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Everything posted by VXR

  1. Nice project! - Are there currently plans for a M48 Chaparral? - Are you recreating the original OFP islands?
  2. Looks all great as usual guys! Keep it up. B)
  3. VXR

    Lowlands Warrior

    Good to see you guys back!
  4. The model has too many vertices to be shown in Buldozer, you should reduce it. For creating the shadow lod you create a model in the LOD that resembles your weapon.
  5. This one explains the Resolution LODs (OFP based) http://www.lowlandswarrior.nl/home/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=8 This gives a basic about shadow lod http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Creating_Shadow_LODs http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?69434-Shadow-LOD
  6. VXR

    ArmA 3 Tools

    I do not launch it via Steam. Go to the Arma 3 tools folder and open the tool you need directly from the exe. That works fine for me.
  7. This page? http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/brsseb/tutorials.htm
  8. I'm pointing you into the direction of the sample models of where you should take notice of how BIS made configured their models in Arma 3. If you do the same with your model in terms of model selections, lods, etc. you should be fine.
  9. Just install the new tools and go to your Steam folder. Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Samples_F\Test_Weapon_01 Check it out how it's done in that folder and check if it works. As for Rvmat etc. look how thats done on the Bi wiki in the Arma 2 area.
  10. VXR

    Vehicle .PAA Files

    All data for models etc. are packed in the .pbo files you can find in your arma directory. There are loads of pbo tools to be found on the internet to unpack them. Once you have the pbo files open you can find tutorials how to retexture on youtube.
  11. From what I understand from the post Jeza linked.. Not allowed unless it directly links to files in Arma 1 / 2. So a standalone release of content from Arma 1 / 2 is not allowed. That is what I think when I read that post.
  12. VXR

    Dutch Units [WIP]

    They only got them on when there is no threat, even NL SF put on their helmet where there is possible enemy in the area, so I would not make it a standard for most of them. ;)
  13. VXR


    See first post as quoted above.
  14. VXR


    Great model, the models I have seen from you always have the great quality. Offtopic: Is the Bushmaster still being worked on?
  15. Great to see you guys back producing! Looking forward driving that metal.
  16. A higher detail blueprint is in hands of Astast, along with a few photos of the cabin in detail. So I assume it will be made as it shows on those and the screenshot is pre receiving the photos.
  17. VXR

    Dutch Units [WIP]

    Looks like I did something wrong, will look into it tonight. Thanks!
  18. VXR

    Dutch Units [WIP]

    Hmm strange, did not work for me. As for the texture, just a quick wrap up of a "future" dutch camo for vehicles. Screenshot
  19. VXR

    Dutch Units [WIP]

    It is not possible to show the reskinned fennek, There is no replacement texture defined.
  20. VXR

    Dutch Units [WIP]

    Got the Fennek covered, reskinned the "hidden" green texture to a dutch one already. ;) Awaiting texture replacement beeing activated on those models, I believe you cant use a replacement texture on those yet. As hexediting for reskin is not allowed we have to wait.
  21. True, I think in the first 2 years when its beeing distributed it will be hard to get it for a nice price. They are receiving a order of 30000 I believe and then add up later. (Fighters first)
  22. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B31I5aLLI9UAeGxxN1VjWnhVdTQ/edit?pli=1 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B31I5aLLI9UAWGt6M3ViUC1vdU0/edit?pli=1
  23. It looks like you made a config for every gearitem or uniform used and pasted them into one config. The error states you already defined the CfgPatcher because its already defined (three times). Nonex has received textures that have the camouflage applied, the camouflage on those textures have been made with digital camouflage file (pdf) from the TNO Research results. The camouflage shown on the last two links are outdated and were testing examples of the camouflage during research. The Tan version on that photos looks quite different now.
  24. Are you trying to add new wound textures? I have reskinned the BLUFOR soldier (using replacetexture) and default wound textures are working without any adjustments done to in my reskin config.