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Everything posted by Vex

  1. I just downloaded ArmA:gold from sprocket after losing my 505 serial number in a house move. Downloaded fine, activated fine. launch... crash. updated to 1.14. launch... crash uninstall, registry cleaned. reinstalled, didnt ask me to re activate... launch... crash. @#^$%@(*^$ now what? edit: reinstalled it 4 times now it only ever asked me for my activation code the first time... useless.
  2. Vex

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    unless you want to play with the SightAdjustment mod
  3. Vex

    XAM 1.3 Released

    i like it. I still can't hit a bloody thing with the artillery. and why does it only give me one shot? makes testing a chore.
  4. Vex

    Skins Multicam

    I think they need to be de saturated a little to be honest, i've got a Multicam boonie and some multicam trousers that i use at work and they are faded down some. But these skins are my uniform of choice now... good work.
  5. Vex

    Warfare Designs

    I don't mean to nitpick, but the air filter on the BF-109 is on the wrong side in the screenie. Also if it's a desert 109, it needs a tropical filter.
  6. Vex

    New sniper system?

    Might as well add Range finders to the kit then, if you add the rest of it. Which i'm all for. But then the ballistics of the M107 need to be upgraded. at the moment, it takes more than one round to take out a tyre from 500 meters.
  7. Vex

    Dynamic War

    My radio keeps vanishing on me so i can't save it. My main gripe is having 4 M1A1 tanks rolling up half way through a terrorist base sniping fest, I'm doing all the hard yards getting to within 500 meters of a base and not being sprung. snipe 20 dudes, and the Abrahams rock in .50's blazing. on the far east coast of the north. would it be possible to use the tanks as a "request Tank Platoon". i basically just have to sit there long enough and they will turn up. Cool idea though, i'm loving it besides the small faults.