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Everything posted by Winters

  1. How about ALL of them Anyway, should be an announcement soon, i want to give people lots of time in case they want to make a new mission from scratch for the event.
  2. Winters

    Us presidential election 2004

    It's amazing how easily the voters of this country get distracted. I stole an apple from a fruit stand when i was 10 should i go and have my hands chopped off now?
  3. Winters

    Us presidential election 2004

    Lieberman would make sure you never got to play another video game. Ever.
  4. Winters

    007 james bond: death & defiance

    I know this thread is old but i have some new info that i feel its ok to post here again. I have updated the mission to use the newer AGS buildings and have taken out the OFPEC blood pack as this caused many error messages with the newer enchancements being made for the game that include blood packs. I also put the remaining addons in an addons pack that i am hosting at the pub for your downloading ease and i hope you enjoy what is a fun and challenging mission. Get the mission and addons pack here: Winters OFP Pub - Missions Ok its all sorted out now and good to go
  5. I found a bug with this that defies any explanation i know of. After i installed this pack to its own mod folder it caused an addon called "Seanagan" to be added to any mission that i would edit in my mission editor even if i didnt make any changes to the mission. This would not stop until after i deleted the Lib 41 mod folder, i really like these units and they fit perfectly in the World War Crisis campaign i am making so if theres any help you can offer please let me know. It would be a shame to not be able to include this pack in the campaign.
  6. Winters

    Greatest generals in all of history

    My favorite "General" never got to be a General as the war ended before he could reach that rank. I am talking about Maj. Richard Winters  His leadership skills are unquestioned and his men still love him today. His assault on the German guns at brecourt manor became a US Military standard for assaulting a fixed position that is still taught at West Point today. He would have won a MOH if the AHC didnt decide to limit the number of medals that would be awarded beforehand Â
  7. Winters

    The auburn stalked

    I wont be able to have a look until i get home from work tonight but i will give it a shot. If the missions small go ahead and e-mail it to me.
  8. Winters

    The auburn stalked

    You may have another trigger that is cancelling that one out as soon as its triggered, Try putting your text in a script and then have the trigger activate the script. Here is a text script i used for the D&D mission. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">TitleText["James, is it really neccesary to drive quite so fast?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~7 TitleText["More often than you'd think","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~3.5 TitleText["I enjoy a spirited ride as much as the next girl but. . .","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText["Who's that?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~2 TitleText["The next girl","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~2 TitleText[" ","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~12 TitleText["James stop this, stop it, i know what your doing","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText["Really? whats that dear?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~2.5 TitleText["You are just trying to show off the size of your. . .your ummm","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~7 TitleText["Engine?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~1.5 TitleText["Ego!","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~2 TitleText["Now here we are having a pleasant drive into the country and you've got to bring psychology into it","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~10 TitleText["Well i was just sent here to evaluate you","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText["Let's try to put that behind us shall we?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText["As you can see i have no problem with female authority","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~7 TitleText["James your incorigible what am i going to do with you?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~7 TitleText["Well, let's toast your evaluation. . .","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText[". . .A very thorough evaluation","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText[" ","PLAIN DOWN",0.1] ~12 TitleText["Radio: James, James can you hear me?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText["Radio: James, this is Q are you reading me?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~5 TitleText["Radio: Blast it 007 what did you do with my plane?","PLAIN DOWN",.5] ~7 exit Hope this helps
  9. Winters

    Does the uk belong into europe

    wow, any chance to bash away at the US, you guys have some issues.
  10. Yes, i will even make a page at the Pub for it as well.
  11. @M21Man The event has not started yet, and when it does we will keep it open for a while to ensure unrushed missions are entered. @Mr.Zig You can enter as a team no sweat, just come up with a nifty name and your set (like Pointless Productions (already taken) Too Much Time Studios or my favorite Legal Evil Productions)
  12. Yeah, i think if anyone wants to be a judge they should either have a broadband connection or lots of time, patience and a good download manager As far as a host goes i may be able to host the entries at the PUB, they will only be available to the judges to save on bandwidth but all the winners will be hosted at the PUB and available for all to download.
  13. Guys, this is a mission making event, you will not be rewarded points for addons used or penalized for not using addons. It is about missions, not addons.
  14. Winters

    How about a forum night?

    Addons or not it's still a great game however you play. Some people like the variety of having other units to play with other than the ones that came with the game. I myself cant get enough of WW2 OFP
  15. Winters

    How about a forum night?

    Addons or not it's still a great game however you play. Some people like the variety of having other units to play with other than the ones that came with the game. I myself cant get enough of WW2 OFP
  16. Addons and Non-Addons missions will both be allowed. They can be judged seperatly from each other if we get enough of each type. I know that just because a addon looks good it will NOT push it ahead of a mission that uses BIS units. This event will not be about who uses the flashiest units, its going to be about the missions and only the missions.
  17. Winters

    Canadian valour on the beaches at....

    Then you've never been a Canadian in the United States. You'd be surprised as to how 'respectful' they can be. Not much, and I can say that with experience and first hand accounts. As i said this happens everywhere, my friends went to Canada and got treated like criminals, is that showing your respect? Edit: I get disrespected on occasions myself and i just let it go. Jerks are everywhere.
  18. Winters

    Canadian valour on the beaches at....

    Hey guys lighten up!! You don't know Americans as well as you think and besides the same can be said about the way other countries treat their neighbors. Nobody here is disrespecting the contributions made by Canada during the 2 world wars, we are just having a little fun with the PM's flub. I was laughing my butt off when Bob Kerrey kept calling the NSA Dr. Clarke during her 9/11 testimony and how many times have we heard jokes about Pres. Bush talking about "The Call of Doody"? It's all in good fun Â
  19. Winters

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    OMG I have been  ned
  20. Winters

    S. korea president impeached

    This fight already happened, King Kong won although Godzilla protested the results of the fight citing King Kong illegally used Electricity to swing the fight in his favor the judges refused to change the outcome. King Kong v Godzilla placard +100KB
  21. Winters

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    am i the only one thinking that green circle gives away where enemy fighters are supposed to aim at? Â You already posted in this thread Ralphie I too would like to say i have been keeping a keen eye on this project ever since we started to talk about all sorts of units (Civ. & Mil) for Nogova way back when. Keep up the great work
  22. Winters

    Bas delta/ranger update

    Hello, The 10th Mountain Division is located at Ft. Drum which is right here in my home state of New York, the school itself is in Vermont  For more info look here: 10th Mountain Division
  23. Winters

    Canadian valour on the beaches at....

    Ahhh yes, i remember the Invasion of Norway quite well. It took place shortly after the Invasion of Little Italy
  24. Winters

    Vote for a custom face!

    How about the Governator? or has that already been made?
  25. Winters

    Tax day in the usa

    Well its April 15th and time to get those taxes sent off. I gotta pay a whopping $3,000 in taxes today. I guess thats what in get for being an Independant Contractor, while i don't pay taxes on a weekly basis this is what i always have to look forward to on this day every year