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Everything posted by thr0tt

  1. thr0tt

    ATI Catalyst 9.7 is here

    Np's I've done it now so all good, it also helps you as others may think you are the originating source of these and you could have got inundated with requests / mails for more drivers etc. :bounce3:
  2. I am hoping to get tickets for the Olympics, I will ask if I can get a medal in advance, can I quote you, maybe you could leak me one in advance ? ;)
  3. Reduce Texutures to low, change AGP Aperture in BIOS to 512MB and see how you get on. Also, look at the sticky as this is the same problem as HD3xxx, HD4xxx cards too on 'some' systems.
  4. You mean http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33948551 and http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33948552 where you got those links from ? May be useful for people to have a look to see if anyone els has posted responses to the original source. You could also go http://forums.techpowerup.com/showthread.php?t=98785 or http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?p=3198865 - amazing he gets no recognition here when you folk just post the download links. Just doing my bit for a very helpful leaker of drivers.
  5. thr0tt

    ATI Catalyst 9.7 is here

    Nice one for taking the credit for these drivers, appears to be no mention here of rflair who makes these available in several forums. Would be nice for you to either link to one of the original threads like http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33948551 or at least suggest this is taken from another site. I also like the way you never even changed the text from the original thread... unless you are rflair but highly doubt it.
  6. thr0tt

    Where is the new patch?

    30th May and I have had 2 1/2 patches so far, still hasn't fix the problem but ArmA 1 is on 1.16 Beta after 2 years so judge now.
  7. Just tried the latest RC of the drivers from ATI and ArmA II is still incompatible with XP and ATI GPU's on some systems. http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33948552 if anyone wishes to try but pointless exercise until BIS fix the game.
  8. Maybe the calls themselves aren't actually calls but just simple text sends and as such if I type a message in the talk box I get whatever message I type and not your localised version ?
  9. Helps me, just tested in game and get better frames and less stuttering by setting VD to 1000 rather than 2000 which it was.
  10. Reduce view distance to 1000 or less will sort out stuttering as that sounds like distant textures loading and your system battling over which resource gets used first.
  11. There is a thread dedicated the ATI cards stickied. Please post your findings in there. Looks like AMD/ATI cards should be avoided until its sorted.
  12. I'm not running Vista so I thought I would add to the pointless replies.
  13. thr0tt

    Texture loading/LOD logic

    The game engine has always done this and if they haven't fixed it by now then my guess it always will at varying degrees.
  14. thr0tt

    cpuCount ignored?

    -bananas=Infinity will give you your best results. I hope you enjoy your testing, there must be a point i'm sure but lost interest page 1.
  15. thr0tt

    cpuCount ignored?

    Ok, I think I understand what you are getting at, basically just using the cpucount doesn't do jack, that is correct and the devs have already stated this which is what I was trying to tell you. Check here for Suma's explanation to his game and how to use that command. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73663&highlight=cpucount+affinity
  16. thr0tt

    cpuCount ignored?

    Works for me, you have to change cpucount to the number you want then change the affinity to that number also. Strange you are unable to get it working on your testing.
  17. thr0tt

    FPS isn't everything...

    Why not just post a thread saying 'I have a superior system and can run the game so I am not interested in the other 80% of folk who isn't a spoilt brat and cannot afford to upgrade every component to play the game'. ? Thanks for the really useful advise.
  18. thr0tt

    cpuCount ignored?

    You need to do cpucount then set affinity otherwise it doesn't work. It is documented in another thread somewhere, if only this fourm had a search function... oh it does ?
  19. Luckily they removed the word gullible from the dictionary, thank jeebus. We await the solution, lets hope this computer expert is heavily paid.
  20. Windows 7 and AGP (ATI Cards) doesn't work so I'm fugged ! Tried everything to get it working and no joy. Guess ArmA 2 and all its greatness is going to have to wait for me to completely change my system before I can play properly, really happy I wasted my money on the German and UK versions, thanks BIS, great looking game, fantastic functions but doesn't work for me. This is my last post on this so good luck to eveyone else with the issue and I hope you have better luck.
  21. Just installing now, problem is I don't think NF3 is supported so gonna be a pig to get running.
  22. Thanks for letting us know. Now, you are aware this is a troubleshooting forum where folk come to post errors and problems and ask for help in solving these issues. There currently are no forums for you to just complain and moan and say you know best and understand the fundamentals of patching (professional vs amateur).
  23. Thanks for the feedback that you don't have the issue on your 4870. I too was only leaving personal feedback as you (working for BIS) who has not had the issue nor stated or implied anyone else within BIS has had or experienced the issue would only make me throw a guess in there that you may or may not be looking to 'fix' it. Lets hope that if this issue were to appear somewhere within BIS (I'm not saying it is or isnt) that you (i'm not saying you personally but addressing BIS) are able to isolate it (i'm not saying you haven't already isolated as you may or may not have) and fix it (if it is not already fixed). I hope that clears up the confusion (I am not saying you are confused but a gereral confusion over non-commital responses leading to presumption and guess work). Cheers, :D
  24. Cool, you have just helped me not even bother going any further in the campaign as I can't stand the warfare mode.