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About TechedRonan

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  1. I'm trying to create zombie sieges on a base but the zombies won't spawn unless they are put on west side and I need them on the independent side for the soldiers to attack them. This doesn't work: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_zgroup = createGroup resistance; "NeM_Zombie_1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "base_zombieattack", _zgroup]; This does however but isn't what I want: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_zgroup = createGroup west; "NeM_Zombie_1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "base_zombieattack", _zgroup]; Also how do I spawn a certain amount of them at random positions within a markers radius? And are there any good tutorials for making Dialogs? (I'm using Crappy Zombie Mod. Get it here)
  2. TechedRonan

    The 5-Minute Mission Maker

    Oh wow.. Now I feel stupid :P didn't see the arma download :C Thanks
  3. TechedRonan

    The 5-Minute Mission Maker

    Can't get it to work I have: 1. Created a game logic with the initialization script: "KRON_UPS=true;_closeenough=10*10;_safedist=75;_intelchannel=1;KRON_IntelGrid=100" 2. Created a player 3. Created a marker rectangle called Alpha 4. Created an enemy with the init script: "[this, "Alpha"] exec "ups.sqf"" That doesn't work, I get an error then the enemy just stands there. Also could some one for the love of god create good instructions how to use this? At the page where you download it says absolutely nothing on what's supposed to go into the game logic, just that it should initialize the script and that says nothing to me. And the instructions with the download says nothing about a game logic at all.
  4. TechedRonan

    Evolution V3.0

    It's still not a huge joy to have to rank all the way up, every single time you start the game.. Some of us like playing on private servers and can't keep a dedicated server up and running all night. I've taken liberty of adding my own little cheats, that instantly rank me to colonel(Don't worry, I worked hard to get to colonel first.) and also clears cities that we have already taken over. I will however not publish anything since the author seems to be against "cheating". Anyone with some basic scripting knowledge can do it, just find the right tools and read up on ArmA Scripting. @Damp: Disabling ranks isn't fun completely isn't fun