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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. Uziyahu--IDF

    Missile Speeds...

    What, like we might be more able to dodge a missile? Why should we be able to? "The scale" in every Operation Flashpoint and ArmA game has been "upwards scaleable". The "scale" isn't set in stone. It is limited by your computer system. There is absolutely no reason for anything less than realistic speeds (AS ADVERTISED) for all projectiles in the game. Enough of those action shooters with their turtle-slow RPG's!
  2. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA 2 Demo Mission Repository?

    Hmm, but if you look in C:\Documents and Settings\[your name]\My Documents]ArmA 2 Demo/missions and C:\Documents and Settings\[your name]\My Documents]ArmA 2 Demo/Saved ...folders you'll see a mission file in the first and a mission folder in the latter (containing a weapons.cfg file, in my case). I imagine that it isn't of much use, at this point. Most people have probably already decided whether they're going to buy the game and have probably followed through on that. If you got to Single-Player > Scenarios > [My Missions] in the game menu, you can edit a mission. When you name it, it seems to save it automatically.
  3. Uziyahu--IDF

    Infantry shooting at choppers

    I remember that story. The whole thing screamed and still screams "B.S.!" to me. 33 Apaches all scurrying home with their tails between their legs when they could have engaged ANYTHING from distance? Sounds like something Hollywood wrote. I don't care what anyone says. I don't believe it really happened unless it was MEANT to "happen".
  4. Uziyahu--IDF

    SVD too weak?

    The PKT on the MI-8, which is supposed to be firing the same round, seems to be firing subsonic ammo, so maybe that is part of the problem?
  5. Uziyahu--IDF

    Missile Speeds...

    I noticed that the PKT from the MI-8 is firing subsonic rounds. I wonder if it is a related problem? I put a post in the Physics section about "closing speed", asking whether it was implemented in ArmA 2.
  6. Human movement isn't done very well in any game I've seen. For example, deciding to stop when running. Is it immediate or does it take a few seconds? Reality suggests the latter. A whole animation could be added just for that. Same with side-strafing. The human body has weight and that weight wants to keep going in the vector of travel, even when the human brain has changed its mind at the speed of light. This was actually one of the things I liked about the Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis demo... it introduced the realism of the clumsiness of human movement, especially when you're traversing uneven terrain in heavy combat boots, loaded down with gear that also doesn't want to change it course. In many tac-shooters you can do a quick 180 and fire with the same accuracy. When I've played paintball, I've done a 180 so quickly that I've spun myself off my feet. Out of a desire to avoid getting hit, I've jumped backwards into the air and landed flat on my back three separate times. Rappelling down a tower with a loaded mountain pack, my feet touched ground with knees bent (as they should), but the weight of my pack sent me to the ground, flailing around like an overturned turtle or beetle. In Basic Training, I caught someone's duffel bag on my shoulder and tried to run with it to formation. As I rounded the corner of the sidewalk, the duffel wanted to keep going its original course, throwing me off my feet. I think you should be thanking your lucky stars that B.I. hasn't implemented tripping, ankle sprains, popping your knees, and snapping your Achilles' tendon.
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    Game physics

    Does ArmA 2 consider "closing speed" on the weapons of the aircraft (where, because of their high speeds, it has the greatest effect)? I've noticed that in previous iterations of the franchise, a launched missile will seem to arrive at the target at about the same time the player overflies it. This suggests to me that the speed of the missile is calculated as if it is launched from a fixed, stationary position on the map. In WWII combat flight-sims "closing speed" of an aircraft on its target is an important consideration, because it can mean the difference between penetration and deflection when firing from behind. Is the current speed of the aircraft being added to the speed of the projectile when launched from a fixed position? If not, it should. Additionally, if the target is moving TOWARDS the firing aircraft, its speed adds to the "closing speed", increasing the weapon projectile's speed at impact that much more.
  8. What's ArmA's current ranking on Steam? (Where do I find this info?) Is it still #1? Will this be boosted by the Euro/Asia release?
  9. Uziyahu--IDF

    SVD too weak?

    The distances in ArmA2 aren't all that great. Actual distance in ArmA2 is about 1/3rd what it was in OFP:R. OFP:R's perceived:actual distance ratio was about spot on. ArmA 1 and 2's is not, because the FOV needs to be expanded in order to provide more peripheral vision...something to do with widescreen monitors, I think. 7.62 x 54mm Soviet doesn't lose that much energy over the distances we are dealing with in this game. You'll find your optics (with a basically nerfed zoom, thanks to the FOV, again) preventing you from making the shot long before the distance or MOA of your weapon do. In other words, sniping in ArmA 1 & 2 seems to be relatively close-quarters.
  10. Some of the ambient sounds on the map always sound like they're right in your ear, nomatter your situation. I had to say something about it when I heard the "tweeting bird" in my left ear, loud as can be, as I rode the doorgun on the Huey.
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    Firing Range

