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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Winters

    Escape From Nogova - Trailer

    Captain Winters is a different guy than me who makes missions also. Im just "Winters" People get us confused sometimes
  2. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    As this is a beta version i want to keep some things (outro) on hold until the final version. Everything you see at the airfield is removed when you get close to landing at the FB (i always use deletevehicle on units no longer needed) with the exception of the CAS and squads that get helo'ed in. The versions i had already put out are only test versions to guage the amount of lag, the finished version will have more enemies and you wont be able to drive to the SF camp in the final version either. I dont think messages about incoming waves would be realistic (nobody outside the camp to send you a message) but i will be adding more chatter (again something saved for the final product) and the tanks wont go inside the camp anymore, instead they will stop and engage from outside the camp. Thanks for the comments but before giving reviews remember that its a test version designed to check lag amounts and not the final product.
  3. Winters

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    Nope, didnt make it up. But it's still funny
  4. Winters

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    'Twas the night before Christmas, Da whole house was mella, Not a creature was stirrin', Cuz I had a gun unda da pilla. When up on da roof I heard somethin' pound, I sprung to da window, To scream, "YO! Keep it down!" When what to my Wanderin' eyes should appear, But da Don of all elfs, And eight friggin' reindeer! Wit' slicked back black hair, And a silk red suit, don Christopher wuz here, And he brought da loot! Wit' a slap to dare snouts, And a yank on dare manes, He cursed and he shouted, And he called dem by name. "Yo Tony, Yo Frankie, Yo Vinny, Yo Vito, Ay Joey, Ay Paulie, Ay Pepe, Ay Guido!" As I drew out my gun And hid by da bed, He flew troo da winda And slapped me 'side da head. "What da hell you doin' Pullin' a gun on da Don? Now all you're gettin' is coal, You friggin' moron!" Den pointin' a fat finga Right unda my nose, He twisted his pinky ring, And up da chimney he rose. He sprang to his sleigh, Obscenities screamin', Away dey all flew, Before he troo dem a beatin'. Den I heard him yell out, What I did least expect, "Merry Friggin' Christmas to all, And yous better show some respect!"
  5. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    I sometimes get that error myself, it has to do with the mines themselves as i followed the instructions on how to use them to the letter but it still pops up once in a while. I already have a remove dead bodies script, if i didnt you wouldnt be able to play it for very long  I already added those mags to the ammo crates as the remington and also the mosin are 2 of my favs. I usually grab one of them and then head to the tower with the M2 to call in arty strikes and snipe some NVA (the m2 is manned in your version but i not in the latest one i have.) I want to add more to the mission but again its a matter of getting it to be playable for others. While adding more apc's/infantry may make it more difficult it could also make it less playable. Thanks for the input, one thing though Bonko can you post what your comps specs are? this would really help me out a lot if i know the specs of the comps. people are using to help me test. Thanks Â
  6. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Thanks for the input, i will look into why it wouldnt end, i think it may be some NVA are hiding someplace nearby, soz instead of an end trigger that detects the presence of east units being present i think i will make it a timed trigger so you have to hold the base for a pre-determined amount of time. I think the lag when you get to the base is due to the soldiers who are guarding the base and your arriving along with more men and the NVA are attacking, maybe i should delay the attack about 5 minutes to give you a chance to set up your defense, this will prolly allow for a smoother landing at the base. Since you only had some lag at the base when you started i am guessing that the AI on demand did its thing and helped reduce the overall lag. Since you actually place the units on the map and it holds them in stasis and not kills them i can use the killed eventhandler on them.
  7. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    NEW VERSION AVAILABLE, LINK UPDATED I added CoC Ai On Demand and now it runs soooo much smoother, tell me what you think. I also removed the arctic T55 from the kegnoecain pack that snuck into the mission and i added the T-55 from remo new nam pack. Just check my first post for links.
  8. Hey all, During beta testing of a new mission i am working on the issue of lag has reared it's ugly head. This happens when the AI starts to spawn on the map, all of the initial units placed on the map have the killed event handler that activates a remove bodies script but since the units that spawn are not placed on the map initially i was wondering if there was a way to make the eventhandler work for all units via a script or a trigger? The handler at the moment is placed in the individual units init field. Thanks for the help
  9. W Â Â W AI On demand is soooo sweet. Thanks again
  10. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Oh, i wont be butchering the mission, just adjusting the AI spawn and making it work with the killed eventhandler. Right now the eventhandler calls a remove bodies script but its only attached to the units that are initially placed on the map. I will now make it work with the units that spawn in and that should do the trick. I have already added a trigger that will deletevehicle all the objects/units (except for the squads that re-enforce you) that get left behind at the airfield shortly after you leave.
  11. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Thanks but there is no mention of JJR soldiers in the addons used lists of the mission.sqm
  12. Winters

    Hollywood version of battle for Fallujah

    Not this American or many others, unlike some people we understand that Hollywood is not real life and going to the movies is a form of escapism. EDIT: but i am sure it will be filled with the typical over the top hollywood-ness that you see in just about every movie, not just the war movies.
  13. Winters

    Hollywood version of battle for Fallujah

    So Harrison Indiana Solo is going to Iraq ehh. Oh well, i love war movies so i will go see it.
  14. Winters

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    Only 8 more shopping days 'til X-mas
  15. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    No worries, i already know i need to fix the lag problem, there are too many units on the map at missions start, i also need to make the killed event handler work with the units that will spawn in later. I have no idea what JJR soldiers are i definetly did not use any addons other than whats been listed. Thanks for the feedback, i kinda knew ahead of time ii would lag a bit for people but its nothing thats not fixable.
  16. Thanks, i will give it a check, im just using an AI Spawn script that came with a zombie mission that i changed to NVA units instead of zombies.
  17. Winters

    Bus hijack in Athens

    No, thats why they are criminals.
  18. Winters

    NVA Pack

    Wow, i can totally use these in my new 'Nam mission. Great work
  19. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    The video gets about 7-8 fps and when im not shooting the video it jumps up a lot higher. I guess thats due to FRAPS, i do have a couple of ideas and i will make a post as well in ME & S to see if i can get a solution. I will prolly have a new version tonight when i get home.
  20. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Here's a video i made, i have a smaller and larger resolution version. 320x240 = 11MB Charlie Mike Small 640x480 = 25MB Charlie Mike Big
  21. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    I am able to scale down the enemy spawn times and i will also search around for a way to make the remove bodies script work with the spawned enemies this way there wont be piles of bodies lagging the mission. Thanks for the input, i get good performance out of my system (P4 3.0ghz, 1GB DDR RAM, FX5200 128MB) so its important to get this type of feedback.
  22. Winters

    Charlie Mike - Vietnam '65

    Here is a link to the beta mission: Charlie Mike beta I am particularly interested in finding out about lag. these are the addons your going to need: SEB Nam Pack 2 A1 Skyraider by Footmunch M60 A1 by Inquisitor M113/M163 by Inquisitor NVA Pack by Remo CoC Unified Artillery And CoC mines which are included in SEB NP2. Thanks for the help Â
  23. Winters

    darwars ambush

    It is NOT a mod for OFP.
  24. Winters

    HBO's Band of Brothers: Pacific War

    Oh boy, this is a letdown indeed
  25. Winters

    Dying For Your Country

    As Gen. Patton said: "Let the other poor bastard die for his country"