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Everything posted by USSoldier11B

  1. USSoldier11B

    Well this was weird......

    I've played violent video games since they came into exisistence. There's nothing wrong with me... ::caresses HK:: Seriously, if parents would raise their children instead of leaving the job to Madonna and Axle Rose we wouldn't be having these problems.
  2. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    This is not true with UCMJ. Military justice in the U.S. is completely seperate from the civil state and federal jutstice systems. Military personnel do not have the same civil liberties as a civilian. These are knowingly signed away upon enlistment or comissioning. UCMJ is very strict and unforgiving. In fact U.S. war criminals would probably be dealt with much more harshly under the UCMJ system than under something like the ICC. For example, the maximum penalty for rape under UCMJ is death.
  3. USSoldier11B

    Funny stuff

    Haha, I found this doing a little bit of Google searching. Funny Gulf War II propaganda. Wartime Morale Posters
  4. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Yeah and you're first on the list you Anti-American terrorist sympathizer.
  5. USSoldier11B

    Doped pilots

    Oh go step on a mine will ya?
  6. USSoldier11B

    Hope you all have a good summer.

    Damnit, I hate to see a good one go, wish I could say the same for Puppychow, errrr....whatever his name is.. Anyways, be sneaky, play dirty, opfor. Good luck.
  7. USSoldier11B

    It's three days after the first of july...

    Yeah, almost everything is illegal here in Colorado as far as fireworks these days. People use whatever they want anyway though, and police aren't too strict unless you are being stupid with them. They are still going off in my damn neighborhood as I type.
  8. USSoldier11B

    Full spectrum warrior

    Nothing else has been able to captivate me for PC since the release of OFP.
  9. USSoldier11B

    Funny stuff

    This One is my all time favorite. Click Me
  10. USSoldier11B

    It's three days after the first of july...

    What's your point? We confiscated all kinds last night and used them for ourselves...
  11. USSoldier11B

    It's three days after the first of july...

    Hooray for manifest destiny and patriotic zeal. If this thread was closed I would be highly offended. ::salutes::
  12. USSoldier11B

    Funny stuff

    I'm gonna order the "Hope Allah's Wearing Kevlar" poster and hang it in my living room. (Dead Serious)
  13. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    ohhhh we beg your forgiveness oh mighty wearer of the baby blue helmet, keeper of peace, distributor of rice, and guardian of gates. Some people never fail to kill my brain cells.
  14. USSoldier11B

    Doped pilots

  15. USSoldier11B

    Hackers gone wild

    Why we are soldiers
  16. USSoldier11B

    Hackers gone wild

    This reminds me of that cheesy movie appropriately titled "Hackers." Some people need to get a job....or be drafted....
  17. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Negative, you are being unrealistic. When the lead is flying you can't expect all this new fangled technology to save everyone's ass. Look at the friendly to enemy kill ratio....unheard of...casualties in both Gulf Wars were FAR FAR FAR and I repeat FAR below expected and what was considered acceptable. I don't mean to be a nationalist ass, but I'd love to see your armies do better. I can't say that they would do worse, or that they wouldn't do so comparably...but you are being far to critical. They all had rifles, grenades, etc... It's not the CENTCOM commander's fault, or the coalition as a whole's fault that some undiciplined poges couldn't effectively react and assault through an ambush. It's their 1. Unit Commander's fault. 2. Their senior NCO's fault for not making sure their troops were trained proficiently in infantry battle drills. (Deep down all soldiers need to be infantrymen) On the other hand, you can't expect the enemy to be 100% unsucessful. The enemy will ambush, raid, and sabotage you no matter how much security you have. Very few soldiers were captured by the enemy give me a break. You are faulting U.S. forces because it happened at all, get real, this is war. You are forgetting a few of Murphy's Laws of combat: If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will get more than your fair share of objectives to take. Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing. When you have secured the area, make sure the enemy knows that.
  18. USSoldier11B

    Do u speaka eenglish

    I'm taking it that since this guy is receiving asylum, he is not a naturalized citizen. Am I correct? I'm not being xenophobic, but I think it's a very bad idea to just hand leadership positions to foreign nationals....His ethinicity has nothing to do with what why I see this as wrong. I have nothing against even our own president being black/ asian/ etc...etc.. as long as it's within the rules of the contitution. (However, the U.S. President must be of natural birth the U.S. any naturalized foreigner may not be) While plenty of immigrants to the U.S. get their citizenship, live here the required amount of time and are sucessfully elected to our Congress, there is nothing wrong with that. If you wish to govern in a nation, you should at least speak, read, and write the common language....These processes are in place to foil instances that would involve the rise of a popular foriegn insurrection in the U.S. gov't and to assure that candidates are truly running for the best interest of the U.S. and their constituents. (putting aside the degree of self interest that we know all politicians have)
  19. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I really think you need to compare it to wars of the past though? Excessive use of air superiority? Uhh...never has a military been so restrained in the use of bombs in combat operations....or have we forgotten the long bloody wars of the 20th century already? War is messy and PEOPLE DIE, supply lines get jammed, especially when the front advances in speeds never seen in warfare before. The media is totally flipping out about troops dying in Iraq, well, um, troops get killed in combat....more people died in Vietnam in a week, and more people on Omaha beach in a day than we have seen in this entire conflict so far. All people die, it's just a matter of how, and in today's liberal touchy feely world it's just not acceptable to die of anything particularly un-natural. Some may call it enlightened humanitarianism, I tend to see it as being soft, and thus vulnerable.
  20. USSoldier11B

    Us army infantry (11b) vs. usmc infantry (0311)

    Alpha Co. 2-19 Inf. Summer 1999. Same regiment.
  21. USSoldier11B

    Xm8 to replace m16?

    Yes, I know this, but it's not exclusive. The Army buy's M-16's/ M-4's from several factories still, including FN, Colt, Armalite, Rock River Arms, just to name a few. FN/Browning also produces all M240 and M249 variants, and of course the old Ma Deuce.
  22. USSoldier11B

    Ghillie suit

    Make your own. It's time consuming but much cheaper. You can buy a kit off a few web sites. That is a good compromise between buying an assembled one and completely constructing your own.
  23. USSoldier11B

    Do u speaka eenglish

    Here in the U.S. you actually have to be a citizen to be elected to a public office. Wow, sounds a lot like the U.S, Liberal Democrats here like to throw gov't money at everything they can think of. (except the military) That's what it looks like to us. Open societies will always be vulnerable to shady types. (hence the empty spot in the Manhattan skyline.)
  24. USSoldier11B

    The Iraq Thread 2

    How's that?
  25. USSoldier11B

    Us army infantry (11b) vs. usmc infantry (0311)

    No Sh&T DI: This is how the Army does it! hooah? Airborne Black hat: I don't care what your drill sergeant says, he's a f%&king leg. SF Cadre: I don't care what some non-qualified a$$hole says, we're unconventional.