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Everything posted by Winters

  1. I never heard of it, and theres another problem  Novices won't know where to look for the tools they need to start out with. I learned from an old tute that walked you through the most basic of missions and from there i would depbo a lot of missions whenever i saw something i liked to see how they did it. Then it was a case of practice, practice & more practice. I am still learning things today. But this is drifting OT so i will stop now.
  2. Winters

    Wwii online

    I have this game and have had it since it was first released. It has come a long way since the early disaster that it was but it still has not reached the level i want to continue to pay to play. The don't have supply and there are no Medics, how the hell can you have a WW2 game and not have any Medics  Anyway, its still a fun game to play and it can probably be bought cheaply so i say guve it a shot. I once found a sweet spot to hide my Char and proceeded to take out panzer after panzer that came over the hill. I did this for about a 30 minutes until a Stuka (which had to be piloted by a tanker i blasted) was able to nail me with a precision bombing run. Much fun indeed  And ohhh those endless Betty runs
  3. We can do an Addon and Non Addon category but it wouldnt be the Non Addon equal of an addon. It can just be a basic "Best SP Mission (add-on free)" & "Best SP Mission (with add-ons)" Any category woiuld also require submissions to make it needed. If we only get 5 SP missions submitted its kinda pointless to have 2 categories when just 1 combined one would suffice. The competition in itself may not bring more mission makers to the table but an influx of new missions is always a good thing isnt it? One problem i faced when i first started to make missions was in finding "plain english" tutorials that i could understand being a complete foreigner to the world of editing and scripting. Although there are many useful and helpful items these are mostly for people who already have an understanding of how the mission editor works. I think there is still a lack of "Basic Training" manuals for editing novices.
  4. I think we should give awards for the following Single Player Campaign Co-Op CTI Deathmatch CTF And we can also have one category "Best Overall Mission" this way all types could be submitted and given proper respect. We can also have an "All-Time Best" award for missions that have been out a while now, this would make a means for people to nominate missions for awards and not just limit it to brand new mission entries.
  5. Winters

    Vip awards

    I wouldnt mind being a judge at all, of course this eliminates me from the competition but thats ok. I would like to discuss some guidelines i think should be set-up beforehand, let me know when you are ready.
  6. Winters

    Vip awards

    I understood but that doesnt mean i had to agree with it. As far as not offering any suggestions, what was there to suggest? i felt mission makers should have been represented you felt otherwise, i dont have the time to sponsor a mission making competition and i cant force people to make missions so i posted about not liking the fact that mission makers got excluded.
  7. Winters

    9/11 comission meeting

    That was Bob Kerrey, he even started to laugh when she kept going on and on. The best was when he said "Your going to just keep speaking until you find an answer" then when everyone started to applaud he told them to stop.
  8. Winters

    9/11 comission meeting

    The full text of her statement is also available at the 9/11 commisions website in .pdf format right here It doesnt include her entire testimony, if anyone can find a full transcript please post a link to it. Thanks
  9. Winters

    9/11 comission meeting

    Bals, is it just me or does your link just end abruptly? I think Mr. Kerrey did a good job of pointing out the fact she was babbling on and not answering the questions. He even had to suppress a laugh when she just kept going.
  10. Winters

    9/11 comission meeting

    All of her double speak just makes matters worse. She refused to answer any question by going into long winded ramblings. It's easy after the fact to say "why was this not prevented, look at all this evidence" the failure was in the intel community being able to freely share this information that would have painted the picture we now see today, back then, I am just glad that all this makes Bush seem even more incompetent and can only hurt his re-election bid. Uggh this gives me a headache, the Yankees game is starting and it's the home opener, think i will crack open a beer cook up some Fries and Hot Dogs and relax the rest of the day
  11. Winters

    The Iraq thread 3

    Meanwhile Bob Kerrey is grilling Condoleeza Rice and doing a good job of it. All her double speak answers are just confirming what everyone knows. Any moment she is gonna start throwing a tantrum.
  12. Winters

    Vip awards

    I did
  13. Winters

    Vip awards

    I am sorry but i still do not see how you can give an award to addon makers and not one for mission makers. Without mission makers you would all be putzing around with addons in your editor and not be able to fully appreciate the true value of the addon. So what if there are "Not enough guys making good mission consistently" there are enough of us to deserve a place in this. Hell the presidental election didnt have enough "qualified" candidates and it's still being held anyway. This slight to all the mission makers is an insult and slap in the face to us all. Maybe we should all just stop making missions and then the community will appreciate us a little more.
  14. Winters

    Hitler? who is that?

