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Everything posted by thr0tt

  1. Amazing, I have been trying new drivers, new GART, old drivers, cleaning everything as I thought it was a driver issue. My HD3850 is doing the exact same thing !! The only way currently to run the game without this is setting memory to low in game but this also means textures are low. I have had this happen in ArmA recently too but on once since last beta patch. I can reproduce this in seconds if Devs want to contact me to test anything or send any reports. Thr0tt.
  2. Getting an error when I check for update, says getting 1.08 (I thought we were all on 1.07?) then downloads a 1KB file and I get application errors... does this mean you are updating the server thus I need to wait ?
  3. Graphics appear more responsive and sticking to the buildings better i.e. not flickering. Overall it all looks good for me. I have not had time to play for a prolonged period but hopfully will test later tonight and report back. Good work BIS. Edit: After 30 min or so I still get texture popup on buldings in busy areas but overall it appears better. Looks like this is just a 'feature' of ArmA engine ;)
  4. thr0tt

    24/7 A.C.E SERVER

    Are you using Yoma Tools ? Very useful program and handy to make sure your mods are the same as the server.
  5. I also have a computer that is more than required to play this game and it rns the game fine with about 30-45fps with the patches. Lets hope that my post is as informative and helpful as yours. Cheers. ArmA2 is slated for release Q1 09, OFP2 Summer 09 ish (no ingame footage as yet). Feel free to wait.
  6. A server I really enjoy playing on has just turned this on and as such I now have problems joining 'sometimes' - Ping when joining is around 39ms, I have no outbound rules blocking and my firewall shows no blocks or inbound restrictions when running ArmA, it really frustrated me when I can't just sit down and play MP ArmA when I want (limited time I can play) and some days I can't play at all due to this error... I would love to turn off all my AV and firewalls but not really into sacrificing my machine to the intarweb god so any other suggestions as to what this could be or how to fix / if a fix is being made ?
  7. thr0tt

    BattlEye: Client Not Responding

    No. My router doesn't support UPnP and works ok.
  8. Although this feels much better I still get texture pop ups on buildings when a lot is going on. I saw some on ArmA II also so I guess its just one of those things that will never be overcome. Frames appear smoother which is a plus, I still have to reduce a lot of the options to low to get a good fps for mp.
  9. thr0tt

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    Any news on the fixed version of this as I don't know how to edit the files myself and I like the majority of the sounds so want to keep this one. The only issue for me is the missing gun sound I think. Cheers,
  10. thr0tt

    What about the oil-pumps

    It's easy enough to make your own fire effect, in fact you could use the fire effects that are already there for vehicles. The scripts are in *.pbo files, easy to find with tools that can extract the *.pbo files. As for animating the fuel pumps, you could make a script that uses the 'animate' command and get a list of the positions and IDs of the fuel pumps to animate. There are only a few fuel pumps on the map, all by Cayo, so getting a list of them would be easy. have you seen the fire smoke coming from those oil pumps in the 1st video that came out? its not a simple fire.. they looked different, as if they were blown from the oil pumps. Notice the pumps in this trailer were also static although other trailers (without burining) they are animated. I prefer them animated at the moment and the burning effect I could live without, would be a nice to have though, maybe a random on off type thing ? What about putting a static object inside the pumps that is burning ?
  11. thr0tt

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    Only had a little go with this and like others not using the UK version (I purchased the German version) - default sound on M16 same as others. Nice work though, hopefully you can fix or patch if u find a fix ? Cheers.
  12. HD3850 AGP here, all working fine and as far as I know ATI don't add a fix then remove it later in their drivers. AGP 'thang' is still here as it performs just as well as the pci-e 'thang'.
  13. thr0tt

    Pale custom faces on ATI Cards?

    This was fixed, are you using the drivers that came with the card or latest ones ? I just replaced my X1950Pro with HD3850 and it is much faster but did notice if textures on high then I get slow loads too but on normal / low the game runs like a new game tbh.
  14. Not tried that but as far as i am aware Queens Gambit will sit along side normal ArmA and be invoked by using the mod string in a shortcut so it is treated like another 'mod'. You can run normal or QG once installed so should be ok.
  15. Just downloading all the updates and going to reinstall but at the moment I can't see to find South Sahrani ?? I just want to start Warfare but there is no options there, I have joined a server running it but cannot start my own. Anyone else have this ?
  16. thr0tt

    Warfare v1.0

    Not a fan of this, no servers I have joined play any sort of team play unlike Evolution, at least you all are going for the same target, now it seems everyone is just rushing around all over the place.
  17. thr0tt

    1.14 Missing South Sahrani ?

    Strange, just re-ran the 1.14 update and it has appeared...
  18. Hi, Anyone know how to supress this message when starting the multiplayer session ? Every time I start I get this flash up at the start - It is a little annoying and clicking isnt a great hardship but would be good for this to be bypassed ? btw I am using the beta patch... Thanks in advance. Thr0tt
  19. thr0tt

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    I was just reading some of the dev entries on the new vegetation implementation on ArmA II and it does look spectacular the problem is I WANT IT NOW I hope it is still on schedule for this year release.
  20. thr0tt

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    I would have expected much more interest in this, still, any improvements are good, the last beta runs great and if they can improve it more then better still !
  21. thr0tt

    Silly question

    I too have the German version but no matter how many times I change the language in game the manual still stays German, damn BIS !!
  22. thr0tt

    Reviving the dead and extra lives

    It can be added to missions so my vote says leave it out as, next ppl will be asking for 'god' mode, I mean its taken me ages to find the jump key in ArmA
  23. "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=DBE1;@ArmAEffects;lowplants;beta;AACFSOUND -nosplash and C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\AACFSOUND exists with 2 files aacf_cfg.pbo (30KB) and aacfsounds.pbo (42Mb), there is a subdirectory called Addons which is empty. Edit: Don't worry worked it out, needed to move the contents from the AACFSOUND root to the Addons directory, works fine now thanks. Will try later
  24. For some reason this doesn't work for me. It says I am running the mod when I join games but the sounds stay the same or at least sound very similar to the original ? Anyone else assist please ?
  25. thr0tt

    HDS New Project

    Dead or alive ?