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Tutorials/Script Releases Section/Category?
BLSmith2112 posted a topic in ARMA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I really would promote Wiki instead but, many seem to resort to the forums naturally and having a "Releases Only" Section for Tutorials/Scripts/Missions/Maps/Addons/MODs would be delicious.. In which there would be no discussion. Simply "Releases". -
First: Let me apologize for the wrong category. I goofed. It's late and I wasn't thinking. This would probably do well in the Scripting Category. Alright. My little brother in New York has to make a dialog video/presentation for his German class on Monday. Now, being an avid Vegas/Premiere pro movie editor and experienced OFP movie maker (see sig), I want to save him the embarrassment of acting in front of his class. I told him, I'd help with his project by making a video in ArmA and having him write and act the dialoge & send it to me. I would like to ask a few questions, in hopes of finding some very useful links/suggestions/answers. Here we go: 1. What is the best way to turn off the HUD completely in first person view in-game? 2. I've never used scripting before. I've tried a simple camera.sqs script from a tutorial in OFP but ArmA's camera.sqs doesn't react exactly the same way. I was wondering how (step by step) I work the camera.sqs init in ArmA. 3. This is a dialog project and ideally it would be nice to have their mouths moving, so we could over-dub their voices in the movie editor later.. is this easy to do? How exactly would I go about doing this? I found a file called "OFP Sound Lab" - Will this work in ArmA? I haven't downloaded it yet. 4. What website has the most comprehensive 100% working tutorials for ArmA? *Not OFP*. I plan to use fraps/virtualdub/vegas7.0c/premiere pro/adobe photoshop for this 3-4 minute film and will post it in the Video thread once its done (if its any good, I've never made a dialog video before). This is a video discussion, not a submission - as this is why it is not in the videography thread. I appreciate any swift responses. I have to get working on this first thing in the morning. Or PM me if you would be willing to talk to me with a messenger if I have any questions while making this film tomorrow. Thanks guys, I know I can count on you.
Boobs are really hard to shape
Long time OFP Fan... 5+ years.. I'm slowly pulling away from ArmA... If 1.05 doesn't do it... Im not sure what will.
I remember when all I needed was: OFP.info for Addons. Ofpec.com for editing help. And the official forums for community "know how". Now it seems as if everything is scattered everywhere. Ofpec has no "Arma" section, the tutorials are all outdated, and 1/2 the code in those tutorials don't work (+ many are poorly translated into english). ArmedAssault.info doesn't host addons/maps/missions/wallpapers. Bis's official forums have addons scattered everywhere in different posts in different threads, all linking to websites no one has been to before.. If this community is to grow, I think we need these united resources once again.. Otherwise, the modding community that made OFP so great will fall apart quicker than you can say "Damn, 1 is down". Correct me if I'm wrong.. but I think something has to happen soon.. We can't have 1000 websites for addon makers to upload their addons. Most people will not search those 1000 websites for any ol' addon. Thus, in summation, the community won't thrive as it once did.
Mine: Bellagio Las Vegas Wynn - Las Vegas Golfing - Las Vegas Grand Canyon Grand Canyon Sunset No Editing Programs Used. Camera: Sony Cybershot. Model: Don't Remember. Don't have it on me atm. Just for fun: A wallpaper of ArmA I made before it was released: (Downsized, of course) Linky (Don't ask about the hind, it's a addon concept for ArmA I found from some website and stuck it in there). Cheers.
Good ideas. I had a huge brainfart. Thx yall.
Community Need: Universal Website for resources.
BLSmith2112 replied to BLSmith2112's topic in ARMA - GENERAL
Am I missing something or...? -
OP: I don't think you understand the concept of realistic simulation. If your testing a mission, you do not want God mode. If you died while making your mission, obviously something went wrong. Hence the fixing aspect of mission editing. /thread  -- oh - and if you really... really need to watch a battle, be a flippin civilian..
Is it just me or does it seem like the Cobra cannot turn left or right. (Not to be confused with banking left or right). The UH60 doesn't seem to have this problem. Also, with the UH60, is it true when it reaches higher speeds that it cannot 'turn' left or right and must bank?
Oh that Tbone. He said you did have a grudge. That tosser!
