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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Uziyahu--IDF

    Trailer Was Good But I Have To Point This Out

    I believe that is called "hyper-extended". Hyper-extensions DO tend to happen when you're under the influence of adrenalin. Remember that the uniform is also hiding the true skeleton of the character.
  2. Uziyahu--IDF

    German GameStar slaps Armed Assault

    You seem to remember wrong. Why don´t you just post that over at THEIR FORUM and keep this forum free of that kid-rampage. I just browsed the thread with over 600 comments right now. I have to say that I´m happy only a small percentage of the guys post here in this forums. The level of the majority of posts is so low that if those guys would post in the same manner here, they would be banned within a week. And all that for a 15 lines message. Get a life ! I meant "raving" in the sense of "speaking feverishly about in a favorable way". As for the rest of your response, I can't even tell what you're on about. Everyone here can see it was an irresponsible piece of pseudo-journalism, so why can't you? What do I care about how big their booth is? I'm not going to be playing their booth after I fork out my $40-$60... UPDATE: When I connect to www.gamestar.de I get a full page ad with video of GR:AW which completely hides that I am even at gamestar. I think that says something, doesn't it? Like I said, big, fat, ugly "HO's".
  3. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Don't be such a bunch of drama queens. If you're really biting your fingernails that much, then spend a couple hundred and try out OFP:E on XBox Live. Depending on how you design the mission (intelligently or stupidly) the enemy A.I. does a fine job. Your approach is what determines how well your friendly A.I. does.
  4. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA E3 Trailer Music

    Have you guys noticed that certain forumers can always be counted on to have a negative opinion? If I'm ever that negative about anything I just cut it out of my life.
  5. Uziyahu--IDF

    German GameStar slaps Armed Assault

    Yes, that was about to be my next point. Many who play OFP:E regard it as a superior tactical experience to either Ghost Recon or Battlefield. Hordes of those who play OFP:R swear by it, even WITHOUT mid-game joining and yesterday's graphics. I seem to remember Petra Schmitz raving about OFP:CWC. Do good games have expiration dates? I can go back and play the original Rainbow Six on PC and STILL have fun with it. And to ridicule Europeans for having a small booth at a Los Angeles event...WTF is that?! It is as if they are saying, "To he who spends the most cash at E3 we will give a good review." When OFP:E came out they said, "You can't do that on an XBox!" (even though they did) and "It's just old OFP!" (even though it isn't) and "You should play OFP on a PC, instead!" (even though it works splendidly on the XBox). Now that a new PC version is coming out, they say "It is just old OFP!" (even though it isn't). They are whores and liars. After the windbags are done venting there will be a resurgence of OFP sychophantry, as tactical gamers all over the world flock to hours-long CTI games where they can join and quit at will. OFP:E started out getting great reviews, then when the Americans started reviewing it they started panning it (why? BF2-Land!. For all of the bad reviews it got, it is OFP-HEAVEN! Nay, tactical-gamer HEAVEN! Permit me to illustrate: Dueysan: "I need help guys. I'm pinned down by two BMP's, here!" Me: "I'm lifting off the deck, now. Where are you?" Dueysan: "I'm North of the airfield, next to an M113 wreck. Be careful where you shoot." Me: "I've got ya. I see two red blips, now. Coming in low." *I punch off two FFAR's at one of the BMP's from my Cobra, toasting it, then I bank around heavily and am about to overfly the second BMP, so I push my nose down steeply, punch off two FFAR's, toasting the second BMP and shattering my windshield with the concussion* Dueysan: "That was amazing! Thanks!" Me: "Glad to help." *I set about returning to base and get triangulated by two enemy "M2" machineguns and get shot down, too low to eject* Dueysan: "Aw, did you die?" Me: "Yeah, by ground fire." Dueysan: "Well, if it's any consolation, you probably saved my a55." Teamwork-Valhalla, BABY!
  6. Uziyahu--IDF

    IDEA Games at E3

    Doesn't that mean that you only need one other person, but can have more than one other to play the coop? In other words, you can't play the campaign coop if you're all by yourself?
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    German GameStar slaps Armed Assault

    The way I remember the old GameStar preview of OFP:CWC, Petra Schmitz couldn't play the game worth a darn, anyhow.
  8. Uziyahu--IDF

    Wasnt ArmA OFP With New Graphics, Island And Camp?

