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Everything posted by vipermaul

  1. vipermaul

    BattlEye problems

    Easter Sunday caused us to have low attendance so only 21 max players playing today. Normally we have 50-60. Our server host company is SquadServer. They noticed what appears to be a critical issue. They apparently emailed you with the details. Our experience was good over all however there were enough strangeness happening intermittently when new players connected that we may be motivated to disable this beta version of battleye during our weekly tournaments. The strangeness we speak of is the following. Meaning we did NOT get desync or any RED or YELLOW chains. We do NOT get low server FPS (only lost about 7-10 FPS during new connection). So we maintained 38-48 server FPS with 21 people connected. Also client side FPS was reported good during new connection periods. But yet we were seeing people run in place and client side sputtering while some new players were connecting. We are looking forward to the future releases of Battleye however. We think it will be a great & necessary addition.
  2. vipermaul

    BattlEye problems

    Welcome and thanks for your involvement. We are testing Sunday with 40-60 players with BE. Some questions as a server admin please... 1) On the server, does BE auto-update itself on the server? Or do you have to manually install or copy files to the server and if so where? Since I could not find any instructions for the server side I would assume it is an auto-update. 2) Is there any indication/confirmation on screen or in a log to confirm that BE is enabled and running? Thanks
  3. vipermaul

    BattlEye problems

    Welcome and thanks for your involvement. We are testing Sunday with 40-60 players with BE. Some questions as a server admin please... 1) On the server, does BE auto-update itself on the server? Or do you have to manually install or copy files to the server and if so where? Since I could not find any instructions for the server side I would assume it is an auto-update. 2) Is there any indication/confirmation on screen or in a log to confirm that BE is enabled and running? Thanks
  4. vipermaul

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Is there a new thread for Arma battleye support for 1.11beta soon?
  5. I have no problems 1.11 ArmA with kegetys launcher tool. But since you are having issues, I do suggest you delete the entry. THEN CLOSE all kegetys windows. ALL of them. Then restart the launcher tool. Create a new entry for the beta mod. And of course make sure you point it to the correct arma exe. If its really bad even this procedure might not work. I have had weird things like this happen in the past but gotten around it with persistence. kegetys launcher is a great tool. Its worth the persistence. Try that. Good Luck.
  6. vipermaul

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    I renamed my 1.09 beta folder. Therefore I did not have an issue with the missing A10.pbo. The new 1.11 beta works fine for me. I have no problems using Kegetys' launcher tool. Everything works well as far as I can tell with our MOD & tools.
  7. At the risk of embarrassing myself... I installed the CWR and at the end of the installation I deselected to run the MOD and clicked ok so I can view the readme.txt I think looked for a shortcut to run the mod. I found none on my desktop or my start menu. I'll make my own shortcut but thought for sure one would have been made for me. Am I just tired from coding all day long and I cannot find it? If so please point it out. Thanks! VM
  8. vipermaul

    Why so few 1.09 servers?

    If this was a beta that converted/upgraded your game like final patches does then you all would have a good point. Especially if the patch was so buggy that you had to uninstall it. However, 1.09 is really a Beta "MOD" meaning you do not have to uninstall it to go back to 1.08 server or 1.08 client. It sits side-by-side and does not touch your 1.08 files. So there should be no fear of going through a time-consuming nightmare to get back to 1.08 if something happens that you do not like it. But there is one advantage I think people are missing here. One advantage of running 1.09 server at least one weekend is that your most annoying bug that may exist in 1.08 is fixed in 1.09 and if not it is obviously important to you. Because there are times where other admins config their server differently than you run your server and might not run into the same bug. So if you do not report the bug that effects you more than others, no one else will. BIS won't know about it. And you will only find it in the Released version. And after BIS will probably move on to 1.10 patch which is probably 5 or more months wait. Or for all we know 1.09 could end up being the last patch and your favorite bug will never be fixed. This is your chance to peak into the future for 1 weekend and communicate to BIS if they are on the right track for your gaming community with 1.09. With ArmA 2.0 around the corner it is a real possibility that 1.09 is the last patch for a long while and therefore I am willing to run 1.09 on my servers for at least one weekend in order to increase the chances that BIS with provide a good 1.09 release for the gamers in my community. And I have to say that our first 1.09 weekend was excellent. And reading the forums I did not see any show stopping scary bug reports that would convince me to stop using 1.09 server. Performance is up. Morale is up. And the cool thing is the moment we find a major problem if that happens, I just switch my command line for both server and client and less than 2 minutes I can have everyone switched back over to 1.08. No pain. BIS has given us the best of both worlds. Something to think about. But I know in the end people will do what they only have the time and motivation to do. And that is understood and respected.
  9. vipermaul

    Looking for clan/tournament?

