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Everything posted by Stag

  1. Stag

    A tool to make odol explorer....

    After the temporary lockdown of the OE release thread, I was going to shut up; getting into this kind of argument is like trying to nail a jelly to the ceiling. But Sigma, I got to say: YOU DA MAN! S!
  2. Stag

    Can anyone make?

    Wardog you missed a very important part of the reading before you posted a reply. Rate of fire: Can be varied from 200 to 6000 rounds per minute. Meaning that the electric current on the motor can be varied to turn the motor fast or slow so your rate of fire is from 200 to 6000 rounds per minute. So if you lower the rate of fire you lower the recoil. On the M60 you fire in short burst so the barrel will not over heat and have longer before you have to change the barrel out. I wouldn't think the tradeoff would be worth it. "The M134 is only twelve pounds heavier;" You do realise that's the weight of a Stoner 63 LSW and 150 rounds of ammo?
  3. Stag

    Roc mod 3 addons lvtp5

    You could have put those comments a bit more constructively gentlemen. Bear in mind this is in AM:D not AM:C. Perhaps he's not yet done the weathering. A little more encouragement?
  4. Stag

    Can anyone make?

    That'snot the whole story though. you also have to factor in a little thing called recoil. An M60 firing (roughly) 650 rounds can be fired from the hip. an MG3, which can spit out almost twice that rate is impossible to control. Either minigun, spitting out 2500-4000 or 6000 rounds... well... you can imagine the result in the hands of anyone that isn't a Movie Megastar.
  5. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    Whatever. Time will tell if you're right or wrong, and personally I think that your protests are unwarranted.
  6. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    It was me who used words similar to that, although you've done a fine job of quoting me out of context. I've never stolen anyone's work, and neither have the majority of members here, but we've been as good as called thieves when this gizmo has been out less than 24 hours; How's that for generalisation? I find the majority of people I've asked for help in the past have bent over backwards to solve my problem, but there a small, admittedly talented minority who are so full of shit I wouldn't even bother approaching them; that's what I men by Elitist. If you want to stick yourself with them, fine. I've got zero interest in pulling apart addonmakers models; what I do want to do is be able to access a basic model to see how something was done, and how it works. So encrypt away; I have no interest whatsoever.
  7. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    The fact that this thread is still open says it all.
  8. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    I'm no stranger to sarcasm.
  9. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    5. keep on going as usual and not care on what lamers do 6. use the allmighty copyright law (you can complain to sites hosting the downloads for you ripped models for example, or if that doesnt work, operators hosting the hosting sites, etc.) That sums it up nicely.
  10. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    I seriously doubt that any pirates will actually steal and modify models, mainly because they'll still have to use O2 to edit the models. Have you ever tried to edit a complex model? It's damn near impossible to change any part of the structure without creating texture inconsistencies, weird mixups in various physics LODs, etc... Inherited a couple (with permission). IMO, it's easier to start from scratch.
  11. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    Never knew it existed. And everybody knows damned well that anyone who tries to release a blatantly plagiarised addon will get very short shrift, so where is the problem, aside from giving the finger to the more elitist modmakers who don't want to share what they learned?
  12. Stag

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    Downloaded, opened up a .p3d, and answered in seconds a question that has been plaguing me for months. I wouldn't worry about piracy; I'm sure the Addon Gestapo will be right on the ball.
  13. Stag

    0-2a cessna (vietnam era)

    Downloading now. Thanks, I've been hoping this bird would show up!
  14. Stag

    Mapfact airport addon

    Why? Do you have a site with a German translation? @ mapfact: Very nice work!
  15. Stag


    Actually, I was wrong. there's a new version out which doesn't have the "issues" I had yesterday. Go to OFPEC front page, and take it from there.
  16. Stag


    I just successfully downloaded it, and tried twice to install it. Then I realised the date.
  17. Stag

    Guess the name of the game

    Ya get da ceegar! Got to be one of the prettiest sims out there. CFS? What's that?
  18. Stag

    Guess the name of the game

    Big, but too pretty to edit: Which flight sim?
  19. Stag

    Does anyone have the old gwc demo?

    Short attention spa-
  20. Stag

    Does anyone have the old gwc demo?

    If you want to adopt this one, PM me with your email addy and I'll send it to you.
  21. Stag

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Nowhere that exists yet. May never happen.
  22. If I remember right, that's part of Nam Pack 2.
  23. Stag

    High quality m-16a1

    Not so high quality; where's the vent holes at the top of the furniture?