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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Uziyahu--IDF

    Extracting objects

  2. I would like to see body armour and other objects have an armour value, and the bullets and other types of projectiles have a penetration value (aside from its damage value). Just changing the shape of the bullet can affect its penetration value. Even if there wasn't much to offer for body armour in Vietnam, having the system in the game will allow future addons to take advantage of it. I'd also like to see 9mm, 5.56mm and 5.45mm penetrate sheetrock and plywood, while 7.62mm can penetrate cinderblock (large hollow bricks) with a couple of shots. .50 should be able to penetrate anything but thick steel walls and tank armour (and maybe parts of a Hind helo).
  3. Uziyahu--IDF

    Map size?

    Does decreasing the square size mean that you could make a very small island with trenches and ditches and gullies and craters?
  4. Uziyahu--IDF

    Extracting objects

    No one knows the answers to these questions, or no one wants to answer them for me?
  5. Uziyahu--IDF

    Ai thread

    STRESSFIRE: One thing Rogue Spear and Raven Shield do well is have "stressfire". That's how accurate a soldier is when he is attempting to engage an enemy while he is being fired upon. In RS and RvS, when you shoot at an A.I. that is shooting at you, his accuracy decreases significantly, resulting in a prolonged one on one firefight. I believe that this is entirely realistic, as most street firefights actually occur within 15 meters (because the stress of being in a real firefight with someone is so great that neither crook nor cop can hit anything). Morpheus isn't joking when he says that he has seen men empty entire clips at an agent and hit nothing but air. There was even a story of a cop and a crook who accidentally ran into each other, stopping about 15 feet from each other, guns drawn. Neither one of them hit the other person because they were firing at each other simultaneously. I believe that Elite troops (in the 95% - 100% skill level range) should be able to return fire without the penalty of stressfire, Expert troops (67% - 94%) should have a 50% chance of being adversely affected by stressfire, Veteran troops (34% - 66% skill level) should always be affected adversely by stressfire when under fire, Novice troops (skill level 11% - 33%) should be in stressfire when they detect the enemy, and Civilians (skill level 0% - 10% by default) should be affected by stressfire even when they are only in Danger mode and have not detected the enemy. (Note that a Civilian could be up to Veteran in skill level, if he was in a conflict during his military service, but because he is no longer training every day he should not exceed Veteran skill level until he once again participates in combat.)
  6. Uziyahu--IDF

    Wrp to visitor

    Halleluyah! I was worried there for a few minutes... ! All that talk about 3DSMax when I had gone to the trouble of having .wrp's made for this, already!
  7. What OFP needs most of all for use of Night Vision is to have both visible and invisible light spectrums... ...anybody who has seen a Cobra with an IR Floodlight at night, both through NVG's and with the unaided eyes knows what I'm talking about. It's like night and day, baby!
  8. Uziyahu--IDF

    Game physics

    You should read how he talked up Ghost Recon in some of the same issues. It'll make you heave your lunch.
  9. Players would be able to make a camo pattern for their own squad's uniform, then have it scanned by a utility that would come up with various R, G, B value arrays for close up, medium distance, and long range. When an A.I. would look at a player, a comparison would be made between the R, G, B array of the camo pattern and the R, G, B, array of the background greenery. A big difference between any of the 3 values would be seen as a contrast and make the unit more easily detected, depending on the lighting conditions. Obviously, at close range, high scores in the R and G values would make the unit very easy to see. The utility would also measure blotch-sizes. A camo pattern with large bands of color with smaller camo patterns within would be good for both distant and close-up camo. Big blotches of bright yellow, orange, or red would be very visible, while bright blue wouldn't be as much of a concern at night. At distance, small blotches would tend to run together and a soldier's whole uniform color would be more the consideration. (A soldier in woodland camo walking in a field of green grass 300 meters distant is easily seen as a dark silhouette.) I always thought how stupid it was to pick my camo in Rogue Spear when playing coop Versus A.I. I could have been wearing a bright yellow jump suit or Predator's chamaleon configuration suit and it wouldn't have affected the A.I.'s ability to see me, at all. --Uziyahu-IDF http://www.idfsquad.com/
  10. Just want everyone to know that the mod that would not die is still alive... the "Lost Brothers" mod. Need talented people who produce results. Corresponded with Vipersheart, today. He's at least got weekends off, now, and a notebook computer. http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/idfmods/ ...is our current base of operations. --Uziyahu-IDF http://www.idfsquad.com/
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    Wires in the air

