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Everything posted by VXR

  1. VXR

    Degenerate Traingles Error

    To see if there are any hidden faces over others is just basically using the "merge near" tool. Set that to 0.001 or something so it really only takes the points that are right on top of each other. See if that works.
  2. Thats looking good! What changes have been made to get the soldiermodel look like this?
  3. VXR

    Project RACS

    Is that Littlebird WIP? You might want to adjust the amount of hellfires that are on that helicopter. 8 Hellfires on a Littlebird is quite a overkill. Its like transporting a M1A1 with a Chinook The max amount of hellfires is 4, 2 on each side for the Littlebird.
  4. VXR

    What about the oil-pumps

    It's easy enough to make your own fire effect, in fact you could use the fire effects that are already there for vehicles. The scripts are in *.pbo files, easy to find with tools that can extract the *.pbo files. As for animating the fuel pumps, you could make a script that uses the 'animate' command and get a list of the positions and IDs of the fuel pumps to animate. There are only a few fuel pumps on the map, all by Cayo, so getting a list of them would be easy. have you seen the fire smoke coming from those oil pumps in the 1st video that came out? its not a simple fire.. they looked different, as if they were blown from the oil pumps.
  5. VXR

    NOT the Lost Brothers Mod

    Are they having some kind of muzzleflashbug on those screenshots?
  6. VXR

    Battle Of Fallujah Map

    O2 was used to unwrap it, didnt have any problems making the texture look good on the model.
  7. VXR

    Battle Of Fallujah Map

    Got any suggestions how to unwrap it better besides shouting it isnt looking good?
  8. VXR

    USEC HH60 (Rocket)

    looking nice! Are the textures work in progress? I would turn down the opacity a little of the dark weathering.
  9. VXR

    Project RACS

    looks nice! The plane could use some dirt on certain spots maybe
  10. VXR

    Battle Of Fallujah Map

    busy little bit on my life  . Well. i'm trying to make sexy buildings =), also try to textureing my buildings using the UV Editor in O2, but i got hard little bit on textureing a rounded faces\models (a mosque dome for example), because its hard to make it plane in the UV editor. btw try to get some news soon . This is how a dome should look like when its unwrapped, maybe it gives you a push in the right direction.
  11. VXR

    Petition for Tonal to ArmA!

    sounds like a request
  12. VXR

    Project RACS

    I think the SLA is speaking spanish, William Porter blog
  13. Not that I know of.. I only know the army is having daily lanpartys using vbs2 lol
  14. He is looking for some that look different from the original. Or you could be pointing out that he could edit the current ones?
  15. VXR

    Project RACS

    It does not really matter if its too modern or too expensive for RACS, the missionmaker is the one that decides if he puts it into his mission right?
  16. Everything is beeing tested internally, if passed the internal testing it will be released as public BETA.
  17. VXR

    Project: UK Forces

    I'm sure if there is something these guys want to tell about they would post it right away..
  18. Something I would like to know too.. So far the Talibanman is looking great!
  19. Do you also plan to make a very shitty T55 looking like it didnt have any maintenance for years and is full of dirt and rust, missing parts (mudcover for example) etc.? That would suit very well for militia OPFOR, (Somalia militia, Taliban, Africa, etc.)
  20. VXR

    Project RACS

    That are some nice looking Leopards! Looks a bit like IDF equipment with that armor on it.
  21. VXR

    Oxygen's UVEditor

    Thanks messiah, that will do instead of a video
  22. You could try to put the setheight into the init. I'm not sure what line you need to use but I'm sure it can be found in the command ref.
  23. VXR

    Oxygen's UVEditor

    I might be able to create a small video tutorial tomorrow for unwrapping a basic cillinder. I aint very hard to unwrap models in o2, once you know how to do it you will never forget it.
  24. Not that I know of. You could try to use the search function of the boards and select the A&M Discussions and A&M complete area.
  25. This has been done in Operation Flashpoint, Lowlands warrior had it on their MB jeeps. You can download the jeeps at www.lowlandswarrior.nl I'm not sure but the same technique may work for ArmA.