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Everything posted by BLSmith2112

  1. I wonder what they'll release after the faction videos are done. They've already got the press kits out. The faction videos out...Tutorials for the editor/warfare/new GUI unit structure? Hmm! Theres a lot of time between now and release, apparently, so one can only wonder. What is "Guerillia" on their site anyway? I hope Warfare this time around is like CTI was in OFP. I liked that a hell of a lot more than Warfare in Arma. Also, comparing their PR against something like that of Codemasters - I'd say their PR is pretty amazing, way more than any other company. Perhaps if release was 2 weeks from now, two day updates would be appropriate wouldn't it? Don't ya think they should be working on the game and not on promotional videos? Unless a PR flood would attract the attention of the jerks over at the big time media companies here in the US to actually pay any attention. If they pay attention, make sure they upload all the content, not just a fraction of it :P
  2. BLSmith2112

    Empire : Total War

    Considering how long its taken to create/promote this game, I think we're looking at 2042.
  3. BLSmith2112

    The HUD

    If less and less servers aren't using it. Once Arma2 comes around, less and less and less will use it and we can just not worry about having it anyway. However, I do agree I need a HUD for AI control. If I have 13 AI under my control, I need to know that I have 13, 5, 6, 8, and 2 selected. I also need to know that if I have 3 colored groups set up, which groups are what etc etc.
  4. BLSmith2112

    "Arma" brand impeding on Arma2's success?

    The major websites here in the US, (Gamespot, IGN) have through the years looked at Bohemia's work and in order for them to get a good rating, there are a few key areas in which both of their previous reviews have all talked about. BI probably has probably read all of this over religiously & tried to touch on all of these. Here is a short summery of the not so obvious that are putting some weight off that perfect "10", according to both of these media outlets: This isn't a this isn't a "like/dislike" thread, I'm simply stating that this is what (from what I just looked at) most of all the review sites have discussed between OFP, Resistance, and Arma. If BIS is hoping that the reviews will prop up sales, they not only will have to fight to revive the "Arma" brand, but to fight the fact that Arma2 isn't a propped up version of their previous game.. unless the difference is so stark that such a comparison is null and void. Hence "2.0" and not "1.96".
  5. Right off of OFP, right onto Armed Assault. Many who've adopted Armed Assault in its infancy are no longer with us these days, and I fear that is for the worst. If BI is relying on word of mouth (as much as OFP and its many sales), couldn't that possibly backfire? Lets take Windows Vista for example (bad example, but just stick with me). The second it came out, people purchased it, only to not like it. Word of mouth spread about its flaws and inconsistencies and inevitability hurt Microsoft (and their image) pretty substantially. At this point, Vista may be more optimized, but most are convinced they wont put their trust into something like that again. Don't get me wrong, Armed Assault is a great game now, but for those early adopters (a great many people), they left with a sour taste in their mouths. I don't know the ratio of how many players bought the game, then kept playing until after the first/second patch, but lets say they were a fraction of what they were when Armed Assault initially came out at 1.0. Now OFP's sales were largely based off of word of mouth, so my worry is that, with a name like "Arma2" is sort of like naming Vista, "Vista2". I've been someone whose been playing BI's games since the first week of OFP, and I just hope that they have a strong advertising campaign (outside of their website) that will bring new attention to the game.. if they don't, that word of mouth could backfire. It's a little late in the game to go renaming anything, so what do you guys think the strategy should be?
  6. Yea, I think it was "[ ]"(?) thing in OFP, the circle in Arma, and the whatsitthingy it Arma2.
  7. BLSmith2112

    ArmA II too Good to believe!

    Perhaps some of the videos. In which Track IR is used (which now I have to buy, and to more monitors might I add)..I think a few of those videos are completely believable. While some show some odd AI behavior might come across as "this is a game", but even so - its pretty much impossible to hide anyway in all games. Especially when it comes to non scripted movements and animations, not to mention in an environment as vast and as diverse as Arma. The choppers, planes, swat/tactical entries, hand signals, animations, terrain, vegetation etc... are all completely mind boggling imo. I'm just realllly angry that the big dog media sites (at least here in the US) aren't paying any attention to this. A game who's graphics are matching up or surpassing the CGI use from the major players in the gaming business. [side note:, I hope all the forests/plains aren't completely separated as they were on Arma1! I forest insertions.]
  8. BLSmith2112

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    Is that the real translation?! Thats almost hard to believe... If thats not honesty, I can't say what is. I have great respect for that. Perhaps they could make a "VH1, behind the music" sort of thing for us
  9. Thank ya. This is putting me off a bit.. I don't get the point of all of the circles in the center of everything, imo it takes a lot of the immersion out. Unless thats what the old "[ ]" used to be.
  10. What I find interesting is that they added an entirely new faction since GC08. First, there was 5 factions (according to Maruk) and now there is 6 (according to their website). Wonder what prompted the new faction. Those road textures though in the new trailers look almost exactly like the roads from Arma.
  11. I found a bit higher quality one and it DOES say XBox on it. Yes there is a new QUICK command menu also, it's a bit less complicated and more user friendly and "Organized" Interesting. Is that said somewheres in those GC videos? I'd like to see/hear it. Has anyone actually seen the real radio then?
  12. Tell you what, if the command menu is on the left like it is here: I will absolutely freak out. 6-8 Years of it being on right, suddenly on the left.. Ahhh!!! Â
  13. Ya'harr! Good find sir! Rahmadi? Hows about desert island 2009 instead
  14. BLSmith2112

    River in ArmA 2??