Community Need: Universal Website for resources.
BLSmith2112 replied to BLSmith2112's topic in ARMA - GENERAL
Biki eh? I will check it out (link?). Hopefully most, if not all addon makers will. I'd hate to see the community segregated to dozens of websites.Does Biki locate other addons from other websites and mirror them? Or just what users upload? Armedassault.eu... their download section contains: Missions (0), Movies (18), Other (1) <- Just a press kit, and Patches (0). First off, there has been a patch out, actually more than one if you include server patches. Their downloads section lacks an area for addons. And by now there aught to be a few missions out there with the 1000s of people playing... As far as I'm concerned.. besides their news, I don't find the website that appealing. Ofpec said they would create an ArmA section a few months ago.. seems that the spokesperson was wrong -- I'll check out this 'biki'. Edit: What about the newer things: Video Tutorials (I've seen a couple). Movie Making Guides, Pamplets, Paperbacks, Books, Misc programs: Kegetys stuff, Language changer.. Theres dozens of servers hosting this stuff, but unless you read it in a thread the moment it was put on (before the thread died), you may never know it existed. -
Yea I'd like to know also. There's tutorials out there for OFP.. but nothing for ArmA... Even the simple camera.sqs (that i never sucessfully did in OFP). Those are all still in OFP format... when's the ArmA stuff comin?! I'll give a cookie to whoever makes a nice one.
RTS and CTI ARE different. In fact, the difference is as such Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. KaRRiLLioN (at least in the past), had somewhat of a grudge against CTI, or whoever created it...apparently they *stole* stuff from his work (As I'm told, I don't ask Karr about his personal debacles) (I never asked why). Most CTI Versions there is a BMP/Armorisk vehicle + a 5T Truck or troop carrier to carry the players into a town filled with resistance. RTS: Has a MCU (Mobile Construction Unit) that carries troops and builds the base. Unlike CTI, there is no random enemy forces driving around the map aimlessly patrolling in or out of cities. All in all, the main feel in difference is: CTI is much slower paced and makes you focus on numerous tasks, an example would be spending time taking towns with huge forces. RTS: Is a faster paced game (still lasting 1-2+ hours depending on play style) and releys not only on controlling towns (mining in later versions) but focuses more heavily on base defense rather than each and every required fortification of each town on the map. What makes this even more confusing, is that now (in ArmA) we will have to distinguish between: *BIS's "CTI: Capture the Island" (Let call that XCTI). *The classic CTI from OFP. * RTS from Karrillion & OFP. *The New Strategy Mod's Coming Out. *Plus, if Karr premotes RTS as CTI did, there will be many alternated versions of CTI and RTS like the previous: ***MFCTI (There's many more but I cannot remember) ***RTS: 3-Way by Mr. Zig and Company. What used to be a simple feud between RTS and CTI, has not become a feud between A-Z and all in between.
It seems like if my joystick is powering (Say a Harrier), and if the throttle on the joystick is less than 50%, there is no power supplied to the engine. If the throttle is in the top 50% (Say...51%), the engine is thrown into full gear... Is there no middle ground? It makes landings harder than they should be.. and I'm pretty sure the real world accommodates for something like this.. for ArmA... though, it seems to simulate this poorly. Am I correct? Or is this just me?
EDIT: Aieeeee! Veektor is here with an important news update: *News Music In Background* I really should start a marketing campaign for Karr.. (It'd fix everyone with the issue's like pascow's. I'd take all the current & working addons. Make 1 Mega Zip with all current Addons. Then make smaller versions for more specific needs, then proceed to upload them to a mirror like FileFront. Then I should spread the word about any 'future' missions to media outlets to maximize their publicity (Making Promo Movies, Mission Summaries, Uploads, Server Addon Requirements, etc..) . I'd love to do that. But that'd be totally up to you, if you don't want me to promote your ingenious awesome crap (*jk*) , I wunt. -- But I'd do it for you, of course, totally free o' charge pm me for details! (Or I'll just talk to you on ts).