    We were always told that join-in-progress/mid-game joining would be impractical, if not impossible, to patch into OFP:CWC or OFP:R. ArmA will have mid-game joining, which leads me to consider it a new game. OFP:E plays so much better in multiplayer than OFP:R ever thought of doing, just by virtue of the mid-game joining.
  9. Uziyahu--IDF

    New Civilians

    Enough women to script an episode of the "Deal or No Deal" gameshow! (Vanna White could open all of the briefcases, herself.)
  10. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA Progress Updates

    When OFP:E came out one guy devoted himself to shooting down a seagull, then a hawk. Finding the carcass to take a screenshot for proof was probably have the feat.
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    IDEA Games at E3

    In Armed Assault's case it can, because B.I./OFP already has a huge fanbase thanks to AddOns. AddOns + Join-in-Progress = Many Happy Players Dying to Get This Game Because They Will Never Need to Play the Same Game Twice Why buy a Vietnam shooter, a World War II shooter, a sci-fi shooters, and "period" shooters when you can just buy ArmA and download free AddOns? The only thing that killed it for OFP:R was the lack of mid-game joining. That's about to change. Those of you who have been looking condescendingly on Operation Flashpoint: Elite are about to experience the fun we have been having for several months.
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    MultiCam Anyone?

    It's amazing how the stuff changes color with its surroundings. It really seems to work well. Looks a bit like Czech camo, doesn't it? Or am I thinking of Swiss Alpenflage?
  13. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Will this game be on a CD or a DVD? Personally, I'd like to see it on a DVD if it would mean that there would be dynamically-talking A.I. and a diverse range of animations.
  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    Kill yourself!

    Suicide would be so easy to script in, yourself.
  15. Uziyahu--IDF

    Precise year of setting and weapons...

    The least they could do is go with HK's M4 design so that American soldiers aren't using a weapon that defecates where it eats.
  16. Uziyahu--IDF

    Vegetation concealment

    I BELIEVE that all stories about OFP A.I. seeing through a bush have to do with an officer or unit friendly to the enemy reporting your position, at which time the enemy officer orders his subordinate to fire on your location. Same principle in paintball. A team-member will "mark" (splat) a tree to let his team member know to fire on the opponent behind the tree. Soldiers do the same thing using tracers to direct fire.
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Ondrej has "math genius" hair, in keeping with Einstein. Math Genius Hair
  18. Uziyahu--IDF

    Latest screenshots available

    Heh, I misread this... at first I thought you said "Blackwater training operation". Isn't the mercenary company fighting in Iraq called Blackwater?
  19. Uziyahu--IDF

    Ricochet  in ARMA

    Yes confirmation ricochets take place off of most objects! (eg. ive gotteren ricochets off of the concrete buildings at the Nogova airport but i cant get one from the aluminium aircrafthangers there) That would be because I've been able to punch holes in sheet metal with .22LR. I doubt that anything any military fires would ricochet off of sheet metal.
  20. Uziyahu--IDF


    In real-life the M16A2 is about 6 or 7 lbs., so it would be easy to lean and shoot with it. An M16A2 with M203 is about 9 lbs, if I remember correctly. I think the M60 is like 19-23 lbs.
  21. Uziyahu--IDF

    Adjustable iron sights?

    It works nicely on World War II Online. You can dial the M16A2 from 300 meters to 800, in increments of 100, if I remember correctly. Beyond 300 meters is only supposed to be for full-squad suppression fire(i.e., your whole squad is spamming lead at targets at that range), if I remember correctly.
  22. Uziyahu--IDF

    Carrying abilities

    Soldiers are issued one assault rifle at a time. Sure, a sniper might have a sniper rifle and a back-up subgun. A grenadier with a 'nade vest wouldn't be toting AT weapons, to boot. That's why you have a SQUAD of 9 + men. Now I have heard of soldiers being loaded down with extra belts of ammo for the mgunner, extra claymores, bandoliers of ammo (not ready to use in magazines, by the way), etc. They don't call infantrymen "legs" for nothing. They have to "leg" all of that stuff to the battle.
  23. Uziyahu--IDF

    Ricochet  in ARMA

    Ah, good, so confirmation that ricochets take place off of objects, too, then?
  24. Uziyahu--IDF

    Multiplayer demandings?

    Actually, the way I remember it is that after getting Codemasters as the publisher, they started down-playing the multiplayer aspect of the game, which made me go berzerk, because all along we long-time fans talked about the multiplayer potential of the basic game idea. I think that this might have been because they saw that it couldn't handle that many players over the internet without disconnects. (It probably worked fine on B.I.'s LAN, assuming they had one, of course, since I've never been there.)
  25. Uziyahu--IDF

    Ricochet  in ARMA

    Hmmmm, it took far too many hitting ricochets to kill that soldier at the end. I can't even be sure that you didn't actually walk the impact point too close to the soldier. I think that it is most impressive when viewing from a side angle. It seems to be more visible in first-person weapon sights view, too.