    LOL you guys could have a thread devoted completely to those bigfoot/lochness edits.. the fun would never end. +1 HA!
  15. BLSmith2112

    "Arma" brand impeding on Arma2's success?

    Thats funny, and reminds me of my rookie days in OFP. Playing ArmA, I'm able to drive my Humvee 10mins and then die. I remember having the hardest time trying to play my first SP mission from OFP, "Steal the car". I almost quit after my 1000th time. Now that I look back, thats pretty sad Once I beat the mission I felt like I just won the superbowl. Erm... for those google news sites, "OFP2" is not really the name of the game. "Operation Flashpoint 2" pulls up a lot more hits., considering that's the name of the game. Â Arma2 still gets more results, but its a fairer comparison.
  16. BLSmith2112

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    If there were a bunch of simple commands that could be implemented in the editor accompanied by a short, real time demonstration on how to use it without any use of scripts - it would ignite an insane amount of interest and you would have thousands of little mission makers just playing around on their own and a lot of others would branch out into the world of MP
  17. BLSmith2112

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    Yea I agree. Its interesting, I actually care for BIS as a company & as a group of individuals whom I want to succeed. I can't say that for many (or any) other companies. I think its their open nature.. "Here's some early build Screenshots. This is my comment on this and that. Oh heres a blog or two or three. I'll answer some of your questions & concerns"... I mean how many companies actually come down off of their high horse and listen to their fans? So when it came to Arma in its opening weeks, I gave them the benefit of the doubt and knew they'd pull it together eventually. No one can buy loyalty. Like I was saying above, if you know BIs history - they usually have a rough start. They eventually pull it together, and the people that stick around stay for a very long time. Knowing this, people would probably give them the benefit of the doubt.. usually the people that do know it are here to stay. For those who have no idea on BI's history, they don't care one way or another that they rushed its development in certain areas and not so much in others. All those people care about is a good game. There isn't much I can say to people is that it's their loss they didn't give them a chance to show them what they're capable of. Arma2 won't have the false start that the current Arma has. Thats the difference between the loyalists and the newcomers, we know what BI is capable of.. and I guess knowing the politics helps too.. Arma1 may have had a bad initial couple of weeks/months, but I knew that, with time, everything would turn out alright. it also helps when you've actually got the dev's talking about the thought process behind Arma1 and why it lacked what it lacked and so forth. So add that up with loyalty, and you get a bunch of us.
  18. BLSmith2112

    World In Conflict

    I couldn't stand it. Throw units in, get exact same points back, throw units in.. repeat. I didn't grow fond of such an approach.
  19. BLSmith2112

    The HUD

    As long as server options have complete control online as they do now. Its not fair having someone 300 yards out with fancy hud crosshairs while I realistically align my ironsights.
  20. BLSmith2112

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    They used to (gamespot). I used to be an active forum member there... I first subscribed there about 3-4 years back and they pretty much answered any questions I had... not anymore
  21. BLSmith2112

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    Guess it helps to have one of the active members from this forum on their website moderating for them .... though I do admit, a little excessive flaming is going on... but the facts I made comparing the two I completely standby. When a company publicly states that they 'worked on' OFP, or their staff had worked on OFP in the past spreads across the web like wild fire. Keeping a statement like: "That's completely false." under the radar, I think is kinda silly. It should be out in the open, a declaration if you will. If Codemasters is allowed to openly, publicly say things that are untrue... BI has every right to openly, publicly say they are not. The public statements from CM and their affiliates have already been said... the damage has already been done (and continues to be done). In order to even attempt to correct the lies, or half-truths (same thing) it really doesn't do much justice to because people have already made up their minds at that point, but BIS I suppose is trying to stop the fire before it continues to spread. I forget the saying but "a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.†-- I hope the Maruk & the team aren't all flustered now by this, and can keep their heads down, continue to concentrate, and manage keep working hard. It may have been a quick statement to have been written up, but I can see something like that giving me butterflies while waiting for a response. This really is a bold statement, and stuff like this doesn't just pop up and go away (at least privately I'm sure). Even though all of his points are valid and truthful. Who knows, it may work out to their benefit. More interviews, free publicity, etc..
  22. BLSmith2112

