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Everything posted by VIPER2001

  1. hi viper here please help right here we go...... i have 3 computers linked up with earthnet, net work cards i have 2 earthnet cards in my computer one for my cable modem and one for the other 2 computers in my house iv changed the ip for the lan network card to for computer one... computer 2`s ip is computer 3`s ip is iv added IPX/SPX-compatible protocol in my NETWORK NEIGHBOURHOOD and a NetBEUI that way all three pc`s work together when i start a server on computer 1 and some one wants to join by the internet tcp/ip at the same time he gets my network address he should get my ip for my cable modem its makeing the computer that is joining from the net crash please help i know its a hard one..........................if you can help you rock.......
  2. VIPER2001

    I need an network master to help

    thanks Mister Frag for replying i have windows 98 se in all 3 computers i give out my ip for my cable modem to my internet mate so he can join my server my other 2 mates are ready on our other 2 computers in the house my internet mate puts my ip in and can see my game but the ip that he sees is not my cable ip so he thinks fuck it i can still see his game he joins then he crashes........ i disabled my net work card what i was using for the home network and just left the tcp/ip cable earthnet working and guess what he could join it worked so its somthing to do with that there must be a way..... system shock 2 does it and usaf and many other games