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Everything posted by BLSmith2112

  1. If only I had two PCs to do some screenshot testing from two angles... Some of these scenarios I really believe the person who should be at an advantage is put at a lower advantage. Some people have high graphics settings, some have low... how does the game compensate? Scenario One: There is a small hill in the middle of a flat landed area. On this hill is a few trees and bushes. You find yourself kneeling & hiding behind one of these bushes and a player spots you at a range of 150-200m. Question: The resolution of the bush is lower at longer distances, does that resolution affect the quality of concealment for the one hiding? --Point I want to make on this question is that, while you may be completely behind a bush, you may be able to lean and see through a few pieces of shrubbery. While you can see through a few pixels of shrubs, can the other player see your entire head? Or none of you at all? Scenario Two: You are in the same location as senario one, but instead of hiding behind a bush you are laying in the grass. Question 1: Since grass no longer appears 20m or so out of your player, and you are laying on a hill - it seems as though (while you think your in cover), your a prime target for everyone with bullets. Are you really in cover? --Point I want to make here is that I remember reading that ether your player or the terrain lowers/raises to compensate for your use of grass as cover. Does this work if the person in cover is laying on a hill angled towards the one doing the shooting? Question 2: You are in this grass, but as you lay down and crawl - the grass is flattened. Since it is flattened slightly around you and you are on a small hill looking down - this has opened a small opportunity for you to see between a few pieces of grass and see your target. How does this "terrain leveling" come into play? Scenario Three: You are in a forest, on a large hill. Someone sees you running on this hill at about 200-250m out in some flatlanded area. Trees appear to lose significant resolution as you get further away from them. So while the guy that is looking at you at a long distance is seeing trees with lower resolution, you are the guy in the forest everything at higher resolution. Question: When the trees lose some quality at longer distances, doesn't this make the job a lot easier for the guy looking into the forest? Doesn't the complexity of the leafs and branches provide that essential concealment while your in there? What about the guy looking out of the forest who is seeing all the branches and leafs while the other guy doesn't have to?
  2. BLSmith2112

    ArmA 2 vs. OFP 1

    I guess it's different for a bunch of us I suppose. I played with the same group of 20+ or so people for years. We knew who was going to eventually disconnect (sleep, appointments, etc), so we wouldn't have to go back for them... Granted there was a few of those occasions that were unpredictable, but weren't enough to break the overall experience with the game. Hehe, we spent so much time in the lobby we got to know eachother pretty well over the years :) I still like locked servers though, especially in warfare etc. True, but it never set out to be the official beta through Arma1 so it would be ready for Arma2. Being in Beta after 2 years is kinda insane. Wasn't it announced on Arma1's launch? Whatever reasons they have for taking longer than the entire development process of Arma2 - still little reason for myself (personally) to get any of my hopes up that it'll be ready anytime close to soon.
  3. Still, it's technically lockable. Considering the Offtopic Description: Just being the messenger :) *Placebo is hiding, so I think its ok now*
  4. BLSmith2112

    Long Distance Use of Cover MP.

    Well I'm sorry for not being perfect in my choice of words. Grass and bushes are a place for.... hiding. Happy? Technically some are for cover because I swear a few bushes are bulletproof. :D
  5. BLSmith2112

    PvP - Where do I find it?

    Coop should be banned for 1 month I swear. I'm not playing Arma2 like OFP for 6 years on some Human Vs. Brainless AI ideology. OFP had it right, CTF/DM/Coop/RTS-CTI, a nice mix. Now its full blown retarded.. I dont know WTF people are smoking. /rant. *sigh*
  6. BLSmith2112

    ArmA 2 vs. OFP 1

    Nothing can take away the best times of the OFP Days. OFP was new & Fresh, no one had seen anything like it. While Arma2 is amazing (and it is), its a dramatic improvement on what was. In terms of Single Player, the OFP/Resistance campaign was something I'll remember for a long time. No matter what sort of game BI can pull off now, nothing will ever come close to the good ol' Flashpoint days I'm afraid. It's those priceless memories and good times that make it for what it is... maybe Arma2 will have those moments, but OFP will always be king. As far as CWC, that took 2 years for Arma1. As much as I'd like to see it for Arma2 - I see little reason to get my hopes up anytime soon. Not to mention I wish the CWC made it so we could use our own audio (IE: Take the audio from OFP:PC) and put it into the mod, rather than listening to some poorly voice acted junk. Theres no way I'll get the true "OFP" feel without the actual (not Xbox Elite) voices.
  7. BLSmith2112

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    I don't mean to speak for him but numerous Addons (including weather effects and maps) still work from Arma1 to Arma2. There is a thread somewhere here that is asking users to submit any addons they discover working from Arma2 from Arma1. The Armaholic forums is also running the request(s) in their threads too.
  8. I haven't seen Placebo lately... *Awaits his expected sudden arrival*, Its not like this is Off Topic from the game Arma2 or anything. :rolleyes:
  9. BLSmith2112

    Long Distance Use of Cover MP.

