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Everything posted by Thirdup

  1. Yep, flying with it every night. Still very happy with it. Are you running ArmA2 controls in normal or in analog modes? It sounds to me like you want to adjust the sensitivity of the throttle. There are numerous things you could try. In ArmA2 goto Controls>Controllers>highlight the G940 Throttle>click Customize>try adjusting the sensitivity there. Another solution might be to adjust the actual deadband on the throttle, but I'm not certain that would resolve you issue at mid-point. I'm not even sure that Windows Game Controllers allows for that any more. And I don't recall seeing it in the Logitec Profiler settings.
  2. Thirdup

    How put songs in online

    Keep in mind that it can be VERY annoying to other players (many servers will ban people for abusing it). Some servers also are configured to not allow it at all. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Custom_Sounds_Tutorial
  3. To embed a clip into a message, paste just the last portion of the YouTude link after the "=" sign (it will be something like "wibxyHD-awg"). Then surround that by the "YouTube" code using the YouTube button on the message form. You'll end up with something that looks like this (but with a closed bracket at the end): [YOUTUBE]wibxyHD-awg[/YOUTUBE And the published result in an embedded clip: wibxyHD-awg
  4. Thirdup

    Cumbersome ArmA2 VR Rig

    LOL. Love it.
  5. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    OK, I see it now. Had to add a vehicle to the mission to get it to appear. I remember seeing that before when I was testing the module in Domination. Haven't seen it in awhile (likely because we switched to the scripted mission with no other vehicles present).
  6. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Roger that. Thanks
  7. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Roger all. I figured you'd shut off the nine line, but didn't know where. Not seeing the medevac text lately on the dedicated server, so I thought I'd just mention it (in case it was related). My bad on the "RTB". I thought you had changed all commands to call_actions. *you might consider either "all action menu calls" or "all radio calls" (just for simplicity...if it's possible). Helo evelvation at LZ is something that someone else brought up early on in testing. I see variations depending on the helo/flight model used (Blackhawk, Huey, CH-46 all hold at a few meters....CH-47 touches down)./ It does not effect the mission, I was just curious as to what may cause the behavior. *see clip oHSNLms6EoE
  8. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    We're currently testing some issues with MP (using scripts and a test mission). The actual module does in fact contain a unit array that covers all four factions.
  9. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Sorry for the delay, our trip ran a day late (the weather was just too nice for riding). --------------------------------- First pass: File folder in editor. Helo present. Crew present. Call available. Seeing msg "we" in top right corner box after call action. No radio traffic (nine line) heard at execution (understand this disabled for now?). Text FROM medevac IS working. The rest appears to be working as intended. *note: helo is still buggy as to holding ~3M from ground (no "RTB" command?) Second pass: Compressed pbo on self-host. Same as above. Third pass: Compressed pbo on dedicated. Two players. Helo present. Crew present. Call available for all three slots (both players could execute call action at same time (no msg "medevac already in use"). Only one helo present (no duplications). NO Radio traffic (nine line) at execution by caller. NO text from medevac. Helo dusts off and awaits smoke. Smoke in inventory (also for second player if he calls action). "Abort medevac" action available (but non-responsive). Smoke deploys. Helo responds. *note: helo is still buggy as to holding ~3M from ground. ---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ---------- Are you testing on a dedicated server? (ie: not self-hosting) I haven't seen this since the very first test build. My test partner also is not seeing this.
  10. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    I'm on the road until Sunday night, but will see where you're at with this when I return.
  11. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Again tested just the compressed .pbo on dedicated server. Helo and crew present at start of mission. Call action available to all three slots after ~15 second. Helo engines start at call activation. *No radio chatter (nine line). *No text (or voice) communications from medevac. Helo flys to player (as if looking for smoke) then holds. *No smoke spawn in inventory. No abort option (it's possible the script might time-out and reset...did not check that) Cannot proceed. *again did not test with two players at thi point
  12. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Will do. ---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ---------- OK, tested just the compressed .pbo on dedicated server this round. Helo and crew present at start of mission. Call action available to all three slots after ~15 second. Helo starts and takes off at activation. No radio chatter (nine line). No text (or voice) communications from medevac. Medevac hovers over spawn point at ~100ft. No smoke spawn in inventory. Cannot proceed beyond this point. *did not test with two players
