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Everything posted by Twisted1

  1. Twisted1

    Any luck using the joystick?

    Hi I have a sidewinder FF 2 aswell, and mine works fine in arma just I set it up in windows (Both vista and XP) control panel and assiged functions to the axis etc in arma options. Â Note its the only controler i have installed. Â If you want to have 2 controlers enabled you need to setup a virtual controler it was mensioned in these forums, just do a serach covering the last year and you should find it. Disabling the other controllers should work.
  2. Twisted1

    More 80070000e

    See my sign my machine is a bit less than yours but I had the same issues. I dual booted with XP and had a small frame rate increase and more stability but that was back around patch 1.05. Note you need to look at you PC setting as I can get 10210 in 3Dmarks06. The main thing is to keep lowering your settings (I know is sux's due to how great your machine is) until it's stable and then work your way back up. PS for SLI in arma you need to look at the thread about changing the arma.exe file to fear.exe so the nvidia driver SLI can be used.
  3. Twisted1

    NVIDIA 163.67 BETA

    Please let use know how it goes, good or bad.
  4. Twisted1

    Joystick and Rudder Pedals question:

    Hi my sidewinder 2 force feedback works great with both Vista 64 and XP. Note there were some bugs in Arma with joysticks in general around patch 1.05 & 1.08 but all is good now
  5. Twisted1

    XP vs. Vista

    XP dual boot with Vista x64. Had issues with Vista moved to XP and still had issues . XP crashs every 2 Hrs now but thats alot better than when i started with both. Dont have the nerve to go back to Vista x64 I like to play the game not fix it.
  6. Me Again. Help also. opengl: is it used in this game? .net framework is it used or required for this games? I'm currently not using either as I have reformatted multiple times and have a crap down load limit. Please confirm.
  7. Hi I can confirm a very small page file (20Mb mine) or disable if you like (XP didn't like it on my machine). Use the maxmem=512 or 1024 (Mine) switch in the short cut.  Search for how to use, it get expanded all over the place the other switches work to.  I have a 8800GTX, I use rivatuner2 to monitor the frame rate and vram used if I go over 550Mb mine will crash to.  I can currently play for about 2 hours then it will crash.  Best advise I got play in Window mode (-window) in short cut stopped over half my crashes from freezing my PC forcing a hard reset.  Now it just CTD and I restart.  Best of luck.  When it works its fantastic when it doesn’t well been there for over 4 months just got it working in the last 4 weeks.