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Everything posted by USSoldier11B

  1. USSoldier11B

    Us orchestrated 9/11?

    Where are they taking these surveys? The Queensbridge projects or a Littlerock trailer park?
  2. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    A National Review correspondant made a good point that during and after WWII photos were released of dead SS leaders and such to prove that they were deceased. I think it has more to do with portraying the bad guys dead and the good guys alive than racism. Oh brother! What about the Iraqis dancing in the streets? We're damned if we do and damned if we don't huh?
  3. USSoldier11B

    M81 woodland vs. marpat

    A new camo pattern for the Army would be good. Even hunters in the U.S. have better camo (like realtree & mossy oak). I hear we are getting it soon. Strange that the Corps actually got something before the Army for once. Jarheads that I know say that the Marpat uniforms are more comfortable...that and they have better boots too.
  4. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Annnyhooo, back on topic. 30 minutes ago all the major news networks showed video footage of the Hussein corpses. Pretty gruesome, so I flipped over to CNN to watch the liberal correspondants sweat and trip over their words as they watched the entire feed, editing what would be shown to the public. The morticians patched them up pretty good, but they still look like hell and they have more make-up on than Anna-Nicole Smith. Now the faces are clearly identifiable, ans shaven, it's definitely them.
  5. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    There are always exceptions to the rule. I really think the Iraqi people needed to see this. I'm sure further evidence will be provided. However, how credible would the average Iraqi find DNA evidence. Even here in the U.S. the courts are still struggling with the concept.
  6. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Hmm, must be a sociological thing.
  7. USSoldier11B

    Us orchestrated 9/11?

    I was a state finalist in the National Geographic Geography bee in junior high.
  8. USSoldier11B

    Us orchestrated 9/11?

    I read an article on a survey they did in NYC, they took the Title off the U.S. Bill of Rights and asked people what they thought of it. A good percentage said it was communist garbage.
  9. USSoldier11B

    Chinese rip-off of a typhoon?

    Bah, try being a conservative American on this forum.
  10. USSoldier11B

    Us orchestrated 9/11?

    Horse Pukey ::spits::
  11. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    The ultra-liberal news media racist? What are you smoking? Here the only thing the media is prejudice against is cops and TBA. No, here in America we do not show images of our own mangled troops, but I'm sure other nations do...it's a morale thing.
  12. USSoldier11B


    We are truly spoiled. BIS has coddled us into being war sim snobs.
  13. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    1. Got a (credible) source for this? 2. Yelling at people and making them lay on the ground during a search is kind of a procedure thing. What do you expect? Hugs and fruit baskets? Line infantrymen are by no means diplomats. SF soldiers are trained to deal with Civil Affairs but grunts are not, what do you expect. They are just doing their jobs. Quit demonizing them.
  14. USSoldier11B

    Warrior of the future

    That's the very first thing I thought too. Sounds far-fetched and expensive. How about training better soldiers instead of making fancy fragile equipment?
  15. USSoldier11B

    Beer thread

    Don't post this crap in this thread.
  16. USSoldier11B

    Chinese rip-off of a typhoon?

    Yeah, just look at their ICBM's.
  17. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Kiowas (we call em "Quick Fixes") are a division level asset, fast movers are not. It's likely that they could get one there faster.
  18. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    He has another son and two daughters I believe, but they are younger.
  19. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Now a (M)assive (O)rdnance (A)ir (B)urst bomb would have been.
  20. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Overkill? The Operation was conducted by conventional infantry which tells me one of these things: 1. They didn't know exactly who was there. or 2. They had no intention of capturing them alive. Compare it to Operation Gothic Serpent in Somalia. They sent Delta and the Rangers just to capture a few of Adid's top aides. Here they intially sent out a few troops from the Hundred and Worst to search a house, based on a tip then left for an hour to wait for reinforcements upon refusal of the occupying parties to enter the premisis. I find it confusing that no special operations were used here....that or we just don't know about it yet...
  21. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Denoir I highly doubt that Odai and Qusai Hussein just put down their weapons and walked away when the regime was toppled. It was reported that the 101st soldiers requested to search the house first and they were denied entrance. These men could have surrendered if they wanted to.
  22. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Sorry, might be insensitive but I see it as a small victory for the coalition forces. Then again, what's sensitive about war?
  23. USSoldier11B

    Why can icbms and other ground-ground missiles not

    Hmm, I don't know much about ICBM's. I'm really anti-WMD so I don't like to think about them.
  24. USSoldier11B

    Freedom fries....e-mail...

    LMAO @ Avon & "French Toast"
  25. USSoldier11B

    Democracy, a universal value?

    Walker you are a confusing dude....your statement was comforting yet at the same time irritating.