Search where? In-Game? There's mouse sensitivity but that is it. As for my joystick, it works perfectly in all of my other 'flying; games: Flight Sim X Combat Flight Sim 3 Wings Over Europe Battlefield 2/Reality Mod OFP
Talk to KaRRiLLioN. He makes RTS. Go find him. He's a buddy of mine.. We've been playin together for over 5 years now on OFP. He says the new patch will bring a bunch of new things to the table and hopes to integrate it into the next generation of RTS. He's already layed the groundwork for his next version of RTS through suggestions from server regulars (myself included) and his own idea of RTS should be like, and since the patch aims to change a bunch of things, he doesn't want to start scripting something he'll have to change later. He's not taking (currently) open, public suggestions since many of them are... whats the word for it? Nah I shouldn't, I shouldn't speak for him. What I can tell you is: It isn't going to be just: Your base, Enemy Base, some towns.. and then wala. It's going to be more intricate and teamplay coordinated. -- However, he said a few weeks ago he wishes to port RTS3 1.52 from OFP over to ArmA to keep the RTS traditionalists happy. It's coming, but keep your pants on.. Some CTI stuff took over a YEAR to make. KaRRiLLioN pioneered this stuff before any of this "CTI".. He can do it in a month or so (don't take my word on that). But give it time.. If your really that anxious, come to Karr's server and talk to him yourself.
Omg wow its Cerebral. Long time no see buddy. Anyways, GL with the VC.
Go Beg KaRRiLLioN, he's probably the best scripter in these forums. He made RTS1/RTS2/RTS3/ for OFP (CTI Ripped Most of Karrillion's ideas and used them as their own). He invited Real Time Strategy for OFP basically. He's got a very advanced template almost done, but still has to make amends to the new fixes in the upcoming patch. Tell the mayor, the senator, find KaRRiLLioN (in these very forums) and beggggggg him to finish his beta version *Karr if your reading this buddy ol' pal.. well, um... *runs away*.
I've been playing OFP for over 5 years and have hated most FPS games. However, after buying BF2, I was convinced after I played it that I would never play it again. A friend of mine recommended I play this mod. After 1-2 hours of getting used to the changes (and getting a dozen teamkills), I can honestly say it's very good. It'll definately tie me over from playing ArmA (until the patch comes out that is.) OFP/ArmA players, yall should add me to your xfire, we can play PM Me if interested. We can call ourselves the [OFP] Clan lmao.
I like the new controls for the UH60. However, the Cobra just (to me anyway) seems worlds apart.. shouldn't helocopters have a more unilateral approach to how they are controlled? It's like, instead of having controls that specify: Air, Land, and Sea. It's like every vehicle has its own set of controls that need to be mastered. With the 1000s of addons coming out (hopefully), the controls will have to be mastered for all of those as well then. It's going to be so much more difficult than it needs to be. Sure change the sensitivity etc, but the flight control model should be similar.
I want to start working on another OFP/ArmA movie. Programs I plan to use: - Fraps - Virtual Dub (Maybe) - Vegas 7 - (Maybe Adobe Premiere Pro, I just bought it, seems very complicated and I don't like the choppy preview window). - Photoshop CS2 - Adobe After Effects. Sounds: 40,000 Stored sounds on my PC Video: Perhaps 2-3 layered background videos if I can somehow create a "greenscreen" with ArmA. Now, I know NOTHING about camera scripting. I've tried reading a few tutorials but after a few hours into one poorly translated tutorial, it started to talk as if I was a professional at camera scripting. I've spent hours trying to learn it and I believe I have failed. Since then I've forgotten nearly everything I read.. Until someone that naturally speaks English creates a tutorial, I will be using First Person Hud & other means. Now my question(s): 1-How can I disable the hud for uninterrupted video. 2-How can I disable the scope on a gun to get the "zoomed" effect on vehicles. 3-Are the programs I will be using to make this film okay? Or does anyone prefer a different method? 4-How long before we expect any new camera tutorials? Any ideas? I don't think I have the patience to read through 6+ more hours of worthless text that will end up leaving me more confused than when I started. 5-Is there a download hub for ArmA? What happened to a download center like that of ofp.info? ArmedAssault.info just links the downloads to 3rd party sites.. nothing is categorized in a central location.
No Ideas?
YAW. I tried discounting banking when I made the thread. I guess some may have gotten it confused.