  13. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    First pass: File folder in editor. 15 second delay working. Seeing msg "medivac script ready" (when helo spawns). New? Helo present. Crew present. Call available. No radio traffic (nine line) heard at execution. The rest appears to be working as intended. *helo did appear to wait until after smoke was tossed to dustoff (could just be proximity, but not seen this before) You might want to move the player units to the far end of field. Second pass: Compressed pbo on self-host. Same as above. Third pass: Compressed pbo on dedicated. Two players. 15 second delay working. Helo present. Crew present. Call available for all three slots. No popup msg "medivac script ready" Radio traffic (nine line) heard ONLY by caller at execution. *seeing strange behaviour Sometimes caller will see helo spin up, other players just see it sitting there (not running). Once it only took off after "cancel medevac" had been executed (but over-shot and flew to unknown location). Other times it was totally unresponsive. All players appear to have the call action. If one executes, others get "already in use" msg (as expected). A few minutes later "medevac now availabe" popup but then "already in use" if they try to call. Seems like things are a bit out of sync. Could not see any really clear patern in errors. Seems to be a variation between what one player sees and the others.
  14. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Will test again. Squad night. Server is busy now. ---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ---------- On dedicated. Multiple players logged in. Only one medevac helo and crew present at spawn. Call action available to all. Not functioning (no activation).
  15. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    First pass: File folder in editor. All working as intended. Second pass: Compressed pbo on self-host. Appears all working as intended. Third pass: Compressed pbo on dedicated. Helo and crew present at spawn point. Call action is available from all three slots. Call action non-responsive (no execution). ------------------- *I'm going to be out-of-pocket until late tonight, but if you put another build up I'll get it tested then. Thanks for all your work on this!
  16. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    First pass: File folder in editor. All working as intended. Second pass: Compressed pbo on self-host. Appears all working as intended. Third pass: Compressed pbo on dedicated. Two players. Call action is available from all three slots. Still two helos (and two crews) appearing. Only one player can call action - reports "medevac in use" to other (as expected). Medic still reporting for duty to squad leader slot (as expected). *Side note: I was also curious what would happen if I edited your mission so the three slots were not grouped (all slots playable as in Domination). Still got multiple helos (one for each player online).
  17. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    On it. Will report as soon as the server frees up.
  18. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    You bet! Squad is in a mission right now, so I can't jump on the dedicated right this second. But I can get it all set up to test.
  19. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Glad to help. Yeah, you might even leave the radio traffic to the caller. On a large server, not everyone may want to hear the chatter. Great progress, though.
  20. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    First pass: Folder in editor. Working as intended. Second pass: Compressed to pbo. Self-hosted (alone). Working (but only tested alone). Third pass: Compressed as pbo. Loaded onto dedicated (with two players). Units present. Helo present. Crew present. Call action availiable for ONLY slot #3. Upon call, second helo spawns, bounces off first (crew sometimes bails if damaged). Nine line heard by caller (#3) Smoke spawn inventory caller (#3) Helo reports to smoke and deploys crew. Medic runs to squad leader (not caller #3). All this appears pretty normal given the way you set up the test mission roles. The only major bug seems to be the multiple appearance of the helos. Looks like progress! ---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 PM ---------- And by that I mean that there is a unit with a leader (and the medic runs to the leader). I'm not sure why only the #3 slot is seeing the action. Nor why there are multiple helos.
  21. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Will get on it right now! ---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ---------- First pass: Unzipped file. Moved folder to "missions". Opened in editor. Units present. Med helo present. Crew present. Call medevac action present, but does not fucntion. Second pass: Compressed as .pbo on self-hosted MP Same results as above Third pass: Compressed as .pbo on dedicated MP Same results as above *Notes: I suspect it's something simple here. Have not looked at script yet.
  22. Thirdup

    Medevac Module

    Good developemental policy. ;) Keep us posted!
  23. Thirdup

    Directions relative to what?

    Yep. Relative to the AI who calls it and it seems hosed as often as correct. I like it better when they give a bearing instead ("enemy to our west") but they rarely use that format.