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Everything posted by Thirdup

  1. Thirdup

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    From the d/l page:
  2. I ran into this with my client install. It was a result of an incomplete CBA folder (my intial CBA d/l was buggered and for some reason the updater wasn't catching it). I re-downloaded CBA from Armaholic again and manually installed the components, then re-ran the updater. Good luck with it.
  3. That would be odd, because we've been playing OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 since it began. Now scurry along and get ACE2 finished. ;p
  4. LOL. Sense of entitlement? A) this is the suggestions forum B) it’s certainly my right to decide if I’ll purchase OA based on whatever factors I see fit. The addition of countermeasures is a win/win. It would toss a bone to the players who fly in-game (an aspect of ArmAII that’s received little love from the dev team since it’s inclusion). CM are simple addition (all the components are already in-game). They can be applied to all current aircraft (of which all are capable of deploying CM in real life). Operation Arrowhead is going to be a mod pack. Don’t expect any game-changing features. You’ll still be able to kill a tank with a machine gun (but doing so is going to sound TOTALLY AWESOME thanks to the new machinegun sound fx!!!!) /eyeroll What OA truly presents to the customer is a chance to include some cool addons from BI. We’ll get new sounds, new units, new map, etc (all of which are really just addons). There may be some other fluffy new features, but for the most part it’s addons. And if there was ever a place to suggest to BI which addons they put into OA it would be the “suggestion†forum. That will remain to be seen. Of the twenty-or-so in our ArmA squad, not a single copy of "Queen's Gambit" was purchased (to include myself). Nobody really saw the value in it. But sell me on OA and I'll sell my squad on it, I assure you. btw: my squad consists entirely of "flyboys" who have flown together since AirWarrior in the early 90's (I'm hardly the starring role, just prefer to fly close air support over playing ground ops).
  5. The lack of CM in the default game has been an issue since day one. If you've ever spent any serious time flying in ArmA you'd know that. AO is "worth" a new map and some army units (which can be had for free if you already use mods). /yawn What I expect are improvements to the actual game (and yeah, to me that would include aircraft because I spend 90% of my time flying CAP over my squad). Counter measures are top of my list (but you're right, BI could also fix some other things that I've already paid for: like the C-130 nose gear and cargo door for example). ymmv
  6. ^This Addons are always great, but the lack of basic aircraft counter measures in the vanilla game = BI FAIL. Another reason not to buy Operation Arrowhead if they are excluded yet again.
  7. Heh, above all else I enjoy all the various designs and home-made contraptions associated with FT. ;)
  8. Thirdup

    Server and Snow

    1. If you have a specific question about the server cfg, there are a pretty helpful bunch here on the forums that will try to answer it (the mp forum usually gets the quickest response to those sort of details). As with most wikis, there's always room for improvement (most of the info is actually there, just scattered over different topics). Also, you might have a look HERE. 2. Learn to use the MP server filter. You can set "min players" to "1" and it will never display empty servers. But empty servers are not going to cause another server to "shutdown and lag". 3. Snow = mods. There are several winter maps available (Klurs and Namalsk are available for ArmA2...and several other snow maps from ArmA1 if you're running CAA1). I don't think the engine allows for footprints, though (that'd be pretty harsh on a server even if it did). The next expansion is going to be desert (so don't get your hopes up anytime soon for winter campaigns in the default game). 0JFlMDxuqsc
  9. Thirdup

    Secondary Monitor as Map

    Couldn't sleep again last night so I fired up DCS: BlackShark and tinkered with this "TouchPal" application that I had read about. It was designed to be used with a touchscreen but touchscreen is not required if you just want the cockpit visuals. DCS:BS (once patched to the latest version) has an "export" function that can be set up to interact with input devices. Just plugged in a (very old) spare flat screen I had collecting dust and Win7 detected it. Installed TouchPal (two monitor setup) and dropped in the Blackshark export file. A few minor edits as per the instructions to sync up the resolutions. LOL, it works cool as shite! The second screen has all the active lights and switches commonly used (I can easily tell at a glance what position they are in). I can press a joystick button and the mini screens in TouchPal will swap between ABRIS (aircraft systems monitor) and the SHKVAL (FLIR/targeting). Another swaps the onboard computer systems display with the moving map. Man, this would be insanely cool in ArmA vehilces/aircraft (having a second monitor for the map and weapons systems). There has to be some way to script something like this for ArmA. If somebody makes a mod aircraft and it has a cockpit, somewhere a script (or listening to UDP ports, etc) is telling the landing gear indicator on the dash to show "green". This cockpit info (or a map, etc) should be able to be mimicked on a second display. I'm not suggesting BI impliment it (but maybe toss in the ability to export the data needed to do it....the community will do the rest). In any event, it's interesting stuff (and anyone with DCS:BS and an old monitor laying around you REALLY should give this a look). (DCS:BS TouchPal thread) (TouchPal Multi-monitor thread)
  10. Thirdup

    Throttle & Afterburner control in planes

    That "bouncing sound" we hear in the distance is the ball that BI dropped on this one. The current analog system.....blows.
  11. Thirdup

    ARMA2 is great but --> What we need is...

