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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Uziyahu--IDF

    Merkava... IDF??

    People are always barking that the Israelis are going up against guys with rocks. Fine, let's have a hypothetical scenario where Israeli soldiers and/or equipment are going up against another conventional force. There are LOTS of people in Europe and increasingly in the U.S. who fantasize about killing Jews/Israelis. I say let them have a reality-check. At the same time, Israelis could get a taste of how their equipment might do Vs. a UN-backed taskforce of Peace"keepers". Maybe EVERYONE will wake up and "stand down". One potentiality that might not be considered is how the surrounding Arab countries would react to Westerners beating up on their favorite punching bag. (Arabs actually allied with the Jews Vs. the Romans.) I've seen a lot of controversial games come and go. Gore in Soldier of Fortune 1, anyone? What? Play Taliban in Medal of Honor 2010? No way! ...orrrrrrr we can just have Russia as the enemy, again. I've heard plenty about how tired Russians are of being painted the bad guys. Oh, and some Israelis DO have a British accent. ; ) (Some have Russian, some have Yemenite, some have Spanish, some have Ethiopian, etc.) It's a game; a sim. You've got to mix it up every now and then.
  2. Uziyahu--IDF

    AI going to be player centric?

    Hopefully this is only an aspect of the editing of the missions, not of the sandbox dynamic A.I. Interviewers often don't understand that a great deal of what they are asking about is dependent on how the mission is edited.
  3. Uziyahu--IDF

    Wind simulation

    Even moderately-simulated wind will make helicopter flight look a lot more realistic because the player/A.I. will have to constantly adjust his vector to stay on course.
  4. I've never played a single OFP/ArmA campaign all of the way through. Their difficulty always reminds me of the Rainbow Six/Rogue Spear campaigns. I could never get past the stealth missions or the simul-execution objectives. If they make a single-player campaign more "Actiony", that would be just fine with me. Too often I turn to the Multiplayer or the Mission Editor to get my satisfaction. 2-Player Coop was a Gears of War limitation passing itself off as an innovation. After my anger abated, I could be amused by the WOW-factor of 4-Player Coop being advertised as an improvement over 2-Player. It was like nobody remembered the days of large-scale coop in R6/RS and OFP or 50-player adversarial on dial-up in Delta Force 2. Less bugs makes Papa happy. I've only got so many years of good gaming left to be wasting them on bugs.
  5. Sounds like the move may work out for the better. Miles Teg, I couldn't PM you because it says your box is full, so I'll just tell you that I'm going to buy a USB drive, copy the mod files to it, then send it to you. Maybe in the future I'll be able to make a movie pitting the IDF against the I44 Nazis, part of somebody's bad dream.
  6. W0lle, in 1986 -1989 my Air Cav squadron in Alaska (the only such unit in all of Alaska) still had the Cobras with the 7.62mm gatling gun or the 40mm automatic grenade launcher on the swivel under the nose. And they had the dome-type cockpit, too. Otherwise, I think they looked the same as your model.
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    Is ArmA III having the OFP:CWC vibe?

    CWC's vibe was "sim" and "realism". I was in the fanbase when it was in the works. They kept saying "game", but make no mistakes. At the time, it was a most realistic infantry sim around. ArmA's failure, so far, in my opinion, is that it doesn't feel real enough. The A.I. is robotic and dull-witted, but when it finally wakes up it responds with superhuman accuracy. The soldiers don't seem human, though they LOOK human. It's a weird world where children don't exist. Helicopters handle strangely. Armored vehicles still have hitpoints. Weapons always function perfectly. Vehicles never break down just because vehicles break down. etc. For a sandbox game, it needs a LOT more chaos and humanity.
  8. Uziyahu--IDF

    Connecting ArmA III and Take On

    I have long advocated the linking of "niche" games into one great experience. :) It's nice to know that it can now be done.
  9. Uziyahu--IDF