    Default height for helos is 40, isn't it? 21 seems to be a safe height to keep from running into trees.
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    Character animation override

    I was wondering if the character animations couldn't be modular, like in Rogue Spear, where animations would be divided up by head&neck, arms, legs, body sections... That way, you could get a greater variety of different motions by using a combination of smaller animations?
  13. Uziyahu--IDF

    Camo that works against a.i.

  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    Visible and invisible light spectrums

    I personally owned an AN-PVS-2A that I bought for my Colt AR-15A2 Delta HBAR (privately owned) when I was in the Army. It would work well enough. It was Vietnam-era... one of the big ones. I had to have the M16 mount altered for the different carrying handle of the M16A2 (as opposed to the A1). Fortunately, one of the guys in the sheet metal shop in the hangar hooked me up right quick. It WAS heavy. Unfortunately, as was the case for support soldiers like me, I didn't get enough opportunities to train with it so as to become useful with it. You can get one of those for about $600, now, I think. It cost me $1700 in the mid-80's.
  15. Uziyahu--IDF


    That IS a good idea... :-)
  16. Uziyahu--IDF

    Game physics

    Yeah, and you know why "Dr." Kuo was doing that? Because PC Gamer had a long-standing "I'll scrub your backside if you scrub mine" relationship with Red Storm Entertainment, starting with Rainbow Six, which we all know WAS a great game, for its time. The guy is a farking sell-out, that is, if he EVER had an honest day. I can't wait 'til OFP2 w/ join-in-progress, just to see if Li C. Kuo will lick Marek Spanel's feet for forgiveness.
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    Do we need female soldier?

    You fellas wouldn't get past mission #1. You can't dog me, Drill Sergeant! ; )
  18. Uziyahu--IDF

    Game physics

    There was a "fan" like you back when OFP1 was in development, always pretending to have some authority to be telling us what was impossible. I think Eric something was his name. Meanwhile, B.I. was making the things we were asking for! You remind me of that RedStorm wh0re at PC Gamer, Li C. Kuo. In his preview of OFP, he acted like the game was an impossibility that wouldn't work, but when it DID work he didn't even bother to eat his hat! Instead, he tried to nit-pick about the little things that were not up to his standards while heaping praise on that piece of shi'ite game, "Ghost Recon".
  19. Uziyahu--IDF

    Game physics

    Voices like yours were proven wrong when OFP v1.00 was released! Why don't you let the developers tell us what isn't possible?! Who the sheol are you to tell us that? Notice the title of this forum? OFP 2 SUGGESTIONS!
  20. Uziyahu--IDF

    Ofp deleting everything on harddisk!

    Correct. The longer you wait before halting OFP, the more files will be gone. It's only deleting files from the partition OFP is installed on, and it leaves custom-addons on the harddisk, much like the OFP uninstall. No, it does NOT leave custom addons on the hard drive. Â All of the addons I had collected were wiped out. Â I lost everything but a few OFP "factory" files that must have been in use by OFP when I was playing it.
  21. Uziyahu--IDF

    Do you actualy take some ideas from this?

    If you want to know the answer to that question, the answer can be found .... At "The Veterans" Interviews.
  22. Uziyahu--IDF

    Better tracers

    Every 3 or 4 rounds for LMG's. And yeah, there is a tradition that believes in having tracers near the end of a magazine to let you know it is time to reload. For the most part, tracers in assault rifles aren't needed. Submachineguns, sniper rifles, and pistols should never have them. (the Barrett .50 being an exception because it helps to set vehicles on fire)
  23. Uziyahu--IDF

    Will you buy ofp 2?

