have been BBQ'ing and drinking almost 20 hours straight now  *Edit: i like having a day off (no trains so i cant get in to work) and many people in NYC have taken to the streets to have a party, No rampant rioting and looting going on. The only people who need watching out for are the Eldery and people with Asthma, but otherwise its minor inconvience. Oh yeah one more thing. Bush says he is gonna find out exactly what caused the power outing just as soon as he finds the WMD's in Iraq and Saddam and Osama. Then his people will get on top of this
whatever... I guess its whining when your trying to make a point.
Lets just drop it, your not getting the point i was attempting to make. You just want to brush it aside and say i am whining. I was just asking why does it always have to end in a debate about policies when this is a game forum, but feel free to post your silly cartoons all you want.
First off i was not talking about anything you said and yet you and denoir have become defensive over it. and second this is a games forum why does it always have to end in a political discussion? You would think this forum was a place to come and discuss international politcs and police policies and the overall state of the world and not for a game. I am not saying to shut-up and salute the flag and if you knew me you would have laughed your ass off that someone is assuming i am nothing but a flag waving patriot who belives everything his government tells him, it's actually quite the opposite. I can take it, as you say (i have been shot by people who hate america and who tried to blow me up twice) What i don't like is how people are STILL allowed to bash away at the US on this forum but if it gets turned around in any way that person is given post restrictions and told that type of behaviour is not tolerated. Maybe i am getting carried away as there really is no blatant bashing going on in this thread but on the whole this forum is becoming an increasingly frustrating place to visit.
I don't want to say anything thats going to end up in me getting banned, but the evidence is all over the forum.
Why do all these threads end-up in a "US is bad" debate? And i thought this forum didnt stand for that type of thing. Oh i forgot if its against the US then it's allowed
I would love to see a command that makes entire squad fully re-arm instead of the current send one man at a time to get one mag at a time.
yes, thats it.
Hello, If you made a Vietnam mission and would like to have it hosted or if you have a really cool Vietnam mission stop over at OFP 'Nam and upload it to our database to be preserved for all time, We are accepting any type of mission or campaign that takes place in 'Nam or uses the SEB Nam Pack units. Make sure to send them in a .zip file and include a readme with a mission detail and list of addons required. Please include a screenie from your mission as well. Thanks, Winters out
Visit the Invasion 1944 forum for a list of all current mirrors on This Thread here. You can also post any problems your having in the demo support area.
remove some of your addons, that error is notorious for when you have too many addons.