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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Thanks for adding fuel blivets, though the texture they have makes them look wrong. They should look more like smooth rubber with dust splashed across them in places?
  2. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    It wouldn't be a risk if they would PROPERLY advertise and distribute it! OFP:Elite saw maybe ONE copy per EBGames shop in this area. Then I talk to someone in Finland, and they say that the game LINED THE SHELVES in that country! Sounded like Codemasters sent all of the copies to nearby Finland, instead of to those bloody Americans! It was an absolute PARTY on X-Box Live! All the guys playing it LOVED it!
  3. Uziyahu--IDF

    WW2 101 Airborne Division

    Yac, I wore a "steel pot" helmet in Basic and Occupational Training in the U.S. Army and the wearer's head actually fits in a suspensive "webbing" (can't think of a better word) attached to the inside of a helmet liner. If I remember correctly, the helmet liner (mine was fiberglas, I think) detaches easily from the inside of the steel pot. There should be a bit of space between the wearer's head and the outside of the helmet. See if you can increase the size just a tad, then see how they look on the soldier model's head.
  4. Uziyahu--IDF

    This Makes Me Mad!

    I was searching YouTube for ArmA videos and found one that I think deserves a lawsuit, it makes me that angry: The booty-wipe seems to be purposely recreating the looping radio response bug through repeated use of the orders menu! 25,000 views of this B.S. and then the booty-wipe disables ratings and comments which might demonstrate what a liar he is! I think a simple Cease & Desist letter from your lawyers might scare this putz off, B.I.
  5. Uziyahu--IDF

    This Makes Me Mad!

    I should have put it in the ArmA 1 forum, if nothing else. Apologies. Oh, and a troll tries to elicit a response. This guy is trying to damage the brand name.
  6. That looks like a very nice submachinegun for its time. Was the drum magazine detachable or fixed?
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    Hookers in ArmA II?!

    That wasn't ArmA II, troll!
  8. Uziyahu--IDF

    Real Time Strategy or First Person Shooter?

    It is a first-person shooter and vehicle simulator (though not-so-detailed as far as aircraft go). You can have any combination of players or A.I. along with you on a mission. The engine even allows Real-Time Strategy, if that's your thing.
  9. Uziyahu--IDF

    Seeing Stars

    There should be some added effects for wounding and concussion from explosions. If a player's character gets his head given a good jarring, like from a bullet to the helmet or concussion from an explosion, he should see stars floating in front of his face for several seconds. They look like little pinpoints of light. If his blood pressure gets low, his vision should begin to get obscured by something that resembles when you close your eyes and press on your eyelids with your palms. This can also produce a sort of temporary amnesia lasting several seconds, so it may be necessary to re-issue an order to A.I. during that time. I would also like to see the player's character lose hearing in one or both of his ear's when ear drums are ruptured by a concussion or a hit to the ear. Lastly, I would like to reiterate that the A.I. presently does not seem to even notice when explosions and loud noises are happening around them, much less react to them in an appropriate fashion.
  10. Uziyahu--IDF

    Mission Editor in Console?

    Only allow the ability to randomize elements of the mission, something that was missing in OFP:Elite and made it harders to make "dynamic" missions. You know, probability of presence of units, of coordinates of placement of units and waypoints, and of duration of waypoints. Another thing, the 360 allows the use of a USB keyboard or a special texting controller addon, so please allow us to write our own Briefings in the mission editor. You might also consider the ability to add sound files and other sorts of supporting files, as the 360 can be connected to your computer and files transfered to the 360. Voice files could be recorded through the headset mike.
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    I am really not liking the vehicle textures in ArmA2, these days. They are way too dark. It seems like they're trying to go for the OFP2 look, and in my opinion, that's not good. I'm seeing dark vehicles against mid-range ground, greenery and building textures. It's bad enough that games will often turn distant vehicles into dark silhouettes, but now we've got dark vehicle up close, too.
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    That Ayer's Rock map is breathtaking! Maps based on unusual real terrain are usually far more interesting than something people can think up.
  13. Does this mean that a nice sound card will bring no added benefits? All sound simulation will be handled by the CPU then?
  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    Arming distance on grenades and rockets

    Yeah, sad that the game doesn't have minimum arming distance, especially since it was done as early as Rogue Spear in a mod. (There was code for grenade launchers, apparently, but it wasn't used. The user community took advantage of that code and added perfectly modeled 40mm 'nade launchers in their mods.)
  15. Uziyahu--IDF

