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Everything posted by BLSmith2112

  1. BLSmith2112

    Next patch - when?

    A good ol' pot shot to the gizzer normally takes down aboot oppoonent.
  2. BLSmith2112

    Next patch - when?

    Sorry. I misread that. I take that back dude. But I still say ban Ange1-0f-De4th. edit: There is no official word. Look at the time difference from 1.04 to 1.05, or more importantly: 1.02 to 1.05. Find the dates and compare them. Then you know how fast BIS can work, but don't take that too seriously. With the 500+ fixes from 1.02 to 1.05, they are really working hard.
  3. BLSmith2112

    Next patch - when?

    1. MOD get your ass in here and delete this thread. 2. STFU, it's done when its done. 3. Ban Ange1-0f-De4th. 4. Don't like the game?! LEAVE. 5. When 1.06 comes out, all yall will do is moan about 1.07. 6. This forum used to be mature.... Leave us, just leave... Victor - OUT
  4. I've got german version of arma. I installed the patch, however with all of these errors: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Please be patient. This update may appear to take a long time to complete. It is updating and installing very large data. Deutsche Online Version Verifying ArmA: Armed Assault, version 1.02... Error found in file Campaigns\ca.pbo (61d27c26!=6799732e) ArmA: Armed Assault: Updating version 1.02 to version 1.05... Update 1.04-1.05\CAMPAIGNS\CA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\CAMPAIGNS\CA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\LIBRARY.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M02MINERCONVOY.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M03DRIVERTRANSPORT.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M04SABOTEUR.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M05SANITARYOPERATION.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M07CHOPPERASSAULT.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M08BATTLEFIELDS.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M09CONVOYATTACK.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M10ARMOREDFIST.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\M12COMMANDER.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\TUTORIAL\T01_OBSTACLE_COURSE.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\TUTORIAL\T02_SHOOTING_RANGE.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\TUTORIAL\T03_SQUAD_LEADER.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\TUTORIAL\T04_ARMOUR_COURSE.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\TUTORIAL\T05_BLACKHAWKS_SKY.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\MISSIONS\TUTORIAL\T06_APACHE_WARRIOR.SARA.PBO.UPD.#GERMAN cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 ArmA: Armed Assault patch 1.05 has been applied successfully. I've downloaded the file twice from two seperate sources.. and now I've got all these non-appied updates idk what to do.
  5. Cool Wiki link. How can you guys navagate through that thing? I go into "scripting topics" and it isn't there. I keep hearing all of these scripts in this wiki, but never seem to find them on the wiki page! You'd think clicking under 'editing overview' >> scripting >> you'd see it.. but you dont.
  6. When selecting a target with the camera, it works fine. However when I run the camera script I get this error and the camera doesn't even look at the targeted object. However there is no error when using the yellow target. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ' _camera |#| camPrepareTarget '43f55018# 44171: dum_m. . . ' Error campreparetarget: Type String, expected Array,Object Ideas? Thanks.
  7. I don't know what happened but I ran the game again and it worked. Odd. Thanks guys though. Got it figured out. Thx for the code script example {USI}_Zombie
  8. BLSmith2112

    Research Paper: What should I write about?

    Doing the report on MAD: Magnetic Acoustic Device (HPV Technologies), also described as: Laser Sound.
  9. BLSmith2112

    CTI in 1.05 , Fixed ?

    Pressing Esc. too while waiting to respawn... tends to kill you. Sometimes the blue respawn markers display the entire map and you have to click around to find the right one. Otherwise, I thought it wasn't bad. (Was on karrs server playin a few hours as well). I noticed some vehicles never respawned by our main base (mainly choppers).
  10. 1. The file is a definate SQS file. I don't hide file extensions on my PC. 2. The file is in the correct area: C:\Documents and Settings\____\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Victor\UserSaved\missions\Test.Sara I have the Title1.sqs file inside that directory. I turn the game on, call this script (exactly written in the order you put in your previous post), and it said there was no such script.
  11. Bit Rate: 705kps Size: 624kb Wave Sound Audio Sample Size: 16bit Channels: 1 Mono Audio Format: PCM
  12. BLSmith2112

    ArmA:Start - Join any arma server with 1 click.

    Biki Biki Biki
  13. I want to be making some air strike videos in the near future and was wondering if there was any program out there that would convert your normal voice and create somewhat of a realistic sense of my voice coming over on a military grade radio.
  14. BLSmith2112

    I have a quick question

    Hey Drew: Could ya make your thread titles a little less general? Only reason I suggest this: For future reference, if anyone has a question about "unit height" -- all they have to do is type it in search, see the results, and know which thread to go to right away to get the answer that they are looking for.
  15. Well.. I just copied the codes (above) and those don't even work. I've saved my mission many times, so that shouldn't be the problem. Also to note: I have tried this under a unit's init field. By trying both: "this" and UnitName "Tom" to call the script. Both give me this exact same error.
  16. BLSmith2112

    Convert my voice into a radio effect?