    OFP's success might have been a bit overwhelming for CM ;) But now, they are prepared... Operation Flashpoint 2 - to be continued. *my order comes as soon as the game hits the store shelves* Then CodeMasters are a bunch of retards with no foresight. I knew this game was big back when there were only 6 screenshots! I hope they have some dedicated CodeMasters servers for OFP2, this time.
  24. Uziyahu--IDF


    In Alaska, a mama moose can be a dangerous thing! They will charge the grill of vehicles head on!
  25. Uziyahu--IDF

    Graphics engine improvement

    One thing pixel shading would make possible is real-time shadows cast by buildings, mountains, etc. "New World Order" was trying to accomplish this and the screenshots were gorgeous, but when I went to try the demo it lagged like crazy, and my system was well over specs! I would like to see mountain and building shadows, interior shadows, etc., but not at the expense of smooth gameplay. Â It's not worth it. Â It would be very nice to be able to hide in shadows from human players, though, as with some maps in Unreal Tournament and its mods. Other things I'd like to see are better "dark sides" of buildings, vehicles, etc. Â Darker human shadows in some cases. Also, when a bonfire or headlight lights up a building or soldier, I don't want to see the whole object light up, as if it was made with a huge fiber-optic cable. Most of your post should have gone in the physics thread, Axe. Looks like a tiled map, like something from the Delta Force series... I second that. Â I'd just like to see the view distance increased, even if it means the draw distance on objects is reduced. Â I want to see mountains in the distance, when weather allows. I'd also like to see rolling fog banks, like the fog that sometimes hugs the floor in "Enter the Matrix". Â Very cool. Which is silly... because guys I know playing Counter-Strike were amazed by the graphics in OFP. Â As someone else said, the immersion factor of the graphics on any game lifts in about 48 hours of play. All reasonable requests... VietCong's vegetation all sways and doesn't bog they way that Ghost Recon does, but VC has smaller maps than OFP. But not at the expense of gameplay. Â Trust me, you pay about zero attention to trees when you're in the Army and in even simulated combat conditions. Â The "nicer" trees on Nogova resulted in less foliage to conceal you. Â And in OFP, which has no real grass like DF2, it is necessary to have the shrubs to hide you. Yes, I'd definitely like to see TruForm support in OFP2. Â I might even buy a Radeon for that! Â It only makes sense. Â Instead of having the modeller work on all of those triangles, let the card do it. True. Â There needed to be some droplet objects falling near the soldier, with little splashes on the ground, like in Rogue Spear. Â Otherwise, the existing system is good for "background" rain. Yeah, the droplets on Enemy Engaged: Â Commanche Versus Hokum were really cool... especially turning on the wiper blades to clear the windscreen. That would certainly be nice. Yep. Yep. Yes, very much needed. Well, because mid-game joining requires a total overhaul of the game's code, anyway. Yeah, I'd like to see ammo in burning vehicles exploding and cooking off, firing away from the vehicle in some cases. Once, sitting in a foxhole, the girl Private in the foxhole with me took a snapshot with a flash. Â My eyes saw nothing but red for about 10 seconds! Â My night vision was surely shot for quite some time after that. However, the eye works like this... if you look directly at something at night you may not see it because you have lost your night vision, but when you look at it with your peripheral vision you'll be able to see it better. Yeah, two light spectrums need to be in the game, a visible light spectrum and an invisible light spectrum. Â Night Vision devices see both, and that is how the you can see during the night with such a device. That is taken care of by tweaking the action gamma and then adjusting the brightness. Yep, if for no other reason than cosmetics. Â Ricocheting rounds don't have to hurt, but if ricocheting rounds COULD be made to hurt it would help take care of the lack of "area of effect" on the LMG's, because ricocheting rounds might hit collateral targets. --Uziyahu-IDF http://www.idfsquad.com/