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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA maps are TOO large for public servers

    Yeah, I think a small assortment of detailed-terrain maps covering a small distance would be popular.
  2. Uziyahu--IDF


    Great work! Now we can blast some baddies with tea cozies on their heads (a line from the movie "Amelie") in Afghan Village.
  3. Uziyahu--IDF


    Sounds pretty good.
  4. Uziyahu--IDF

    Group Link 3

    Can you make another improvement to the A.I.? A.I. don't seem to "hear" some events, like explosions. An explosion can happen right next to them, and they won't even flinch. They need to play a sort of "duck and cover" animation as they run away from the nearby explosion. Then, after the dust has settled, they can come back to investigate.
  5. Uziyahu--IDF

    LN_SkySled aka flying dagger

    From the video, it looks like you've achieved the sort of movement the helos should have!
  6. Uziyahu--IDF

    New BIS service available

    The screens look BEAUTIFUL! Why would I want to set such a beautiful place on fire?
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    Razani, North Waziristan Map

    Yeah, it is making me wonder why we would want to save it from the bad guys. Are there any villages?
  8. Uziyahu--IDF

    Heal system/Revive

    I'd like to see blood pressure and adrenaline's ability to keep a person going. Random implementation of pain effects. Temporary unconsciousness. Ability to fight while bleeding or partially disabled. And most of all, soldiers sometimes howling bloody murder until someone gives them something for the pain! I want to be psychologically DISTURBED by a war sim.
  9. Uziyahu--IDF

    [Petition] Tank Interiors

    What's sad about having armored vehicle interiors is that when addon-makers want to create a vehicle, they have to model all of that. Â Lots of addons don't get made because they aren't able to create realistic interiors. I agree that it was cool, and would be even cooler with TrackIR, but I've played lots of other games where I didn't even notice that there was no vehicle interior. Â If I'm the gunner, I'm simply too busy looking for the enemy. I don't go along with Dyslexci's "this late in development?" argument, because that has been said EVERY TIME a B.I. title has been in development. Â (It was said when I asked for side-doorguns in the UH60's, but somehow B.I. worked that in.) I seem to recall him leveling this same argument for ArmA 1. Â Somehow interim periods don't seem to make any MORE of a difference in whether something the community wants gets implemented and things that were requested in previous development cycles (when it was thought that "this late in development?" was a valid argument) are conveniently forgotten before the NEXT development cycle, when apologists like Dsl can spring the trap, again. Becoming acquainted with the development cycles and attendant PR of various franchises can turn you into a cynic. I do agree that resources can be better spent on ArmA's more pressing needs. Â Ragdolls, anyone?
  10. Uziyahu--IDF

    ARMA 2 In-game HD Video released

    Looking forward to seeing how this looks on next-gen consoles. As for the head-bobbing, it was my understanding that the human spinal column acts like a giant spring. Also, most simulations don't take into account that whatever the runner is focusing on should remain in the center of the screen while the head does any bobbing, unless he directs his gaze/focus to something else. This will make everything else around the point of focus move with the head-bob. I saw Codemasters head-bob and it is very robotic and mechanical. It doesn't take into account that the human being is an analog creature. I liked the two little bits of pollen that were floating in the air.
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    NOT the Lost Brothers Mod

    Looked a bit like the Lost Brothers mod, at first... Free Israel Vs. Iran in 2040 FPS
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    Far Cry 2

    I would call Far Cry 2's single-player "Elder Scrolls: Oblivion as a Tactical First-Person Shooter". I'm really enjoying the single-player. The migrating fire is a real spectacle. In my opinion, the only thing this is lacking (aside from a list of tweaks) is a coop campaign and the ability to place A.I. in the mission editor.
  13. Uziyahu--IDF

    GLT's CH-47 "Chinook"

    Those used in Alaska had big ski/skids around the wheels. Link to image: Chinook in Alaska
  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    Razani, North Waziristan Map

    Yeah, if you want to take any more screens for us, I won't mind.
  15. Uziyahu--IDF

    Razani, North Waziristan Map

    Great work, once again, Nicholas! I also thought the first screenshot was a photo from real-life.
  16. Uziyahu--IDF

    Inside ArmA2 with Jerry Hopper & Lord. J.Kingsley

    Q: Will the XBox 360 version be released simultaneously or almost simultaneously with the PC version, or can we expect a long delay?
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    Micro AI on 2nd CPU ?

    There are already separate cards available for physics. NVidia boards even allow you to use a 2nd video card as a physics card instead of video. With those options available, why would you want a CPU core to be dedicated to physics? Because people were deciding from the very time that the Ageia card was released that it just made more sense to do those calculations on a motherboard. Physics can affect gameplay, so if someone doesn't have the card, it changes their gameplay.
  18. Uziyahu--IDF

    Trains in Arma2?

    I specifically remember a mission involving a moving train in one of the early Delta Force games, either 1 or 2. So while you see no point in it, my experience with EARLY tactical shooters allows me to see a purpose. Throw in moving trains in IL-2 Sturmovik and it gives me something else to shoot at from the air. If I'm a "feature-creep", then some people are clearly feature-killjoys.
  19. Uziyahu--IDF

    Sukhoi Su-33 and Kuznetsov CV

    If the tug is possible, why don't we have towed vehicles and trailers?
  20. Uziyahu--IDF

    ARMA II - UH-1Y Venom In-Game Sounds

    Sounds just like my rides in a Huey.
  21. Uziyahu--IDF

    Project T-800

    Can you make his eyes little red light objects?
  22. Uziyahu--IDF

    GC 2008 Press Coverage

    Wow, sometimes this game looks scarily realistic.
  23. Those two helo shots are looking a lot more realistic than the recent two helo shots taken in OFP2. The hi-contrast filters in OFP2 are making their helo skin look very unrealistic.
  24. Uziyahu--IDF

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Yeah, I was thinking that maybe the detail settings weren't turned up very high. Certainly will help to see it in video.
  25. Uziyahu--IDF

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    Revive doesn't mean resurrect, I'm guessing. In other words, "bring back to consciousness" from an unconscious state? That's one thing OFP hasn't been good at simulating, states of unconsciousness. You're either conscious or dead in OFP.