    Uhh, the Firing Range is a bit difficult, especially at 15 fps. Here's why: On a United States Army marksmanship qualification range, as seen in America's Army 1, the more distant targets stay up for a longer period of time. In the ArmA 2 firing range, even the distant targets drop just as you're getting aimed at them. Needs improving. Never mind that with ArmA 1 & 2's Field of View setting, objects appear much more distant than they really are. 100 meter targets look like 300 meter targets in ArmA 1 and 2. Can't be helped, I guess, though I offered a solution. When a soldier enters a building or a town, change the FOV so that it has more peripheral vision. When he goes out into the open field, give him the more-realistic FOV of Operation Flashpoint: Resistance/Elite.
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    If you go to "My Missions" it seems to automatically save the mission you create?
  13. Ever played EA's "SEAL Team"? If not, don't presume to engage in phallus-measuring with me over what constitutes a good tac-shooter. GR1 only did as well as it did because it had Tom Clancy's name on it and Li C. Kuo of PC Gamer U.S.A. heaped mountains of praise upon it because of that magazine's long-standing relationship with Red Storm Entertainment. (Ever play the PC Gamer official map made for Rainbow Six 1? Can you name any other official maps RSE made for anyone else for R61?) So "strange" that PC Gamer UK LOVED OFP:CWC. What is in the water between the two continents? GR was absolute garbage. But hey, if you like enemy A.I. that stands upright, all by itself, mimicking trees, go for it. The ONLY things that game had going for it was that you could shoot through corners on indoor walls and the A.I. would use suppressive fire. If you played "Sum of All Fears", that was actually better-suited for the engine, because the maps were indoors, a return to the Rogue Spear design on which it was based. Oh, and there's nothing quite as fun as getting hit by a bullet and being unable to return fire until the EXACT instant that the enemy A.I. decides to shoot you, again, and again, until you die. GARBAGE! You couldn't pay me to play that rubbish.
  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    No Audio in ARMA2 Demo

    Update sound drivers and grab the latest version of DirectX 9? (Yeah, there are newer versions of older DirectX version #'s, I guess. So much for version #'s?)
  15. The PKT doorgun on the MI-8 seems to be firing subsonic ammo. From distance, the sound of the shots from the weapon arrive in the player's ears BEFORE the whizzes and sonic-cracks. That tells me that the sound of the weapon is traveling faster than the rounds. I might expect that from some submachineguns, but not from something that fires the same round as the Dragunov SVD. Realistic ballistics?
  16. "This is a problem consolers never have to deal with, harware conflicts." No, but I've had two XBox 360's die when I've just bought a game I've been waiting for for months. Dashboard and game updates very curiously seem to prompt so-called hardware failures on the 360.
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    AI in campgain

    Not exactly an ideal "fix".
  18. I'm seeing soldiers who are trying to walk through obstacles but are treadmilling or moonwalking in place, unable to get past. Can the A.I. be programmed to check whether it is in a traveling mode, then check to see whether it is actually moving on the map, and if not, back up a bit, do a 180, go a little distance, do a 90 degree turn, go a little distance, then attempt to return to the given path? Randomly attempt variations in the azimuth until the A.I. gets unstuck? I think this may be more of a problem with dynamic obstacles, like a helicopter that just landed, for example.
  19. Soldiers who have a waypoint to get into a guard tower climb to the top of the ladder, but don't stand on the tower platform. This adversely affects their ability to see and engage targets and just looks stupid.
  20. Uziyahu--IDF

    Message Spamming

    ArmA 2 Demo still spams radio messages. Can't the game be programmed to check to see whether any given radio message was just sent, and then drop it if it is a duplicate?
  21. There was a neat little trick I could do in OFP: Elite, when the Support waypoint was introduced to the series. Dynamic/Random missions was difficult to achieve in OFP:E, because you had no probability of presence, distance of spawn, or timeout settings you could fiddle with. I only found ONE way to make a dynamic mission. It involved use of the Support waypoint. You attached a couple of medics to a Blackhawk, then put either the pilot or one of the medics as the ranking individual. You had them all "Get in Nearest", then you placed a Support waypoint next to the bird. You then designed small firefights all over the island and waited for them to call for Medic Support. The team would board the Blackhawk, fly to the nearest suitable landing zone, dismount the troops and the medics would go treat the wounded, come back to the helo and wait for the next Support call and go there. I could not get this to work in ArmA 1 (part of the reason might have been that the troops would get their feet snagged on part of the helo). It doesn't appear to work in ArmA 2, either. Please fix.
  22. Yay! If you park a bunch of aircraft in a row, destroying one doesn't instantly destroy all of them, now. That's been a problem since the original OFP, I believe. However, I fired 3 RPG's at a parked AH-1Z and it didn't even catch fire, much less explode? Aluminum burns well once given the chance. A BMP2 will explode with 2 RPG hits. The Cobra is better armored than the BMP2?
  23. Uziyahu--IDF

    Yay! Chain-Reaction Bug Fixed

    A tractor? lmao I'm playing the demo, so I don't know if I have access to that.
  24. Uziyahu--IDF

    Bullet Impact Sounds

    One of the FEW things Ghost Recon 1 got right was the sound that bullets impacting the player's body would make. Now, I've never been shot, but to me it sounded realistic. You could "feel" the HURT when you heard the sound of the bullet hitting you, as if the shock was traveling up your bones to your ears. From an observer's viewpoint, we should be hearing bullet's SMACKING into flesh.