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Everything posted by USSoldier11B

  1. USSoldier11B

    Peterpan the movie

    Wow, this brings back old memories. I can't remember which forum member it was that just wouldnt leave the subject alone.
  2. USSoldier11B

    A lot."build a tank for your kids

    Whoa, that little think has real tracks and everything.
  3. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    That is not nearly enough data to represent exponential growth, I'm sure it's far closer to a linear scatter plot in reality. I heard a report on that story about missing Saddam by 24 hours and they said that the search convoy probably passed his car on the road. I don't know how accurate that is, blame the news radio station.
  4. USSoldier11B

    Bob hope dead!

    Amazing to think about the fact that he entertained 3 generations of my family as children and was pushing 4
  5. USSoldier11B

    This is a great forum

    I'd say you got incoming.
  6. USSoldier11B

    Starwars kid

    Lucasarts oughta pay him a good sum to use it as a promo for Episode III. He would have lots of dough and it would let him get the last laugh.
  7. USSoldier11B

    Us to liberia?

    Well, the way I see it, when you get between two groups of people trying to kill each other you're gonna end up shooting at someone.
  8. USSoldier11B

    A little soon?

    You dig up centerfuge parts out of some doctor's back yard?
  9. USSoldier11B

    Military crisis in Phillipines

    Official U.S. Military Intelligence briefs. All I can say.
  10. USSoldier11B

    Who wants to be dishonorably discharged?

    I agree, the professor might as well have held up answer cards with big red lettering.
  11. USSoldier11B

    Us to liberia?

    ::scratches grunt head:: 1. Who is the bad guy? 2. Who do we shoot at? 3. Are we preserving the current regime?
  12. USSoldier11B

    Military crisis in Phillipines

    I dunno how much I can really say about the subject, but I can say that the scope was broader than that.
  13. USSoldier11B

    Who wants to be dishonorably discharged?

    He shoulda went to about 500,000 pounds and cashed out, might have gotten away with it. Yeah, the discharge is appropriate for conduct unbecoming. But, as we say in the Army, if you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough.
  14. USSoldier11B

    Military crisis in Phillipines

    This has been brewing for some time. All I can say is that we've had "Advisors" over there since earlier this year.
  15. USSoldier11B

    The Middle East part 2

    The dude is just pulling security like he's supposed to. (What do you do when you're not doing anything? I dunno what he's doin Sa'rnt, but I'm pulling f-ing security.) Can't you tell she is just asking him for some M&M's or maybe a Poptart?
  16. USSoldier11B

    Us to liberia?

    Good point. However the host nation's opinion isn't always a key factor for fighting a war. Take Somalia for instance.
  17. USSoldier11B

    Beer thread

    Many Americans don't realize that different lines of macrobrew made by the same manufacturer are actually the same beer. Take Budweiser for instance. The first time water is filtered through a new barley mash it is bottled as Budweiser. They then run a second batch through the same mash and it is then bottled as Busch. So in essence, the cheapest macrobrews on the market are "recycled mash" beer. Yuck!
  18. USSoldier11B

    The great escape

    Looks sort of Wolfensteinish..... An interesting Read on POW escapes is: "A Prisoner's Duty Great Escapes in U.S. Military History" by Robert C. Doyle. Although the title says it is about U.S. escapes, it covers the sociological and psychological implications for POW escape for about the past 300 years of Western History. I've read a lot of POW books and this one is a departure from the normal type of narrative. A good read for soldiers because it gives some good insight into the psyche of POW's, and a detailed analysis of the evolution of how prisoners of war are treated.
  19. USSoldier11B

    Us to liberia?

    How is Iraq any different? Once the Ayatollah Kholmenhi was gone we did the same thing with them.
  20. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

  21. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    FYI unedited morgue footage available at Foxnews.com. Make sure you aren't eating anything when you look at it.
  22. USSoldier11B

    Us to liberia?

    It's not that I'm opposed to troops going into Liberia, I'm just a little tired of Europe "picking and choosing" our battles. (In a moral sense) Duuuuh! Keeping your men alive is paramount, especially somewhere no one wanted to be in the first place. Murphy's Law of Combat: Peacekeeping Missions are neither. If the UN is so good at "peacekeeping" why don't they go in and do it? We don't like keeping peace, the ROE are too restrictive. Killing all the trouble makers is my idea of keeping peace, obviously we are not up to par on Euro-Peacenick doctrine. Yeah, I respect what you did in Kosovo Denoir, but when was the last time Sweden deployed the majority of it's military? What have I done? Well, you can't exactly just grab your rifle and go. If I had it my way I'd be shooting bad guys.
  23. USSoldier11B

    Us to liberia?

    You people drive me F&$king insane! So it's ok with all of you that U.S. troops get sent into Liberia to get shot at because it's "noble" give me a break. Denoir who are you to say what is "right" and "wrong" you weren't God the last time I checked. Why are we obligated to them? They left the U.S. to go back to Africa. If it's so "right" why don't YOU go.
  24. USSoldier11B

    Us orchestrated 9/11?

    State is actually a correct term in the english language for describing a solidarity of people under one government with defined physical boundaries. Bush knows that Africa is not a "country" quit being assholes.
  25. USSoldier11B

    Us orchestrated 9/11?

    Ah, ultra-liberal trust fund kids! Of course! ::slaps forehead::