    Well then substitue Jethro Tull with Led Zeppelin or Lynrd Skynrd. Either way they are defiently not referring to that JT. Especially when they say "I like that guy Jethro Tull, he rocks"
  15. Winters

    How about a forum night?

    i am up for a game, if nothing else i can always host.
  16. Winters

    How about a forum night?

    i am up for a game, if nothing else i can always host.
  17. Winters

    New missions

    Click the button in my Siggy Â
  18. Winters

    How about a forum night?

    If anyone is up for a game i am online right now. Join my IP @ Im running FDF 1.2 and OFP 1.96
  19. Winters

    How about a forum night?

    If anyone is up for a game i am online right now. Join my IP @ Im running FDF 1.2 and OFP 1.96
  20. Winters

    Hitler? who is that?

    My point is that there really are people that dumb in this world, whether the poll was BS or not.
  21. Winters

    Hitler? who is that?

    I believe it, i once convinced someone that the program they had on Discovery channel was an actual newscast from Australia about the dinosaurs that are still alive there. I told them that because of Australias warm climate that the ice never made it that far down and that all the dinos who got trapped have descendants that are still alive today. There are people who think we never went to the moon, that dont know what June 6th is and that Jethro Tull is a guy.
  22. Winters

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    I am the guy with the Stinger who is saluting.
  23. Winters

    Starship troopers mod released

    This is without a doubt the "Buggiest" add-on pack ever released
  24. Winters

    U.s. fingerprints even more visitors!

    That is the problem: terrorists do not appear as criminals before they go boom. It is their key to get near their targets: stay unnoticed. No speed tickets. No unpaid bills. So Mr. Bin-Baden will get through the controls with his shiny new biometric ID card just because Mr. Bin-Baden is not suspect except for his name. And he is Mr. Bin-Baden, he does not need to hide this. And suicide terrorists based on a cell system do not need to remove any traces because: 1.) after the strike they will be dead (and in paradise if the Terror Inc. recruiting guy is right) 2.) a network with independent cells will lead to a dead end in investigations Therefore Mr. Bin-Baden does not need to worry about his fingerprints and/or photo being recorded... And how can terrorist assaults be avoided by obtaining detailed ID informations? There are millions of people passing through the controls. There will be millions of records of different sources that have to be scanned every day for suspicious people. And how do you want to identify these suspicious persons? Because their faces look arabic? Or their names sound arabic? Perhaps they come from a country unknown to the average citizen? I do not think the evil guys are that stupid to send persons with a big "Terrorist!" written on their foreheads. We are still talking about normal passengers and tourists. People taking pictures at Time Square; visiting Grand Canyon. Do not get me wrong, a detailed ID is imo necessary in certain non-public areas like power plant control stations etc. But not regarding millions of innocent passengers. Terrorists enter countries through airplanes as well. My point is that people understand why security had been increased and just deal with it. If we did nothing and had another attack you can be sure that the people who scream about invasion of privacy would scream that we are not doing enough about security. You show your ID everywhere you go these days if need to get money from the bank, have to pick up a parcel at the post office or you just won $1,000,000 in the lottery you must prove who you are. This is not something new and is NOT an invasion of privacy.
  25. Winters

    U.s. fingerprints even more visitors!

    It is sad to see how people do not care about intrusion into their privacy... Â This is not an intrusion into my privacy and if you lived here in NYC you would understand this. We have been doing this LOOOOOOOOOOOONG before 9/11 this is nothing new. Checking your ID is not about stopping terrorism, it is to make sure that you actually do have business to conduct in the building you are in and that your not in this building to cause trouble.