    I think this is true to a greater degree than most gamers realize. Battleground Europe's battles are extremely immersive, while the graphics are highly outdated.
  10. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Vegetation in OA looks awful? *scratches head* A weight system and weapon jamming/malfunctions and I think I would be happy with all of the improvements. B.I. could learn a lot from the Cornered Rats about ballistic penetration and deflection, too. Mostly I would like to see a lot less bugs. I have yet to make a complete mission for ArmA 2 because every time I try I see something that doesn't work the way it is supposed to. I made plenty of missions for Operation Flashpoint: Elite, probably because it was darn near bugless.
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

    Are there no MIRRORS for download?! I've found only two links and they download like blackstrap molasses.
  12. Here's a nice video where some serious airsofters are supporting ArmA II as a great off-the-field training tool. vyeBns2sSaU I thought this would be considered on-topic, since it is an independent review of the game. Note that Fort Polk is where the Joint Readiness Training Center (low-intensity conflict version of the National Training Center) was located, last I heard.
  13. Uziyahu--IDF

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    Ragdoll physics isn't a problem in multiplayer. I've played tons of tac-shooters with ragdoll physics in MP and it has never broken gameplay. Havok is especially good, but PhysX would probably work just as well.
  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    Merkava... IDF??

    Why would real-world politics keep anyone from enjoying a GAME? Especially a MILITARY game. Israel is said to have the most specialized array of forces in the world. (Note that I did not say "best".) How many Russians has the franchise pissed-off by representing them as the bad guys? That's not politics? As for the pictures, NATO Vs. Israel is becoming a more-likely scenario, at least if you believe the posturing you see in the news. Israel DOES export its military tech. A number of nations already use the Tavor. I'm guessing that Israel would need to have a Merkava 5 and 6 before they would sell their Merkava 4's, though.
  15. Uziyahu--IDF

    Graphics engine improvement

    I really want to see heat distortion, like you see behind the engine in this video... IDxrYCtPldQ I think I heard before that this would require another render pass? Would it be possible to just spawn blobs with alpha channels?
  16. Uziyahu--IDF

    COOP 10 Chernarus Apocalypse, part one

    Celery, I was wondering if you could make a mission where you play a running zombie. You would have A.I. civilians and military with guns and also civilians without guns. You would have to run up to them and take swipes at them. Once you slayed someone, they would rise again as a zombie. The objective would be to turn enough military (who drop their weapons and don't pick them up, again, once infected) that you would decrease defenses around the base and increase your numbers so that you could successfully overrun the base. Death would result in a quick respawn in another nearby zombie, to keep things frantic. I would also like to see something like this in an Insurgency form, where you can pick on the map the zombie you want to respawn into. One other important option: Action Menu "Moan" would call all of the zombies within a certain radius. An MP mission like this would be best used with ASR's Ammo Resupply Script and the First-Aid AddOn, so that military and civilians try to keep themselves alive.
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Looks like a right proper HELLHOLE. I'm getting the shakes just looking at screens.
  18. Wolffy, any chance you can add Fallujah v1.1 to the island list? That is a very large city, so you shouldn't wind up with too many traffic jams, and if you do, we'll chalk it up to city life. It's obviously a breed apart from the other islands and needs your expertise on how to handle it properly.
  19. Uziyahu--IDF

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    Any projected release on a working beta? I've been waiting for this since the beginning, but lost track of it. I thought Zeus' was this and have been using that. Also, will it be possible to switch-on this A.I. for certain units in a mission and not others? Personally, I would like for some OPFOR units to still run around like damn fools.
  20. Uziyahu--IDF

    Co30 Combat Air-Assault - Fallujah

    Is this for Fallujah v1.1?
  21. I got a whole slew of errors when installing. Is this some kind of April Fool's Joke? The installer said the patch was applied successfully (after the series of "Error Found in filename" notices) to v1.59, but when I boot up ArmA 2 OA, it is still v1.57.
  22. The graphics engine looks AMAZING! If they can bring at least HALF the fidelity they are promising in this game to helos in ArmA, I'll be happy.
  23. The Everon update is even prettier, by the screenshots... FAP-FAP-FAP!
  24. Uziyahu--IDF

    RH SMG pack for OA / CO

    Video, anyone?