    I hadn't thought about teamswitch, I suppose I can try that.
  10. BLSmith2112

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Sorry to say I have no idea how to write even the most simple scripts after 7-8 years of playing this XD. All I know how to do is write " this exec "camera.sqs" " in a units initialization field and go wild from their with a joystick and some time. Has anyone attempted to use a Xbox360 controller with this game? Having two 'joysticks' (from the controller) for smooth movement would be much better than just the one you get with a normal joystick. (Hitting keys on the keyboard is too sudden and unnatural).
  11. BLSmith2112

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    dTw38KXsiyk [HD] | Base Attack 5
  12. BLSmith2112

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Edit: Yea I don't know much about anything, so I just set the planes to "limited" speed and they ended up going pretty damned slow lol. I suppose there is a user video thread, I just noticed it thanks to it being recently bumped to page one. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79646 Guess I'll tack this video in there as well.
  13. I've made a small series of clips and strung them into a video that hopefully will catch some attention. The video is in 2 parts, with 1 update video and covers over 5 sections: Skybox. Spike tipped sky above head. Vehicle Sounds: When leaving they turn off. NPC Kill Lag: After death they take 5-10 seconds to die. NPC Walk Lag: Refresh rate after death takes a long time. Tire Pop: The M107 appears to do more damage to objects at longer ranges. Weaker than a pistol at short ranges. System: Intel i7 920 2.66 Ghz eVGA GTX 285 1GB Corsair 6GB Triple Channel Windows XP 32 SP3. Video Part 1 (10:00): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUBpME-26UA Video Part 2 (2:01): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUxDtBIdRpI Video Update: (0:34) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdfKsR90KuY Some of these may have been talked about before but I feel that if it can be shown through video - it might help add some weight to them.
  14. BLSmith2112

    Bug Report Video(s).

    Yea if you hadn't uploaded your video there I probably would have a hard time envisioning what you would be saying. Video bug reports are the way to go imo.. My latest one has been sitting in the editor for a few days... I still think theres too many of these threads popping up a day for anyone to really even notice this.
  15. BLSmith2112

    Which vehicle do you like most?

    I love the BTR, can't beat firing 400 grenades into a forest of guys running for their lives. The MV-22 is my favorite otherwise, I get excited just thinking about it.
  16. BLSmith2112

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Hehe, yea I usually have the view distance to like 3000 with all the options maxed out. I ended up making it 10,000 and had a hell of a time trying to wait for the menu to load at 1FPS when I hit escape to lower the game settings.
  17. BLSmith2112

    Video Settings - 'Postprocess effects'

    It makes it blurry, puts you in a disadvantage online, and slows down your performance. I have it on low, having it off makes things a little too dull for my taste.
  18. I just really hope they are getting the financial results they were hoping (even dreaming) for... otherwise they'll probably branch off from this brand completely in order to find new financial ground.. :( It'd be nice (if ARMAII did well that is) for BI to expand, and use some of their revenue to open up more studios and bring in new people. Their strong relationship with this community is unmatched, and I'd really like to see it grow for years to come.
  19. Is there anyway we will ever find out if Arma2 gave BI the kinds of sales they were hoping for? I hope so, I care :)
  20. I need a key Shift+Tab setup with Steam. Shift+tab makes my game menus spaz out. Every key is used it seems. I cant use a letter, because when I open a chat box online I don't want to accidentally hit it. I like using the NUMPAD keys to look around my vehicle when ALT isn't an option... Everythings taken! Ideas?
  21. BLSmith2112

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    I recommend: ArmA II Videography I thread. Arma2 Video: Base Attack 5. Just thought I'd do some testing with the Camera.sqs with my joystick & it ended up turning into some video sort of video.. no scripts or anything, just the plane old camera. I showed a friend & he liked it so I did a little editing and here we are I guess. Yea, and about the widescreen - I have no idea how to get rid of it... it messes with me. I looked at the sticky threads and...well OFP and ARMA had a place for this stuff at least, just like Photography does now. :)
  22. Very well done Prototype, thanks a bunch for your efforts. :) I'm enjoying a bunch of them in the editor as we speak. I REALLY would like to see some sort of full blown community project made from this. There would be a list of all the addons from Arma1 and any person could take up the task to downloading even just a few of the addons that they would like to test out. After they test it, they would ether report back: [Yes/No] and possibly give a 1 sentence description. If only we could have like a website check box with all of the addons so they could be checked off. In ether case, we would need the list of addons. I took the time to travel to Armaholic and compile a list of all available aircraft. The list was too long to stop midway though formatting it to even think of cross referencing the few that have been posted already. To be honest, without any organization - it'll probably only be a small handful of people that may take the time to do at least some of this... but I think if people are pointed in the right direction - it could be a painless process that could really jolt some extra life into Arma2 while we patiently await for our wonderful modders here to cook up somethin special for us specifically for Arma2. I don't think a forum would be the ideal place to do this though... unless you had a sticky'd OP with all the addons that was continuously updated with [Yes/No]'s... which I can almost guarantee wont happen.
  23. BLSmith2112

    Bug Report Video(s).

    I'll make one more... but it'll be half assed as it appears these threads get bumped to 4-5 pages a day and have a real low chance of catching any eyes... not to mention if they prefer seeing things like this or not.
  24. When I press Control + Space, I can go into my map and control the squads perfectly fine. But when I press it again to control my own 3 man team, they just stand there. I restart the mission, the game, my computer... and they just stand there! I tell them to return to formation, get into a car, lay down... NOTHING works! edit: You cant even team switch or whatever. What can I do? Edit: Video Coming Soon.
  25. BLSmith2112

    Dogs of War launcher available

    I think Bondorf is right on the money. If you could change this in an update, we'd much appreciate it :) DOW Launcher uses this command line for Steam: -applaunch 33900 My Arma2 Steam shortcut uses this command line: -applaunch 33910 I'm on XP 32.