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Everything posted by TOTAL22

  1. "Include file userconfig\ace\ace_clientside_config.hpp not found" I get this message and ArmA2 doesn't startup. Why's that?
  2. for free? yeah right! I would pay for it 1000bucks but those buggers won't let me!
  3. That is the whole point of what I'm saying, its too complicated for those who don't understand anything of it. There must be a better way to make EVERYONE happy. Or is it not intended to make everyone happy?
  4. First point. I have been faced with 3 different problems while trying to make this tool to work and its still not working. That is simply unacceptable. Second. We don't want daily updates, because that will make too many jobs to do on the client side to keep up to date. Third. If you really needed to update this mod daily then, why couldn't you use Yoma Addon Sync? The user interface of that tool is much friendlier then MS DOS command window, and most of all - it works. Forth. You surely DID think about overseas users who are not so good at reading and understanding English as well as even understanding how MOD folders work. Needless to say, they don't have the time to even understand the need of an updater. Conclusion. Please please please make alternative ways to download the mod, without using the SIX updater and make it simple for those who doesn't have time to waste by trying to make something work which are too much for their hands. Please. And thanks in advance. I haven't forgotten the respects for those who made this mod.
  5. Same problem here. Please give us alternative download links as there are too many people who can't get this updater to work. I'll never understand why you guys choose to use this tool anyway...
  6. The time has come again for me to translate those Rsync manuals and ACE manuals to japanese. I better start making some free time for the release date, because thats gonna be a big job! :D
  7. Good job on making those hatches work :) I really look forward to loading my cobra with a 'tank-buster' loadout(16 AGM-114s)
  8. Sorry, my english might be a little awkward. I didn't mean that. nvm, forget what Ive said above and please continue on with other topic.
  9. Do they put those three modes at the top of the list? Even then, you would have to cycle through all of them to get back to the 1st one. Or else, making those throw modes candigurable on the client side config would be a better solution. Just a suggestion, please ignore me if I'm talking crap ;)
  10. I've got a suggestion. How about preventing soldiers rolling in prone position while carrying backpacks and other heavy weapons like javelin. Is this possible? And, I also don't like having all 6 modes of throwing grenades. It's just too many. Maybe I want precise throw, slow precise, and normal roll, and thats it. Those 3 should do everything we ever need to do.
  11. I think I'll shutup now and wait for christmas. :p
  12. TOTAL22

    Random steps too the right

    Hi Any updates on this? I also get the sidestepping evasive animation at random times and it is very annoying. In my case, I get both side stepping right and left. Also Evasive forward key is unmapped too. Can we considder this a bug? EDIT: I just did a little investigation about this, and found that I can reproduse this by pressing W and as you let go of W, press A or D with L-Shift key and quickly let go. L-Shift key must be mapped to the Walk temporaly or Walk/Run toggle function.
  13. I don't see how the current interface affects the gameplay. You do know you can change the interface sizes via the options, right? Can you be more specific, only because I can't remember how it was in ACE1 :p
  14. not related to this thread. search with keywords "campaign bug Dogs war" and you will find a similar topic about it.
  15. Hi all. Im running a dedicated server for my community in Japan and quite frequently I get 'out of memory' message and the server crashes. It often crashes with this message when we are playing warfare or war-3-front like large-scale coop. I have searched and read many threads but couldn't find a similar thread so here it goes. From reading those numbers, it didn't sound like it was anything to do with physical memory as being too small. but thats just a guess. So, what does this message exactly mean? and what can I do about it? My server spec is: C2Q Q9550 @2.83GHz 3.24GB DRAM WindowsXP 32bit OS Should I use a 64bit OS and put in more memory? Or, should I be using a stronger CPU? Or, is it a BISs problem and I can't do anything about it? Thanks in advance. Cheers
  16. Please include this in the mod!!! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=90826
  17. Cool! I hope ACE2 will include this mod in their package as well :)
  18. TOTAL22

    AT Weapon Crosshair

    No. The rectangle that you are talking about is not a 'crosshair' but a 'lock indicator' and it is not removable unless you modify the game. You wouldn't be able to determine if the target has been locked if you remove it anyway. Also, note that the in-game Javelins/Metis are heat seeking only. You can't guide the missiles to hit where you aim.
  19. Report this to Community Issue Tracker if it hasn't been reported yet in the past. -> http://dev-heaven.net/projects/show/cis
  20. A similar topic about crashing dedicated servers started by me has received some attention by experts. > http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=89039 It seems that the arma2.cfg settings are very important and links very tightly to out of memory errors with dedi servers. see post > http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1485584&postcount=19 Do note, that it still does crash occasionally, but it was a major step forward. We are still in need of a permanent solution for this problem though.
  21. TOTAL22

    KA-50 Hokum

    Not sure, but aren't you talking about GDT helicopter weapons mod? try it out if you haven't already. I'm also keen to see those cannons moving as well, because thats how it is in real Ka50s.
  22. Could someone possibly make a modification that off-sets the landing lights of helicopters to the side, instead of being pointed directly below front, because you can't see where the lights are showing in 1st person view.
  23. Perhaps, this can be chosen by the mission maker by placing a new ''Realistic Casualty System'' module object in the map or not. Just like how the vanilla wound system can be chosen to be used or not by placing the module object or not. This way, the scripts can be developed by ACE team if they choose to and mission makers can choose if they want to use the set of scripts by simply placing specific objects in their missions.
  24. I will look forward to that script, schaefsky. Convincing everyone by showing is the quickest way to go :)
  25. now, it seems to me again you guys are starting to talk about your own likings...? First, this thread is about ACE2, and not about what ACE1 was like. In addition, they have already said that they are redesigning the wound system from scratch, if I'm not mistaken, right? So, you are all welcome to complain and/or debate about ACE2s features when it comes out but please please don't go on about something which hasn't been released yet. Surely, this is not the thread where we should be debating about each and our own unique likings.