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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Winters

    OFP Addon request thread

    Can anyone tell me what BIS_Weapon Pack is? for no reason at all the game keeps telling me i am missing this addon when i try to test one of the missions in my campaign. It still allows me to play the mission but it skips the intro.
  2. Winters

    The brits take the lead!

    Now another judge has blocked the list, WTF is wrong with these people??? Second DumbAss Judge blocks DNC list
  3. Winters

    The brits take the lead!

    I told ya so Do Not Call List Reinstated
  4. Winters

    The brits take the lead!

    A war to find Spammers of Mass Spamming perhaps? The first target is the Hormel corporate HQ from which all Spam begins.
  5. Winters

    The brits take the lead!

    Destined for overturning Avon, These judges get appointed/elected by people who are probably on the do not call list already.
  6. Winters

    Nogovan police units v1.1

    I'm working on a mission called "COPS in Nogova" and im  making it like the TV show  It's using many scripts to duplicate a day in the life of a nogovan peace officer. Yeah that sounds kinda cool. hope we will see some backrobbers  Btw Does anyone want to make a Armored Transporter? No new model just a van that is released allready with a new painting and uparmored?..i could reskinn it PM me if you like the Idea DM. Winter it would be also cool if you make a day in a criminals life...so the opposite  You mean "CROOKS" instead of "COPS"  lmao  and yes, the Bank Robbery will be the big finish. BTW, where does one go to try and find voice people? and does anyone have a link for that Nogova police helo? or is it still being made? Edit: These units are REEEEEEEAAALLLLY cool, and im having tons-O-fun with them.
  7. Winters

    Nogovan police units v1.1

    I'm working on a mission called "COPS in Nogova" and im making it like the TV show  It's using many scripts to duplicate a day in the life of a nogovan peace officer.
  8. Winters

    Latvians vote

    For more info check here: Latvia says YES to EU
  9. Winters

    Isabel - overrated?

    Wind gusts through those skyscrapers can be downright nasty, and this is on a day when there is no hurricane. Some streets will create a wind tunnel effect, imagine walking down the street and all is calm then you get to the corner and BAM the wind hits you from outta nowhere.
  10. Winters

    Isabel - overrated?

    The Yankees and the Orioles tried to play their baseball game in Baltimore today, they changed it from a night game to a day game and only a couple of hundred showed up. After the 5th inning the rain started up and it got cancelled with the game still tied. The Orioles get to stay home for their next series but the Yankees are supposed to head to Florida for a game tmmw. night. This is very funny seeing that they had the chance last night to cancel this game and make it up next week when the Orioles come to NY. Instead the tried to play it, it got cancelled, and now the Yanks will prolly cancel tmmw. nights game because they wont be able to leave B-more now when they could have left after last nights game.
  11. Not really. Look at security under general info The page is mostly about Nogovan life if the island was real. Since Nogova has no army, its police force is very strong and well armed. The got Gubas' name wrong. "General Ivan Vasilii Guba" instead of Aleksei.
  12. that beats my mind-numbing 1.6kbs
  13. Winters


    Nah, i wouldnt want to make him angry either, we wouldnt like him when he is angry (ok no more hulk jokes). I just chat with him and the other members from time to time to see whats going on, and as a beta tester for them i do get to play around with all the goodies.
  14. Winters


    Last time we chatted he said he wanted to change the textures. I keep nagging him about it so maybe one day he gets sick of me nagging and says "here ya go, its finished, now leave me alone, dammit"
  15. Winters

    To many mod's

    I wouldnt want anyone to give a release date because thats just asking for trouble. I just think they gotta be ready to work and not use the "i have a real life" excuse that gets thrown around all the time. And don't be so suspicious of each other!!!
  16. Winters

    To many mod's

    But why wait until the mod is released when you can release your mission when its done? Do you see my point? if i made a mission today i could release it today rather than waiting for the mods release date (whenever that may be) if using a mods addons are the only reason to join your better off just waiting for the release date and then making more missions. Don't get me wrong, i am all for mods. But, i am for mods that got their act together, we all have real lives and we do this on our spare time because we love the game but seriously, if someones not ready to commit a good amount of their spare time working on the mod they are in, maybe they shouldnt have joined up. I certainly wouldnt make an announcement about a mission i was making and then just not work on it and when someone complains says "well i have a real life, and other things to do first" i just wouldnt mention the mission unless i was commited to getting it done in a reasonable amount of time. Now granted a mission and a mod are two entirley different pieces of work as a mod has loads more work that needs to be done to it. But the concept i bring up is a vaild one all the same.
  17. Winters

    Merkava mk.3!!

    Wider is Better
  18. Winters

    To many mod's

    But then your mission never gets released because you have to wait on the mod, i have no problems with getting my missions distributed, make good missions and people will download them. You dont have to join a mod to get your missions played. In fact if your not in a mod your mission will be played alot more than if you are in one. If you have a mod and release some things from time to time, it keeps people interested in the mod. If you have a mod and a couple of years goes by and all you do is release the occasional screenshot and make some false promises you will find less and less people interested in it as time goes by.
  19. Winters


    Thats a great plane, and it could be released as is, but for some reason Marcel dont wannna release it yet.
  20. Winters

    Junkers 52

    He just needs to finish the new one or just release it as it is. It would make a great final beta version as it stands. It's even better than some of the finished addons that are out.
  21. Winters

    To many mod's

    There are a million WW2 Weapons addons made and not one single C-47 Transport plane, Thats just wrong
  22. Winters

    To many mod's

    Your absolutley right Waffen, there are entirely too many of the same type mods out and most are just dragging there feet and dont trust each other and that makes the editing community suffer as a whole due to false promises and raised expectations. I don't mean to take away from the work that is being done and if i could make my own addons to use in my missions believe me i would. I just hate waiting around for some of the more needed addons to be released and they don't get released because it is not allowed to by the mods "leader" until the entire mod is finished. We will see OFP2 released before some of these mods, and yes i do know that ofp2 wont be out until 2005.
  23. Winters

    Wtc steel to be in new navy ship

    I wonder if they gonna use a piece of steel that i wrote my name on.
  24. Winters

    Lose not loose

    Winters is loosing connection
  25. Winters

    We stand alone, together

    Please follow the directions in the readme carefully to install all the files correctly, the inv_demo_data.pbo does NOT change any files from the I-44 demo, it simply adds more infantry that has the 101st ABD patch. I will update this mission as they and the C-47 become finished and released We Stand Alone, Together