    Truly Realistic Sound

    Okay, if ArmA 1 or 2 was to have truly realistic sound, this is what would happen, according to my experience shooting firearms: After the first shot your ears would ring. With a few more shots, the ringing in your ears would continue and sound would begin to get muffled, almost like you added cotton into your ears. The U.S. Army protected us against hearing loss by making us wear ear plugs when we went to the qualification range, but when a firefight begins, how many soldiers shout to the enemy, "Wait a minute! I've got to put in my plugs!" Thoughts? Experiences?
  16. Uziyahu--IDF

    Isla del jonas v1.0

    I'll check it out next chance I get!
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    British Special Forces

    Doesn't Nephilim make you wanna just HUG her?
  18. Uziyahu--IDF

    Enter/Exit Vehicles animations.

    The reason that people loved Ghost Recon was because their opinion was engineered by PC Gamer U.S.A., who had a long-standing relationship with Red Storm Entertainment. PC Gamer U.S.A. criticized OFP for the having the very things that it praised Ghost Recon for possessing. Â I completely lost faith in PC Gamer U.S.A. in those days, especially since PC Gamer UK gave OFP the thumbs-up. Now, the game can't suck on one side of the pond and be the cat's meow on the other side. The only thing that Ghost Recon did well was the CQB, even though soldiers in rooms didn't roam as they did in Rogue Spear. Â You could shoot through the corners of indoor walls, and that added a bit of suspense, because the A.I. could, too. (In fact, that game engine was a lot more fun in "The Sum of All Fears", which returned to an indoors CQB mission-type...makes sense, because the Ghost Recon game engine was essentially mimicking the very large "Hunt for Osama Bin Laden" maps made by a modder for Rogue Spear.) It should be against international law to even compare Ghost Recon to OFP. Â The first was nothing but a larger-room CQB shooter (you didn't even see the enemy A.I. group into "teams" until Island Thunder, I believe it was! and the second was a full combined-arms experience. I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach just thinking about how many hours I *did* put into Ghost Recon.
  19. Uziyahu--IDF

    Trains after all?!

    Now that you helped me notice it, I think it is definite evidence that there will at least be working trains as decoration, because: 1) B.I. prides itself on only putting real in-game stuff in its videos 2) They snuck it in so that you could easily miss it. I thought the video was rather ho-hum, but the sneak-peek at a train makes this video equal with the others to us long-time fans.
  20. Uziyahu--IDF

    British Special Forces

    I've often seen S.A.S. depicted with mixed camo over the decades. I think it is very smart, as it breaks up the human silhouette at long distances. Few of those who design camo patterns know how to make effective camo. That's why you're getting all of these extremely busy patterns that are useful if your enemy is standing 15 feet away. Uniformity is for the regular army. Special Forces can afford to be unconventional.
  21. Uziyahu--IDF

    Razani, N. Waziristan Map

    It still works even if you don't have QG, right?
  22. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA II too Good to believe!

    I believe that part of the OICW program was a motion-sensing optic that did draw diamonds around man-sized moving targets, relying on two-frame differencing.
  23. Uziyahu--IDF

    Armor Warfare

    When was the last time you played? Are you aware that you have "you must fire this caliber round from this distance at this angle in this particular spot to kill the driver" specific coding in World War 2 Online?
  24. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA II too Good to believe!

    I found Far Cry 2's A.I. to be quite formidable for the first several hours of play. They DID move tactically and they DID take cover, but this was in what was essentially a jungle-type environment. They DID not know how to engage the player in anything but a Kamikaze fashion, unless they were specifically placed to snipe. I found FC2's A.I. to be MUCH, MUCH better than Battlefield: Bad Company's. For an outdoorsy game like FC2 or OFP/ArmA, the A.I. must be able to engage from a variety of ranges. I find it disappointing when an A.I. has an M2 .50 and doesn't engage me from 800 meters away. By far, A.I. is absolutely the MOST IMPORTANT area of this game. Turning out sub-standard A.I. because you were focusing on graphics or nuts and bolts on a 3-D model isn't the way to increase brand-name popularity. If I were a programmer, A.I. would be the most amusing thing to code. You're essentially playing "god".
  25. Uziyahu--IDF

    Armor Warfare

    OFP and default ArmA armored warfare has always seemed generally "correct enough", but once you been acquainted with armored warfare in a sim like World War II Online or, I imagine, Steel Beasts, you see that OFP/ArmA could be much, much better in this regard.