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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Good job, megagoth. It could sound louder, but at least it sounds like an Apache to me.
  2. Uziyahu--IDF

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I was wondering if someone could make an addon that can add the crowd/mob formation for civilians to the military squads as an option in the Editor? I would also like to see AT LEAST an addon that "imperfects" the formations now allowed for military squads. It doesn't look human when soldiers form a perfect wedge (a line or column I could see, since that is practiced in Drill & Ceremonies) or V over uneven terrain. Additionally, if the formation could "imperfect" differently each time it comes to a stop. That would really help the movement of the soldiers to look more human.
  3. I don't believe that an M203 should be so easily added to an M16 or M4. I believe that an Armorer had to do it, when I was in the Army. Either the weapon should already have it or not. Has any veteran seen anything to contradict this?
  4. Uziyahu--IDF

    ASR AI Rearming

    Are checks run for all members of a squad at the same time? Maybe if you separated each individual soldier's check by a pause of a certain # of seconds? I'm running a quadcore and have the following switches "-exthreads=7 -cpucount=4", but I did notice a serious stuttering when near dead bodies after a firefight. (It was very cool to watch A.I. resupply without being told, though.)
  5. Uziyahu--IDF

    VFAI.Equipment -> Public Domain

    Well now I'm puzzled. Another observation: Any chance there is a conflict with the Copy My Stance (Keypress Version) addon? I didn't observe any of my A.I. buddies scavenging from the dead, so I wondered if "Copy My Stance" (I was in a crouch) might prevent them, somehow.
  6. Uziyahu--IDF

    VFAI.Equipment -> Public Domain

    Does it automatically resupply the player's ammo when he walks near a dead soldier with the same ammo? I ask this because I fired off lots of PK rounds and when I went to 2 dead PK soldiers, no action menu came up to take their mags. I looked in my own inventory and I was fully supplied. What's the radius on this happening? On the one hand, it is more convenient, but on the other hand it feels like "power-ups". It would be nice if there was an action menu selection that said, "Resupply". Doing that would stock up all possible slots, drawing from the dead soldier's inventory. I was testing pre-0.91 beta.
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I think poorly trained troops SHOULD engage bullet-proof vehicles at times.
  8. Uziyahu--IDF

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    Does ArmA 2 already have female pilots? Lady Officers in Nomex flightsuits = HOT.
  9. Uziyahu--IDF

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    T6_TGFJZW-U Looks very similar to the way your script looks from the ground. Some really nice sounds to rip from this video, too!
  10. Uziyahu--IDF

    Bohemian Carnivores [Comb-12]

    I love the idea of this mission. :D
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    ASR AI Skills

    Keep in mind that Warrant Officers (pilots, usually) and Commissioned Officers don't necessarily have better infantry skills. When I was a PFC I once provided our Aviation Brigade Commander with my real-time situational awareness on what was taking place within our perimeter, after the OPFOR had infiltrated it. He was behind a tree, just like me, next to mine. Much of being an Officer is meetings and paperwork. An Infantry or Recon 1st Sergeant is likely to have a pretty good handle on a situation, but by then he's old enough that he may not be able to see, hear or move like the young guys. I would say that your E-5's to E-7's are probably the best compromise between physical prowess and combat wisdom.
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    WarFX Particles

    Glad to see that work on this superb mod continues!
  13. Uziyahu--IDF

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Man, all the good sound mods I'm finding aren't out for one reason or another!
  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    ASR Throwable Satchel

    Great work! Now if you could remake the Gimbel's Tossers addon that was made for OFP, so that we can have crowds of A.I. throwing rocks and bottles at us.
  15. Uziyahu--IDF


    Someone made a jetpack addon for Operation Flashpoint Resistance. It looked pretty much like the one James Bond used and it even had micro-Uzi's mounted on the handgrips. It was great fun to have a squad of those guys hunting you down, flying over the ruins. Great opportunity to go skeet-shooting.
  16. Maybe someone has already mentioned this, but can you edit the bearded dude model from ArmA 1: Queen's Gambit? (I am asking this only if it is legal, since I don't know whether B.I. has offered a model that can be edited.)
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    Graphics engine improvement

    Tracers (and I'm guessing hot lead bullets) and flares need to be white hot in FLIR. So do birds. Are the other animals? The edges of the rotors of helicopters, as in this video... (if they glow like this in Night Vision I'm certain they do in FLIR, too) qYAUcBaXmXI Do barrels of weapons start to glow in FLIR when they are fired?
  18. Uziyahu--IDF

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Will someone make a simple addon that adds the "grainy" video effect that seems new to ArmA 2: OA to the usual Night Vision? If that was done, I think Night Vision would FINALLY look realistic. (Remember that this grainy effect was attempted through a cycling/looping series of alpha channel grainy images in OFP?)
  19. Uziyahu--IDF

    Isla Duala

    There's an even newer CBA.
  20. Uziyahu--IDF

    Military Discussion Thread

    They have mounted a rail to the top receiver cover? That's counter-productive! Having a rear sight mounted on the top receiver cover of the Galil is one of the reasons it isn't the most accurate 5.56mm assault rifle around. The cover MOVES! As for the Mk. 16 discussion, maybe they'll buy the Magpul Masada / Remington ACR, instead. Yay!
  21. He helped me make terrains of the U.S. Military's Joint Readiness Training Center (when it was at Fort Chaffee, AR) and the Sinai Peninsula. : ( He was a Wiz with DEM data. Here's video of the latter... (Don't download if you can't handle the data transfer.) http://idfsquad.com/videos/sinaiv2-med.wmv (14 Meg Windows Media Video) Maybe they have even better games wherever he is...
  22. Uziyahu--IDF

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    I've tried to change the zoom options, but apparently it hasn't taken. I take your word for it.
  23. Uziyahu--IDF

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Is it not possible to increase the zoom in the next version? Seems like the view has gotten more zoomed out with each version. Is 10x the max zoom the game allows? I'll decrease my FOV settings (resulting in more all-of-time zoom), in that case.
  24. Uziyahu--IDF

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    On the ComRef... http://www.arma2.com/comref/comref.html ...there is a command called addaction If you had a script that loaded with the mission, you could embed the addaction from the AC130 script in a loop that looped only so many times, maybe? I thought that there was another command like deleteaction, but I can't find it. Also, I think there is another line of script that you can add that looks something like ~8 I think that would add 8 seconds before executing the next line, but I'm not sure. (Personally, I would like a random number of seconds. I'm a big fan of chaos in mission-making.) The real scripters on this forum could help better than I can.