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Everything posted by UKSubmariner

  1. UKSubmariner

    Pukf dpm pack 1.0

    Possibly a pointless little request, but is there any chance you could stick a matelot's beret badge in with the next version, if you intend on doing one, please... I need some Comm Techs!
  2. UKSubmariner

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    I like 'em guys.. but sadly can't download 'em for a few days... Have you included some of the classic lightweights though? Top notch work!!
  3. UKSubmariner

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Ooh they'll be cool! They need to be kitted out with MP5's like all squaddies in good horror films are!
  4. UKSubmariner

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    Where abouts can I find that? Do they have a website?
  5. UKSubmariner

    Operation Farmland Mod

    ultraviolet? humans cant see that right? u made a invisible mission? Â It was a pretty intelligent horror program on channel 4 a few years back, had SWAT and CID type people taking on vampires with Mp5's with carbon ammunition Take a shifty yourself, it was top notch! Website
  6. UKSubmariner

    Resistance: "No Turning Back"

    I'm now running Flashpoint on ver 1.96.. and just restarted the resistance campaign. Anyhow, I took out the Tank and APC, and for some strange reason, when I fall back to the pickup point (The truck you get in to end the mission). And it isn't there!!! The mission simply wont end. Have I done something wrong?
  7. UKSubmariner

    First imported model from pc halo

    baaaah, just talking about what water has to do with halo, not that it matters, i want it anyways  but remember, it was going to be released before halo2, so thats less then a month... ill survive that i think... (ill also survive it if its released after halo2, but not when its released to soon, cuz i cant play them at the same time   ) The reason for the water is it'll make the game look more Halo-esque.. It'd be like not having the Halo sky backdrop..
  8. UKSubmariner

    Operation Farmland Mod

    It's sweet... using PC's embassy and SAS units, I've half baked (i.e. no briefings or intros/outros) a Ultraviolet mission! I'll polish it up and make ready for release in 2 or 3 weeks time..
  9. UKSubmariner

    ssshhhh something fresh from the skunkworks

    shhh  the yanks will figure out our master plan to rule the world  I think the phrase your looking for is "Once more rule the world" Looks cool.. can't wait to use it in a mission or two..
  10. UKSubmariner

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    Great work guys.. I really like the way your taking flashpoint with your mod.. Any chance you could incorportate the Napoleonic Mod's units into your addon (With the makers permission of course, if they're still around) No offense but I think you were a little off when you said "close to release"... I've been to sea twice since that first post.
  11. UKSubmariner

    First imported model from pc halo

    Not exactly.. there's the US Colonial Marines mod (But they're only down to 1 or 2 guys now) who'll be including the old Xenomorphs.. and if I remember someone was working on a predator.. Combine the two... et voila!
  12. UKSubmariner

    Operation Farmland Mod

    That looks incredible.. this could replace Skye as my faveourite Island...
  13. UKSubmariner

    Starwars stormtroopers?

    Philcommando made some damn good Stormies.. and lots of other Star Wars stuff.... Speaking of which, did anyone host his Shuttle?
  14. UKSubmariner

    napolic mod ?

    You see if you got PUKF's to help make a bayonet for them, and American Civil War to help sscript the formations... It would be a incredible mod! Extra SHARPE-Y
  15. UKSubmariner

    First imported model from pc halo

    Thats why I love this game! It's codes so open ended you don't need to buy anything new... If I want WW2 I don't have to play Call Of Duty.. I just download some WW2 stuff.. Same will go for HALO.. and Aliens vs. Predator.. and *Trails off*
  16. *Nod's and takes a sip of his pint* Of course, the folding stock gives you more manuverability in a CQB too...
  17. UKSubmariner

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Nice, very nice work! Just one quick question, on the Island, will there be a military base of some form? And a small airport? Or are you staying purely in the farmland scenery? Funky stuff!
  18. UKSubmariner

    Pukf dpm pack 1.0

    Excellent... though I've not noticed any of the bugs you mention and I hammer that pack to death at present!
  19. UKSubmariner

    WWII    U Boat

    Dons German accent.. "ALLLLLAAAAARRRRRRRRMMMMMM!" Bloody good mate.. I like it a lot.. now to make a mission with it in..
  20. Okay, I'll try and keep this simple. In a mission I've been making, 2 groups of WEST troops are trying to get to the same objective, (a1) and (a2) Now how do I make it so that if the (a1) gets there first, (a2) fails it's objective to get there? Cheers guys!
  21. UKSubmariner

    Simple challenge

    I'm sorry, but is the word succes spelt wrong? Should I type success into the trigger instead?
  22. UKSubmariner

    Simple challenge

    Right thats that objective wrapped up. Cheers guys. Now how do I make the mission so that it ends when obj's 1&2 are completed?
  23. UKSubmariner

    Vampires/Undead Pack Beta Release

    Well the good news is that I've got it to start once the player gets into town centre. What happens is as follows.. The players squad triggers a trigger (Hows that for repitition?) that reads as follows. It's activated by WEST and basically assigns the player group as hunters. All that I have to do now is make it so that a second trigger is activated following the first that covers a wider area and makes all western units within it's bounderies as targets for the undead, but this trigger cannot be activated till the first is enabled... Any ideas?
  24. UKSubmariner

    Vampires/Undead Pack Beta Release

    Yeah and then someone will come up with underworld mod  I was thinking more Dog Soldiers myself... now there's a film! Just a quick question.. how can I get it so that the units activate midpoint in game? I'm trying to get it so that when you move into a town the undead activate and come out of hiding? I tried using a trigger set to detect west, and then some waypoints for the hellhounds, but it didn't work that well. They sort of meandered around for 2 minutes before attacking?
  25. UKSubmariner

    Vampires/Undead Pack Beta Release

    Sorry to be a begger, I do love what's been done so far, but is there any chance of a werewolf being released? And the vampires getting their own model to make them easier to identify? I do absolutely adore it.. I've got Royal Marines vs. Hell Hound battles raging at the moment!