    The entire LA datacenter seems to be off the grid. Nothing we can do at the moment but wait.
  10. vipermaul

    Arma FDF Sound Pack v1.3

    I just received a report with one of my teammates. He is a good tester and the following report seems to confirm this issue. "So if you are not in the driver slot then FDF and 1.09 beta works?? Yes." I do not know about the Movement sounds but I haven't experienced them yet. Thanks for a great sound MOD. Looking forward to the next release.
  11. vipermaul

    Bad double magazine detection

    This specific error was found to have nothing to do with RHS units. Isolating the root source of the error is elusive but we have enough evidence to prove it is NOT the RHS units. And I am so glad to say that because we love the RHS v2.0 units. The root cause is close to if not exactly what Doolittle has said above. Because of this we have at least worked around the issue. Thanks Doolittle. And Thanks ArMaTeC, Michael and BarmyArmy for such hard work in testing to isolate this.
  12. vipermaul

    SQF revive script

    Hello Norrin, Thanks for all the hard work. Before you get a break is it easy to update your PvP version of Revive to 1.2? Or get it close? Thanks a lot! And I understand about needing a break man! Nice work!
  13. vipermaul

    Bad double magazine detection

    We only seem to get this when using RHS 2.0 Weapons as best we can tell. Any ideas where to look to seek a solution? EDIT: This might be a premature statement. We love the RHS units. But we didn't start getting this error about the same time we upgraded from RHS v1.0 to RHS v2.0. We will have to have a deeper investigation.
  14. vipermaul

    CfgDifficulties new parameters

    Did anyone figure out what these are confirmed to do? deathMessages[] = {1,1}; netStats[] = {1,1}; allowSeagull[] = {1,1}; suppressPlayer[] = {1,1}; realisticFatigue[] = {1,1};
  15. config.cpp of MOD version of Mando Missiles v2.2 <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches { class Mando_Missiles { units[] ={}; weapons[] ={}; requiredAddons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.08; version = 2.2; }; }; #include "\mando_missiles\mando_missile.h" // [... code removed for brevity ...] //************************************** class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; // Mando Sounds // Needed for Mando Missile ArmA #include "\mando_missiles\mando_sounds.h" }; Now the "\mando_missiles\mando_sounds.h" is as follows... And again I do not pretend to understand this. I just learn from what I see other great scripters do. And this is working for me. I agree what has been said earlier in this thread makes sense but then why is my code working?? I scratch my head while waiting for a GURU to explain
  16. vipermaul

    Any way to block 1 specific mod from a server???

    BIS I hope you are listening. This would be a great feature for us Server Admins. The ability to create a list of approved MODs/Addons signed or unsigned. Anything else is rejected.
  17. However, I have many config.cpp that uses lines of code like... sounds[] = {}; And the sounds work. So I am at a loss here.
  18. Why does removing that line make that work?? I wish to understand. There has got to be a logical reason for that. If I understand I can apply the same logic else where because I every now and then I have pathing problems such as these.
  19. vipermaul

    SQF revive script

    Hey norrin, Thanks for all the work. Can we get the MP version or should I say the PvP version updated? And include a toggle to all AI Medics to help save fellow human players as we use both PvP and helper AI for the mundane stuff like Observation Posts and protecting the BFCO. Thanks ViperMaul
  20. I learned how to do this from reading Dr. Eyeball's TeamStatus Dialog code. Oh phone call. Sorry I have to run. Basically you once the trigger supplies the objects to thislist then you can check each unit in thislist and if its a vehicle then there is a command to count the units in the vehicle. Sorry all this on top of my head. Got to run.
  21. vipermaul

    CoC Command Engine X

    KillSwitch, I use the same settting Don't you get any fatal JIP errors every now and then with CoC_NS ? I don't even know where I can send my bugs.
  22. vipermaul

    Projekt Gardinas Island

    WOW! This is a great! Can you share some links as to where one might go to get the NASA data and the "SAR data set of the DASA" as you call it??
  23. vipermaul

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    it doesn't - ofpec topic anyway i'm not working on it at the moment Actually it does. I have personally used them for weeks. If you mean because he says "obsolete" does not mean the old code doesn't work. Mando's favorite word is obsolete and its true every time is says it LOL. He is constantly improving his code based upon and fueled by feedback. However, I have used the old code. I ran a small tournament on BIS missiles and Mando Flares. But it sounds like you are not working on the project and reading your comments in that link you gave it sounds like you do not like his methods. If true its a pity you do not like them. I hope RHS Hind v 2.0 is not held up due to lack of flares. It does not need them immediately. There is more than one flare scripts out there. I have used 4 of them personally. The talented Strango has a version you might like. And I know two other mission writers that has a version if that help get the RHS Hind released sooner.