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Everything posted by VXR

  1. VXR

    Project T-800

    Check your RVMAT settings and texturepaths of the RVMAT, also be sure the path in o2.. Material and color texture directory are right. I had the problem before but can't remember exacly how I got it fixed. If the above solution doesnt work I'll ask around.
  2. VXR


    Most parts of the HMMWV have a plain desert color the hood, turret and rearbumper are worked out. If you like another color closer to the real thing maybe you could post a colorcode?
  3. VXR

    Queens Gambit Hilux

    The p3d model. You do need the MLOD version of the model, current Arma p3d files are all odol. I do not know if the QG mlods are released already.
  4. VXR


    Nice one mate! I hope to find some more time to get the thing fully textured
  5. Do you mean configwise or the config for the weapon in oxygen itself?
  6. VXR

    Willy's Jeep

    looks good, do watch your screenshot filesize before a mod notices it. there is a 100kb rule hereÂ
  7. VXR


    Who’s to say they are losing public interest? Are you in the possession of quantitative data supporting such claims? I highly doubt that. I know for me personally, given the extended development times of lots of amazing mods that I simply don't believe any will be released until they are finished. Take the C-130 for example.  Multiple groups have finished, working, viable C-130 addons.  Multiple groups have said they are going to release them.  What do we have today?  Nothing.  To someone that was really wanting to use a C-130 that's kind of depressing, right? So rather than get all excited and expecting of these amazing new addons, I just tell myself "Well, nice concept there" and get surprised when/if anything ever gets released. Personally I think the main problem is "perfection".  Rather than release a good base and add on from there people are holding back their work until the unattainable point where everything is exactly perfect.  The company I work for is building a computer program and we're doing it in stages.  Each and every stage is complete and usable.  Now, it might not have every feature of the end product, but each stage is complete with a certain set of features.  If AddOn makers took that approach I think you'd see a happier community.  Lets say you wanted to make a B-2 Bomber.  Step 1: Make a B-2 model that flies like an A-10 as a replacement pack.  Release it. Step 2:  Make a B-2 model that flies like a B-2 and has properly animated features and weapon bays.  Release it.  Step 3:  Make a B-2 AddOn which includes customized weapon systems, data systems, features, sounds and multiple skins and whizbangs and unit markers and whatever else.  Release it. Now, it wouldn't be perfect from the beginning, but it would be out there.  Playable.  Enjoyable.  Each new release would be a huge event which totally changed the game playing experience and worth waiting for.  Feedback and testing would be available for each step of the way on a scale that a small development team couldn't match.  Eventually it would be perfect, but you'd have a happier community, less stressful devs and just about the same timeline from concept to perfection as you would have had you never released anything till you were finished, but you'd be able to use it all the way along. Keep in mind I'm not trying to single out any specific mods or developers or telling anyone how to work, just saying if I had the skills to do this, that's probably how I would. So yeah, count me as at least 1 quantitative data unit that loses interest in something that "never" gets released. What to do against all the different versions that are spread around once version 3 is released? I personally do not like updates, I'd wait a little longer to get something that is perfect or allmost perfect.
  8. VXR

    Project RACS

    We have a basic model made but nothing else. At the moment it is gone be a while untill there is gone be worked on it. We have a load of projects that are higher priority. I just found this concept drawing on my ftp and dropped it here to see if its good for RACS.
  9. VXR

    Project RACS

    Maybe this is an suitable vehicle for RACS? M730, not in use anymore with the US forces so could have been sold to RACS.
  10. I had the same problem with my other videocard.. I bought a new card and the problem was gone. The old card was tested and there was not any problem on it.. it was just a driver problem in combination with a badly installed windows. Have a look around on the nvidia forums to see if anyone else has the same problem. It gave me alot of information. Be sure to have the latest mainboard drivers too btw.
  11. Yes that is correct. <squad nick="ESN"> <name>Example Squad Name</name> <email>email@example.com</email> <web>www.example.com</web> <picture>example_logo.paa</picture> <title>Use this e.g. for your squads name or your squads URL</title> The bold text makes the title show up in the square. Also see here for more information about the squad xml.
  12. VXR

    M1114 Uparmored

    As soon as they are done , The HMMWV is not the only project I´m working on. It is a offer from me to shadow to help him on it if something from RKSL has to be textured quickly the RKSL work comes first leaving the HMMWV textures something to do between the other work. The hood, back bumper and Turret got its proper texture I believe, to do are the doors and other pars.
  13. VXR

    M1114 Uparmored

    I will work on the textures as much as I can, please be patient for them
  14. looking good:) watch out with the filesize
  15. VXR

    Project RACS

    Nice to see more variation, are the huey textures gone be reworked? At the moment they have alot of dark spots.
  16. That is the easy way but it makes the clansign not working anymore. It is also possible to do it configwise I believe so the clan sign stays functional.
  17. Take the original layer with all the details, desaturate that. Get the layer above the Iranian color layer. The Desaturated layer needs to be on hard light, the colorversion should be kept on normal. play around with the lighting of the desaturated layer and opacity to get a good result.
  18. VXR

    Addon Research Topic

    lol, sorry for the russian, I was using russian words for cockpit etc to find these. edit russian to english
  19. VXR

    Addon Research Topic

    A few more for you.. Link 1 Link 2 The last one is a bit shit, but there was a game of it.. (low res) You might want to look for some screens here.
  20. VXR

    BWMod Discussion Thread

    Looking very good
  21. The only things I can tell you about these projects is the texture status. Hawk: Yes, RAF textures are done too along with 2 more desert skins from other nations. Puma: Textures are gone be reworked, polished up. Thank you for your compliments! edit: As I was looking around on every page of the RKSL website I found this banner showing a few colors of the Hawk. Check it out here
  22. VXR

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    You have the MLOD and the config cpp, the only thing you need is permission from footmunch. But yes it is possible.
  23. VXR

    Project RACS

    Looking very good! Are the textures made from scratch or taken from photos?
  24. VXR

    M1114 Uparmored

    I dont think the moderators like the shouting it also wont make the addon be released any faster.