    The tutorial talks about using Goldwave to: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> a. amplify by 500% b. amplify again by 500% c. amplify down to 30% -> results in Extraction_Step2.wav d. Use a bandpass filter with a range of 1000 - 5000khz -> results in Extraction_Step3.wav e. Mix the statics noise into the sample (provided in \Radio Sounds\statics.wav) f. add \Radio Sounds\on.wav and \Radio Sounds\off.wav to the sample -> results in Extraction_Step4.wav However it fails to mention how to do that..
  17. Add that into the Biki But first: I tried making these 'lip' files with the WavToLip Program. Not only did I try dragging the .wav file into the WavToLip.exe but ran it with cmd.exe. No .lip file was created. I tried this with the .ogg file, no .lip file was created ether
  18. Ex: TV Studio, there's a chair. How can I have an AI sit on it? Is there a chair object?
  19. Under the "air" category, I have my thrusters obviously set to the joysticks throttle key. However, when I get out of a plane, my soldier crouches and then stands up, crouches and then stands up. In order to stop this repeated action, I have to turn my joystick's throttle to 50% exactly. There is no throttle control function setting/key set-up for any of the infantry commands.
  20. BLSmith2112

    official complaint to BIS

    Fine I'll side with the fact that anything can be fun.. so bashing that idea is perhaps.. wrong. But I will sure as hell bash it for being unrealistic & being the wrong direction for games.
  21. That link (above) only has links for: Photography, Action Shots, Improving Screenshots, and Creating a PBO.. Nothing about camera scripting... Ah, holding CTRL + LF Click. Copys, alright.. Cool. Now how can I set time signatures for the length of the camera, etc? How can I make a camera change? Whats a short (good) example via arma that a camera script would work? In other words, what do I put above and below: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;=== 13:14:22 -- First Dialog _camera camPrepareTarget [94759.27,-42256.14,2659.63] _camera camPreparePos [9561.16,10040.43,0.68] _camera camPrepareFOV 0.173 _camera camCommitPrepared 0 @camCommitted _camera
  22. Pressing CTRL in ArmA saves a camera position sure... but when you hit CTRL again in game and try to paste.. the old camera is pasted.. not the new one... what can I do?
  23. Mods: Feel free to delete this thread. I thought it would be more beneficial for not only myself but the people who use the search function to seek for answers to potential questions they may have. Threads were created, and were not in anyway used to spam. Thanks -Vic ======================================== Main/Original Post. Alright. My little brother in New York has to make a dialog video/presentation for his German class on Monday. Now, being an avid Vegas/Premiere pro movie editor and experienced OFP movie maker (see sig), I want to save him the embarrassment of acting in front of his class. I told him, I'd help with his project by making a video in ArmA and having him write and act the dialog & send it to me. I would like to ask a few questions, in hopes of finding some very useful links/suggestions/answers. Here we go: ========================== 1. What is the best way to turn off the HUD completely in first person view in-game? (Walking around w/o camera.sqs without a hud) 2. I've never used scripting before. I've tried a simple camera.sqs script from a tutorial in OFP but ArmA's camera.sqs doesn't react exactly the same way. I was wondering how (step by step) I work the camera.sqs init in ArmA. 3. This is a dialog project and ideally it would be nice to have their mouths moving, so we could over-dub their voices in the movie editor later.. is this easy to do? How exactly would I go about doing this? I found a file called "OFP Sound Lab" - Will this work in ArmA? I haven't downloaded it yet. 4. What website has the most comprehensive 100% working tutorials for ArmA? *Not OFP*. I'm going to try and look everywhere. ========================== I plan to use fraps/virtualdub/vegas7.0c/premiere pro/adobe photoshop for this 3-4 minute film and will post it in the Video thread once its done (if its any good, I've never made a dialog video before). This is a video discussion, not a submission - as this is why it is not in the videography thread. I appreciate any swift responses. I have to get working on this first thing in the morning. Or PM me if you would be willing to talk to me with a messenger if I have any questions while making this film tomorrow. Thanks guys, I know I can count on you.
  24. BLSmith2112

    official complaint to BIS

    Perhaps we can use real guns in the next gen game.
  25. BLSmith2112

    official complaint to BIS

    Nobody cares. If you would rather play crap like Battlefield 2 then goodbye. Yea.. Get out of here Haredogg. There's one less complainer Man I am an A-hole Perhaps they'll send you a check in Sahrani dollars with a big smiley face as the background. Go back to CS/BF2. Unless it's the reality mod for BF2. That's a different story. That is actually good.