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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Uziyahu--IDF

    Ai thread

    Civilian police and a Guard and/or Support waypoint would be nice for rescuing civilians. Civilian Repair Truck and Support waypoint nice for civilians whose vehicles have been bashed up trying to negotiate pathways. The Takistani civilian ambulance and its Support waypoint already work pretty well.
  2. Does this include drivers (policemen)? And if so, can you put the policemen on a Guard or Support waypoint, so that they will come to defend civilians who are being killed?
  3. Horrible patch. Getting 6 fps when I normally get 36, and that's decreasing my view-distance by 75% and turning post-processing all over the way down. Motion-blur is RIDICULOUS, now. I was hesitant to install it after reading feedback, but gave it a shot because I had to be compatible. What a mistake.
  4. Uziyahu--IDF

    IED Module

    If you could add crowds of civilian rioters throwing rocks, bottles and maybe even molotovs, that would be great. Gimbal's Tossers was the user-made addon that did this in OFP.
  5. Uziyahu--IDF

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Wk61LxejXnk Please?
  6. Most realistic-looking island I've seen for ArmA 2, I think. I feel like I'm in the movie "The American". The lay of the terrain and the lay-out of the towns will lend themselves to some crazy battles! This island needs a Clint Eastwood addon, complete with poncho. Also some Mafiosos!
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    WarFX : Blastcore

    The aircraft fires seem awfully large, but I guess that's the avgas spilling all over. I'm also getting globes whenever explosive ZU-23 ammo hits the ground, especially visible at daytime. I've never noticed the disappearing smoke in any of the previous versions. In this one, it is VERY apparent. I was very skeptical, at first, because it seemed like a step towards gamey effects, but I tested it a bit and it does seem to be an improvement. The thin haze of smoke really adds to the immersion.
  8. Yeah, at least reskinning some of the hot girls to look like Santa's Helpers at the mall...
  9. What is the best urban terrain for use in a mission where you are a serial killer killing all mall Santas in crowded civilian areas?
  10. Uziyahu--IDF

    Symphony of War 2

    Any video?
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    Fallujah 1.0

    I placed Alice and Silvie modules, but while I saw plenty of empty vehicles spawned, I saw no civilians (4 or 5 when looking through FLIR in airborne Apache) while on the ground, and certainly no one driving around. For some reason I got the FEELING that the civilians might be spawning underground?
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    And where is the TS3 server?
  13. Uziyahu--IDF

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    Great work. Any chance you can add a lady pilot minus helmet?
  14. Read the comments of the guy who did it. He did it because the older one didn't match unit camo! Your reasoning should lead you to appreciate the original satmap. :P Contrary to popular opinion' date=' the whole world doesn't look like the snow just melted. YES, some places are extremely green and your neighbor's lawn isn't the measuring stick. Do you even KNOW what type of grass is covering his lawn? Like the English countryside, for example... [img']http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs228.snc3/21570_1289068939667_1018521989_831683_5031973_n.jpg[/img] Notice how the only camo we're wearing that approaches matching the bright green fields in the background is my olive green T-shirt?
  15. I don't really like the newer satmap, so I hope it isn't used in an update. It looks like the island was diarrheaed on. Guess what! Camo rarely works as well as intended, especially at 200+ meters. The experts are as good at arriving at a working camo pattern for a variety of ranges as they are at coming up with good tire and shoe tread or dietary habits.
  16. Uziyahu--IDF

    Fallujah City

    Nope. I'm seeing it on Isla Duala v1.81, too. Maybe not the same buildings, but I'm seeing the same "underground" shadows that I see on Fallujah. ---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ---------- The only thing I would improve, so far, is the placing of all of those cranes in the mid-eastern part of the city. Some of them look like they don't have a real purpose for being there, especially when there are so many so close together.
  17. Thanks for the answer. One last idea: a script that would make wheeled vehicle troops and contractors dismount when ambushed. I'm wondering if decreasing the distance to 50 meters for wheeled vehicles might accomplish that.
  18. Whenever I see "Clay Dogs" I think of someone yelling "Pull!" and gents with shotguns blasting flying dogs out of the air.
  19. This franchise has needed this since its inception. It has always been something that has bothered me, too. An IFV/APC that has dismounted its troops is a force to be reckoned with, not taken out with one RPG. And chance this can be made to work with Air Assault units (troops riding in helos, who will drop off their troops near the enemy, at a fairly safe distance, and cover them from above)?
  20. Looking forward to playing on this island. I especially want to see the dormant volcano. Is this made from scratch from DEM data or did someone convert the game data from OFP : DR? I love the textures on the satmap, especially the eroded parts. I think that someone could have corrected one of Skira's flaws, though, the lack of variety of types of trees on the island, or does it really look that stupid? In OFP:DR's defense, I found the close quarters combat to be more appealing in OFP:DR, especially with the Realism mod, even on its lowest difficulty setting. SAW fire actually riddles the crap out of your location in that game (rather than most of the rounds flying over your head).
  21. Uziyahu--IDF

    ARMA2 : [FMP] - ARMA2 Dance Addon -

    Your lasers look more realistic than B.I. lasers.
  22. [issue isolated to another addon.]
  23. Here's a video of Everon 2010, and I agree that the colors on this island are very good. It was Kolgujev's ground texture that I didn't like. WxYZT8rQexc
  24. Kolgujev 2010's ground textures are really DARK, but I like what you added with the rocks at the top of the mountain. Everon 2010 will be perfect if you A) lower the water level (or raise the island) so that there is a beach B) remove the street lights from the airstrip. Vertical obstacles don't belong on an airstrip. This Everon is especially gorgeous when on the ground. Humorously, increasing the view distance reveals some of the curious road layouts on the island (3 parallel roads within a mile?). GREAT WORK, by the way. Looking forward to your Nogova and Malden. A happy flight down memory lane.
  25. Uziyahu--IDF

    Emita City

    About the closest I'm probably going to come to an America map.