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    Perhaps, but it's generating a lot of discussion. Which is spilling off all over the web. I think it probably has more of a positive impact than a lesser one. For BIS to claim they have made the award winning OFP, while Codemasters are touting that they made it, when they never did.. is just wrong. So a public declaration I think was necessary to keep the record straight... from those who aren't necessarily into the BIS/Codemasters/OFP/OFP2/Arma/Arma2 politics as much as us talking heads are. So the people who actually played OFP, can be assured that the people who made it aren't making OFP2... because its difficult when people like Codemasters says they are making the official sequel and using members of the original team OFP team... which they're not. Is that because Codemasters releases an ad campaign to the WIDER community (that costs them a shit load of money) while releasing hardly ANY information? While the SMALLER gaming community (us) sees the ACTUAL game with the consistent releases BI has been giving out (handsomely) to their loyal fans over these last few weeks. We have seen this game. We have hardly seen OFP2, Codemasters has only shown a few screenshots, a few seconds of video, a bunch of CGI, and thats about it. The wider community knows less of that, while the smaller community knows a LOT more about Arma2.. because we see, hear, watch footage of it nearly every week. While Codemasters has the funds to call every newspaper, every major gaming website, every forum across the internet to announce that they have 5 pictures to show and a video thats mostly a juiced up interview, mixed in with a few seconds of game footage. Meanwhile, yesterday BIS release 8 pictures, and every week prior to that a promotional video for other factions etc. If BIS decided to stop producing promotional material for a few months... they'd still have 10x the media Codemasters has available. All I'm saying is that BIS has an open mind here and isn't scared to show off the amazing game they're creating. Its interesting, it should be getting attacked more for its flaws because we get all the game footage all of the time, yet we hear only some negativity. Codemasters stays silent, yet, no one has really seen their game so who are they to judge? People will become more judgmental of them prior to seeing any of their material while sitting patiently waiting for them to announce something. Thus, stealing sales away from Codemasters. People actually may want to purchase a game who ACTUALLY made the original OFP. As Maruk said, the confusion is originated by CM because they tout that THEY are making the official sequel to OFP... Those customers (who as you say, haven't played Arma), will come flock down and give Arma2 a try knowing what they know now. If they don't at least they may look into it a bit further and give Arma2 a look, considering most gaming websites haven't even picked this game up yet. They're all in bed with Codemasters. Well.... duh. When you've spent over 26 million dollars (as of November last year) on development alone, I'd say so too... I can't wait to see what their advertising budget looks like when it comes down to the homestretch. Maybe they'll release 7 pictures this time with a wallpaper!! And maybe, maybe another fancy interview with a whole 15 seconds of gameplay!!! Exciting!!! Zomgz I can't wait. That little "media package" will be plastered everywhere, and make them millions.
  23. BLSmith2112

    please some hand to hand combat or knifes

    GoldenEye tried it.. Fail. -0:18 Yea...considering net lag supremely sucks. If you attack with your knife, by the time the person sees the actual knife stab, and back off - they're already dead. Most of the time (from their perspective), they won't even see the knife with even near proximity. So I don't see the logic in the idea of realistically putting it in. Though the idea is good.
  24. BLSmith2112

    The HUD

    HUD = The most evil thing ever invented. Leave it to the consoles please. If anything were customizable on the hud, I love the radio command structure. I've used it for sooo many years I know where everything is blindfolded! I have no idea how they can take as complicated a system as the one they have and make it much easier to use without dumbing it down. Heh.. Unit Six, move over quietly to that bush, crouched, hold fire, keep looking north, set two satchels and move away to a safe distance and detonate it on my command.. if you do see a target, you can target at it, but can only fire on my command.. Â all while I'm across the map.. The select point click method can only take you so far. Though I do remember watching a video with a bunch of waypoints & fancy markers on a gamemap - I might need to look further into that. Though I realize new players are pretty much overwhelmed, lost, and probably downright frustrated when it comes to learning that. //My guess is this is an interface discussion. There's already a sticky thread for this. Oh noes! Someones gunna lock us in! Save me superman!
  25. BLSmith2112

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    I wanna wrap my head around it! Unless I'm mistakenly mindscrewed up between the times they talked about starting over! I forget when they did it. Alright, this might be all difficult with the names and such. So like..OFP comes out. Its out for a while. Finally, a thread is displayed on the forums dubbed: "GAME2". They don't know what to call it, so they just keep it there as a placeholder. Their dream gets cut short (we assume lack of funds?), their dream gets put on hold. They need some capital, boom "GAME 1.5" (or OFP 1.5 as they call it) is born. Finally, with the extra capital - they finally have time to work hard on their long awaited "GAME2", (or the true sequel to OFP2). Therefore, "GAME2" was actually "ARMA2", therefore "ARMA2" was in development before "ARMA1" because "ARMA1" was simply "OFP 1.5". Thought Process: 1. Release: OFP "Hurrah!" 2. Plan: Arma2 "w00t new game idea! Lets get started!" 3. Reality: Arma2 "Dammit! No money!" 3. Release: Arma1 "Hurrah.. money!" 4. Reality: Arma2 "w00t, we have money!" 5. Release: Arma2 "HURRAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wait... everyone knows that, what am I missing? Â