    Google "how to use arma editor" and you'll find tutorials to get you started with the basics. ArmA1 editor is pretty much the same as the ArmA2 editor and there is TONS of info out there on it's use.
  12. Thirdup

    Santa Sleigh

    Outstanding! LOL......love the music! 0JFlMDxuqsc
  13. Thirdup

    Childs as civilian [Feature request to BIS]

    There won't be any children, neither civilians and surely no children soldiers, in ArmA2. If a topic gets answered, closed, and locked by a mod....I'd suggest that you let it go.
  14. At some point you may want to start using more than one @mod folder. The more you just cram into one folder, the greater the risk that something could become incompatible (and then tracing the cause could be difficult). The various launchers each offer a few unique features, so I’d suggest simply trying a few out and see what suits your needs the best. Some are very simple, some are very complex. I actually use two different launchers (one for when I’m editing, one for when I’m playing online).
  15. I've been running one for a little over a month now. It replaced my old 8800GTS (which actually ran the game on mid-range settings). I'm currently bottlenecked at the CPU (plus the card is driving a 30" monitor). I think that I can safely assure you that the 5870 isn't going to magically give someone 100 fps in teh big city with OMGALLSETTINGZMAX!!!!1111 The 5870 is a good solid card for ArmA2 but your results will depend on the rest of your hardware. This game is simply very demanding by today's standards. My avg ArmAII-Mark scores (specs in sig): Low 4500 Normal 3200 High 2700 Very High 2300 *scores about +500 over my old 8800GTS ymmv
  16. I love the mod community here. Some amazing work and dedication. I do still wish more mods were uploaded/downloaded/extracted in the standardized format. Sometime you download a mod and it's a .pbo file. Sometimes it's a folder: Modname>.pbo file Sometimes it's : Modname>Addons>.pbo file Sometimes it's: Modname>@Modname>Addons>.pbo But I have to agree with Mr Burns. I've encountered many games over the years that were a lot worse to deal with in regards to mods. ACE made things quite simple for delivery and installation of their kit for A1 (truely idiot-proof). I know Yoma is currently doing some wonderous things with AddonSync (still likely a bit complex for the average user). Hopefully someday we'll have the option to simply click on a game server we wish to play automatically get sync'ed with of all the mods needed....with one click....no fuss. We have only been asking for that for the past eight years now. ;) Until then, it can be a complete pain to sort thru at times (for new users and vet players alike).......
  17. Thirdup

    How do I use the laser designator?

    Much love for the laser designator... Don't forget batteries (unless they broke that too). They are also in the standard equipment ammo crate. nO3Fei2VRAA
  18. Thirdup

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Heh, I don't know about the benefits but I know I damned sure can't play anything without it now.
  19. Thirdup

    Auto-targeting in planes and vehicles

    I suspect that the forum regulars who have been here a few years frequent the mods section. I've got old drives literally filled with mods dating back to the original OPF (and there are not too many A1 or A2 mods/addons that I haven't tried). I don't agree that everything missing or unfinished should be left to the mod community to fix. The vanilla C-130 is a prime example. It still can't be used on in-game runways because *someone* hasn't sat down and spent the three minutes it would take to fix the nose gear code. Open the cargo door? I don't think so. Yes, there are addon C-130s that have fixed these issues. But can you honestly say that you're OK with BI making absolutely no effort to fix/complete stuff like that that's already in game? Again, the OP was directed towards the vanilla game and as you concluded, any major improvements to the vanilla game will come with expansions like Operation Arrowhead (for those of us who are willing to dish out another $50). I don't see the harm in discussing them here (although the "suggestions" forum might be the better venue). I agree and disagree here. While I personally enjoy collecting addons, most of the group on our private server do not. We've gamed together since the mid-90's. We lost a good number of players during OPF who simply got frustrated keeping up with "the mod of the week" requirements. By the time ArmA1 released, we agreed to stick to just the vanilla game. We did make the exception with ACE (largely due to the fact that it's delivery and update system was idiot-proof) but for the most part we are running stock. In any event, I can understand where SFJackBauer was coming from. Keeping up with mods can be a daunting task for some. Again, I agree and disagree. While lack of features and incomplete content in the vanilla game certainly helps to drive the mod community, I think core game changes (like the OP suggested) are valid (if not for the current game, then for future developments). If BI came up with some way to replace the "tab-and-lock" easy-mode, then I'd certainly want to use it (and I'd be that much closer to parting with $50 when OA releases).
  20. Thirdup

    Auto-targeting in planes and vehicles

    I wouldn't dream of asking for anything close to the level of realism of a DCS title. Vanilla ArmA2 isn't a sim....never will be (I don't care what it says on the box or posted by veteran OPF players). But BI could at least put a little more effort into making things a bit more "sim-like" (ie: a working FLIR, countermeasures, forgodssake fix the analog throttles, etc).
  21. Thirdup

    Auto-targeting in planes and vehicles

    Oh you bet that *I* want that level of realism (at least in the air combat aspect of ArmA2). Watch this real A-10 close support footage (this is why we need both a *working* HUD *and* FLIR) szX45PdUOmo I think DCS: Black Shark is a pretty good example of "doing it right" in a sim (I can't friggin wait for their upcoming A-10 release). (starting around 1:40 there are a number of examples of the Shkval in use) czbouzFXdTo and a short example of using the Shkval in an aircraft dEjnPIbW8Bo
  22. Thirdup

    Auto-targeting in planes and vehicles

    Well, if you want to balance things that way then you'd need to remove all lockable weapons (to include those on vehicles and carried by players). Why should a tank be invisible to an A-10 when a player holding a Jav can lock onto the same tank? IRL, CAP aircraft receive a good deal of targeting information/assistance. Still, I love to see it removed and replaced with a more realistic system. The "tab and fire" method is too simplistic for my tastes. If ArmA ever wants to truely be that total MilSim experience, then they are going to have to dedicate more resources towards aircombat and it's weapon systems. I'm by no means saying that aircraft should be made any less effective, but I'd *much* rather have a working FLIR or Shkval system to ID an armor target and lock it up (ps: the ability to display FLIR & Shkval should be able to be displayed on a second monitor while we're at it) ;) And it's about time that BI hire a dev that can make a working countermeasures system for the vanilla game. If a pilot has to take the time to scan/ID/and lock up a target, he also needs the ability to be defensive during this time.